
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

THE OTHER WOMAN movie review

Once again, I want to warn my readers to save their money to go to watch a movie that has neither head nor tail and all it does is to expose beautiful women actors for the joy of the male viewers that will surely go in big numbers to watch their uncovered body parts. Again, all I can say is to spend the 7 bucks to go with friends to drink a beer or listen together to good (classical?) music, I did not leave the theater before the end of the movie only because my timing was rigidly framed between my meals and meds dispensing, but I wish I could have done it. Surely, one of the actors was a real joy for my eyes to look at, but only because of the size of her bikini topJ.
 Other than that, there’s very little else to watch, follow or even enjoy, so unless you are a boy without any different entertainment, save yourself some money and go do something else. My unique excuse/reason for being there is simply because even if I’m really close to my family, it’s like I’m on another planet and only a space shuttle could take my treasures to see/be with me, their unique real dad, who survived this accident only because of my love for them, no matter that I was warned that it would have been painful to remain alive. I admit that I often think why the heck I’m still here to be a bother for “my women”, who I’m sure would be much relieved if I was already inside a coffin underground, since 2005.
However, my ladies since God let me survive something that would have killed immediately anybody else and has left my brain still in pretty good conditions (regardless what Erik boldly stated in writing), here I am, here I plan to stay and unless you don’t figure out a way to get rid of me, I’m going to be in your lives for as long as God wants, or I’d say at least 30 more years.

Don’t watch this movie however!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


When I established the GEOX business in the USA I needed a VP of sales and I put the word out about the type of person and experience I was looking for, then one day I had a lunch appointment to interview one of the candidates for this position, or Pat Hogan who since he knew so much about the footwear business, the Nordstrom family (who used to play golf with him every Sunday) and the many years of experience in the field as footwear rep that I hired pretty much over that lunch in an Italian restaurant in Manhattan – even if he didn’t drink a sip of wine, explaining that he’s never done it in his whole life (which is why I forgave him and hired too!).
I’m told that with my blog I inspire many to keep it tough when things don’t go as wanted or planned, well my own inspiration – also of religious kind – comes from him every time, so if someone is inspired by what I post in my blog should thank Pat, because he’s the source of my inspirations.
I hope that all who come to read me here knows already pretty well about my damnation from the accident, so I see no point in elaborating on it any more now, what I want to say is that I’m still today always inspired by Pat and by what he tells me every time we talk on the phone (once a week, more than what my former wife manages to do).
Shortly after I came back to life, coming out of the coma, he surprised me very much by telling me that my accident is a God-given challenge and that I have its reason and solution in front of my eyes, if I don’t see why I was basically murdered in 2005 it's only because I’m not ready yet to see and understand – since God never keeps secrets with men – then he always adds that once I’ll see and understand why I was hit so hard right when I felt to have reached the top of all my work and living dreams, it’ll be the time for me to come back to work again in a very exposed and esteemed position in the footwear industry.
To me this is more than plenty to “hang in there and keep it tough” even if I’m very aware that our time living here on earth is minimal when compared to the eternity of our souls after they are let free from our bodies and join the God creator.

Given that I've already put in my blog here “bits and pieces” of my beliefs I’m not going to bore you any longer with my “theological concepts/ideas” anyone can read them both here, in my well-chosen posted links and by doing any internet search on your own.
AND as usual:

Monday, April 28, 2014


My life is now spent mostly in front of my PC browsing the internet, that – as we all know too well – contains everything and its opposite at the same time, so I’m probably crazy making this post with links about websites that explain in medical sense the benefit of my passion that’s become something that I can’t mention anymore when the mother of my treasures can hear me and the theological explanation of the reason why to pray can’t result in receiving what’s being prayed for and the reason why God doesn’t intervene in human matters. In short if you pray for a beloved one with cancer you can stop now to waste your time because God would never make the miracle you are asking for with your praying, but it’s also true that your time spent praying isn’t at all wasted, not because you can make a miracle with the intensity of your mind focused on praying for it, but very much because by entering in communication with the Creator of the universe (God) and by doing it your intense desire for something considered impossible (or at least very difficult) may truly become reality that since science cannot explain it, it's usually called “miracle”.

  1. As I’ve been doing for more than one year I put here below links that give foundation and explanation to what I just wrote here AND as usual I put links to “my dear forbidden” cure to my brain and I repeat again for the millionth time that I’d be saving to myself and to all of my readers all of this time (too much) if I could just be allowed to give to this “off-label therapy” an attempt, once I’ll have done it, no matter if I’ll be proven to always have been correct or dead wrong I swear in writing that I’ll transform this blog in something completely different regarding what I truly like, such as arts, history, literature, architecture over the centuries and politics. No more guess-science and its guessing applications for sure will ever appear here again. I swear, just let me try and life will forever change for you and me! Of course my primary fault is that I never truly believed in the existence of God and his son Jesus, I was simply taught to be a faithful Catholic because I was born and raised in Italy where not to be a Catholic is not considered even an option, so as written by many in the New Testament I should better ask for what I want, not expect it to happen just because the human intelligence thinks it's right, so in hoping that with these many years that it took to understand that ONLY if I ask to the Creator of this universe I'll be granted what I've been asking for, I'll receive it, I ask to all my readers here to help me ask for the impossible to God, since this can only be accomplished through Him.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


While to find the actual church where the mass was going to be celebrated, it took me a very long time and big struggles with different people who tried to help me go to the right place using the always present GPS in new cell phones, I was finally able to be at the mass I had mentioned here yesterday and I must tell you that – besides some low level appearances – I was helped to understand and remember why I’m still alive in this huge pain, abandonment and humiliations. In fact – as I had said before – while in a coma I said to have met Jesus Christ who told to me that to remain alive for my paternal love for my children was possible but was going to be painful, I hope everyone here remembers the jokes I had made that aspirin or Tylenol would be able to take care of my pain, that’s been attempted to be treated by 4 different pain specialists without any success, so I’ve been living for about 7 years taking morphine at very small dosage, because it’s the only substance that makes my pain at least manageable, what’s somewhat ludicrous is that I’m still trying to be treated for it in hope to totally eliminate it when I know (somehow) for sure that few simple injections of Enbrel would forever let free from my pain that’s the only reason why I can’t walk after having tried to do so for 8 years working with experienced and very good/dedicated therapists.
2 words about my paternal love that I consider important to express here, in fact I kept wondering why my father kept telling me that I only had mentioned my treasures as the reason to ask not to die, in my mind in fact I always imagined that since the children are conceived, formed and born out of the body of the mother, they are the ones with the most intimate and deep connection with the children, I never imagined that a father could ever have any particular connection with his children, especially given the role played when they are conceived, so I couldn’t understand why I hadn’t mentioned my spouse Michele. However, my dad was very firm and determined in confirming that I had never mentioned the woman I still passionately love even today.
This Mass - very different from the ones made in Italy that I’m very used to- gave me the clear reason that explains why so many MD have been failing for several years to at least reduce my pain and – once again – explained the reason for my constant and insistent request to be treated with a TNF-alpha product (casually named Enbrel) for so long with so much refusal and frustration (to me). While I do believe in the existence of God, my brain being injured isn’t able to connect with Him, so I think that I’m going to need very much human intelligence and compassion to obtain what I’ve been asking for 6 full years. As I’ve been saying if this is what those criminals condemned me to while I'm alive, it’s just their own decision made with their own free will that determines what will be the eternity of their souls when they will leave their bodies here on Earth (=die). Not my business neither that of anyone else, simple free will that we have thanks to Eve (as the Bible explains).
It was also – towards the very end of this Mass – mentioned of the Canonization of 2 different Popes who we all saw because they had their position not very long ago, I actually remember well them both and the news about their deaths, what disturbed me a little is that the information about this historical canonization was given just like news about the local fair of used stuff is given and I believe that for the Vatican to proclaim 2 new Saints at this time is almost a miracle by itself, but once again I’m a brain injured man who tells of his ideas and feelings using the very public internet tool, so once again take it as it comes and never forget  what Erik assessed me to be (an idiot who can't count to 3).

Saturday, April 26, 2014


The part I liked, and made me think the most - besides that it's based on a true story -  is when the kid told to his mother that he had met in heaven “his other sister”, who turns out to be the one who died before being born (stillborn?), it made me think of all the souls aborted by women when they will die, I bet they won’t know what/who they are looking at.
What I truly loved too is that this movie is fully consistent with my post of 3/25  named MY OWN “RELIGION THEORY” that introduces my idea that the human brain is part of God for making it possible for us to be in communication with the creator of the whole universe (again, God).
This part made me think very much to my own NDE (near death experience) that still makes me crazy because I cannot remember to have made a deal to remain alive for the love I have for my children/treasures only, even if in pain, with Jesus and not even the NDE website can give me an explanation.
However, it’s very possible that such encounter between mothers-to-be and aborted souls won’t ever happen, since those souls are surely in heaven and for a woman who did abort/murdered a fetus it’ll be difficult - if not impossible – to ever go to heaven, but I really can't tell because love is unpredictable as much as what God decides, that's beyond human logic and intelligence.

This part of this movie made me try to imagine about what the souls of certain women I know will do when it’ll become clear that they did commit murder just for convenience or to take care of practical issues and that for these reasons they will not be welcome in Earthly heaven forever (= in eternity). Maybe it will be the unjust Dr. Erik who will have to entertain them forever (but how?? he's too dumb and full of himself to be able to ever entertain)….

Friday, April 25, 2014

Transcendence movie does it again……

Given that the psych. Erik assessed (for his own comfort) for me to be unsafe to hold my money savings and manage my disability incomes, so that now a girl – who by age could be my own daughter - who's not bad, but I doubt ever traveled outside of this State (while I was the president of few companies for more than 12 years across 2 continents in different countries and I’m still fluent in 3 different languages of the 5 I do know well) I might not have understood what the movie Transcendence is all about…., however since I kind of understood that the message is that by adding to the human brain the power of the internet, the result is a God,  I believe that this is yet another Hollywood attempt (see my 4/4-18 and 3/27 posts here) to replace the “consumer God” with religious values that clearly got lost in this country that was very focused for a very long time on wealth creation without caring for human (and religious) values and somehow generated this financial crisis we have been in, so here’s the guilty one! (But who Erik? God, the internet or the human brain?).
Again I advise my preferred caregiver and Catholic extremist not to spend her hard earned money to watch it, neither any of my readers here should waste their time and money for this wasted attempt, I’m actually glad not to have even offered to my boy Brent to come with me, the only good thing out of this “outing” was that I went to Mac Donald’s for some chicken nuggets, so I can say that I’m happy now, almost 3 hours without brewing over my misfortunes caused by one (E.L.) and reinforced by others (T.N.+M.W.+A.M.+B.V.).

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Very much has been written about the feeling of love in humans (few links below) and I truly cannot (according to Erik) add anything intelligent to this complex concept.
What I want to simply express is that love is a feeling uniquely human, if we see any animal taking care of the newborns or mate to have them, it’s just because their instincts somehow “force” them to do so.
As much as we descend from African monkeys (according to Darwin) we have the capacity of love feelings that make us act accordingly that’s uniquely human, therefore our mating and taking care of our newborns isn’t something coming from the “genes programming” like in any other animal, but it’s truly something that resides in the human brain (not in the heart- as commonly thought) in addition us humans do have the soul, another major difference from animals, this brings me to say what I consider to be important, or that when we die our souls continue to exist with all of our memories and go “somewhere” depending in what you believe in.
Us Catholics have embraced what the immortal poet Dante Alighieri described in his Comedy, that given that it was a “collection of popular beliefs on the streets”(he wrote) in his times (about year 1.200 -1.300) might just be a poetic fantasy.
What’s true however is that our souls end up somewhere after our bodies cease to function, there remain in eternity and – aside what the Comedy tells – if some person has caused to another to suffer or die eternity in what’s been called hell is sure.
So why would anyone trade few decades of success, importance and wealth here, at the expenses of others, with eternity in hell? I hope it's clear to you that I don't consider importance or success to be trivial, I'm just saying that they can turn out to be bad if earned at the expenses of somebody else.
I just want to mention a couple of facts consistent with this post, or that the 17th century French mathematician Pascal Wager stated that “it’s better (more convenient) to believe that a God exists, rather than not” and what Pope Francis recently stated or that even atheists have access to heaven, as long as they never did hurt anyone else, while here.
 I could write an entire new post in reference to what several people have caused to me to be hurt and humiliated, but not now, maybe later.....


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The fact that the “inventor” of the use of Enbrel (TNF-alpha) for TBI recovery has been trying for years to go after the Alzheimer industry (revenues of several billions) without trying to focus on what I’ve been calling the epidemic of this new millennium (TBI), no matter how many times I tried to warn him about it, this explains – I’m afraid – the reason why the FDA still hasn’t been given the chance to approve it for TBI recovery.
Of course this is all and only a matter of money, or the billions of dollars for the treatment of the always increasing population of Alzheimer’s patients vs. the irrelevant increase in sales of the couple of shots needed to successfully give neurological recovery to victims of TBI even decades after their initial brain insult (watch video at my post on March 4th this year).
What the very successful and enriched Tobinick doesn’t seem to grasp (even if I tried to warn him by email several times already) is that to go after a billionaire industry like the one of the medications for Alzheimer is about suicidal, in fact the maker of the Etanercept or Enbrel (Pfizer in Germany, Amgen here) can’t even think to spend the very much money needed to have its Enbrel re-purposed for TBI recovery when the only result would only be just an added cost to their bottom line.
On November 13th of last year I had wrote and published here a post titled “Patriotism and Capitalism” on this same topic (I guess Erik should know by now that I’m not as dumb as he had assessed me to be).
I hope that this makes it clear the reason why I’ve been sending messages for the support of this repurposing to our President Obama and the whole Congress for months because this can only happen if someone like our own President elect can spend (our) money to support this.

I was hoping that since he gave his support to both stem cell research and human brain mapping he could understand that by supporting this re-purposing he would go into the history like Madame Curie for defeating the terrible epidemic of this historical time, but then again “who knows?” Sadly not me.

Friday, April 18, 2014


I call one of my best former caregivers “Catholic extremist” and I’m sure that she would enjoy this movie. BUT as I posted here on 3/27 regarding the crisis of consumerism in the USA and the pitiful attempt by Hollywood to replace it with religious values, this isn’t a movie that anyone should spend a dime to watch, obviously for Catholic extremists it’s probably a very good and well done movie, but all I can say is that – as usual – my dear son Brent didn’t accept my invitation to spend few hours with me and I’m glad he didn’t because it’s really a “fanatic” way to portray the Catholic faith in God that’s both confusing and unrealistic. I’m sorry Hollywood but right after watching this movie I went to a CVS to buy something to keep my desk clean and right after to a Mac Donald’s to buy my dinner, so I’d say that if the goal of the movie was for people who saw it, is to bypass the “consumer traps” my spending my too little money in these kinds of “consumers’ towers” makes it clear the effect this movie had on me.
Saying that the Catholic faith can’t be given to people through movies, but through real living examples probably makes me wrong, but since this is the way I made it part of me, I can’t think of any other way to do it (surely not by going to the theater to watch a  movie).
On this subject, I must say that I’m surprised by the absence, silence and irrelevance of people of faith in this country (priests, bishops and cardinals) I think that they are given the “golden opportunity” to create strong followership by the crisis of the “alternative faith” or consumerism and for them to have President Obama lead the charge to the return to the real human values that built this country is very disappointing to say the least.

Whatever (as the “Catholic extremist” would say to conclude).

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Humanity has been using this concept to correct or threaten other people since I’d say, it’s existence. Even the Catholic religion let’s you have communion only after confession, normally followed by some kind of “punishment” that’s normally about asking to God for forgiveness through the recitation of prayers, not to mention that the Vatican burnt alive the so-called heretics for hundreds of years and just think about when you want to teach to you children about anything, doesn’t everyone warns about a possible spanking coming in case the instructions given aren’t followed literally?
Same for the law worldwide, no matter in what country or culture, there are always laws that determine the punishment (money or jail time in good cases) to be used according to the gravity of the fault/mistake.
To the point that here in the USA we follow the “eye for an eye” rule that’s at least as old as humankind is, or if someone kills someone else, the punishment is death by lethal injection or electric chair.
I guess that platoon execution with rifles or hanging is considered too cruel to kill somebody who had murdered someone else.
Anyway, having been raised as a catholic in the country hosting the Vatican, I obviously always thought that whenever something bad happens it’s the obvious punishment for something bad that had been done to someone else.
It was based on this concept that right after I had come out of the coma I convinced myself that the “good fatherly God” doesn’t exist, because:
  • how could something this devastating, unfair and atrocious be allowed to happen to me
  • Why has my dearly beloved wife and mother to my treasures Michele tried to replace me with my own doc B.?
  • Why aren’t my treasures any closer to me now that I’ve moved to live so much closer (=around the corner) to them?
  • Why has my last neuropsy Erik condemned me to full conservatorship just to be safer in his professional work?
  • Why absolutely none of my very good and experienced MDs wanted to let me even try the perispinal Enbrel therapy for TBI recovery that hopefully will become the standard treatment for TBI in a short time?
  • Why is my sister Anna no more interested in helping me, her older brother who always and only took care of her safety and comfort?
I wrote here before that the good man, Paul Harch MD has reached the deserved fame, success and money by keeping on fighting to support his idea that HBOT can truly help in some kind of TBI (concussion), that’s now widely used to treat all of our soldiers who come back from war zones with this type of TBI, I even read that now portable chambers for HBOT are under study and development to treat TBI victims already in the war field. He told me that medical progress is reached “funeral after funeral” and all I can say is that I hope it won’t be with my funeral that the use of TNF-alpha (or Enbrel) will become more accepted in the medical world.
It’s very true however that I might be completely wrong in my belief in this new treatment, I only wish I could have tried it, so I could talk from personal experience, and given that TBI is basically a real epidemic today, I cannot believe that a trivial issue of money can stop its approval worldwide, so I do accept to have been completely incorrect in my belief for this long.
Coming back to the very reason of this post, I’ve been trying for years on a 24/7 basis to think of a reason why I may deserve this punishment (the only way to call my life since my accident) but all I can say is that I’m not going to die before I can figure out any possible reason for this in fact, not only I never killed anybody, but I never even hated anyone so much that I wished anything very bad to happen.
I’m tired to put here in the links to “official NIH” websites regarding this treatment, so I just ask to my readers to post comments or make me small donations, given that I’m still fully supporting my family.
I only ask to the ones convinced that this treatment is valid to be just like P. Harch has been for HBOT, money, fame and success will arrive eventually.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Pat is the first top manager I hired in probably the best job I ever had.
He calls me once each week since I had brain injury (about 8 years ago), no matter where he’s travelling or what he’s doing.
He has been saying that even if nobody can understand why I’m still alive, God knows it and since He never keeps secrets from us, the reason/answer is in front of my eyes and if I can’t see it, it’s just because I’m not ready yet, then Pat goes on telling me of how great is going to be my coming back to work in the footwear industry,
If I add to this what my friend, the best shoe retailer in NY (Danny) recently emailed to me, “I am also looking for the day that you are back in the shoe business. You are both a great innovator and leader.”
I admit that I’ve been trying to figure out why I did survive an accident that would have killed anyone else and why I’m still living in this painful and disgusting (=unacceptable to me) conditions, abandoned by the woman who had children with me and my own sister too, who convinced herself that she’s been helping me very much…….
This morning I woke up with this craziest idea that I’m still living in all of this pain and abandonment because with this blog I’m supposed to both make it clear to the world that God is real and that something to restore the dead functions of an injured brain does really exist already and it’s readily available to use.
The fact that after having tried for about one full year I still haven’t done it, is just because nothing good can happen just by itself, it must come out from something very bad of at least the same level or reach of what’s truly good. Of course I’m referring to the use of the TNF-alpha (or Etanercept/Enbrel) to reduce the brain inflammation typical after the TBI and that can last for entire decades (unlike what most textbooks say).
This – of course – is coming from an abandoned brain injured man with no education in medicine, so please just take it as it comes.

In truth what I’m still hoping is that someone with this kind of “power” would be so kind to demonstrate to me – by having me try the perispinal injection therapy – that I’m wrong and we should all know already the reason why……


Sunday, April 13, 2014


I admit (and did before) that I never had any interest in learning, making sense and/or understand anything in what I’m calling the “guess-science”, for the most part I follow what my “common logic” tells me what makes any sense.
I have, however been in email contact both with important bio-engineers and even people at the FDA who for their own reasons simply tell me that they are Mr. I, or Mr. B or whatever, I guess because they never want to risk to be (mis-)quoted in what they say in anything they decide to give their inputs.
So what I’m writing here comes from one of these “nobody” involved in the TBI recovery research and given that it makes sense to me I quote it almost literally (and in Italic).
I explain something basic to you about disease, in particular complex diseases having to do with brain injury or degeneration.  The outcome of a particular stroke or TBI event, typically kills brain cells within a central zone, and rather than killing cells in the outer zone, or penumbra, does inhibit their activity.  What Enbrel seems to be doing is to be removing this inhibition, most likely on synapses because of the rapidity of action.  This has not been approached by previous treatments.  No current treatment is going to bring back the dead cells, which is why there is much interest in stem cell research, which aspires to do this.  
Enbrel, on the other hand, appears to remove cell inhibition in the penumbra.  How well someone responds, is determined by how big the central, as distinct from the outer, zone, is.  If a large central zone is damaged, Enbrel outcomes appear to be telling to the field that the outer, inhibited zone is often larger than previously suspected.

This type of unknown aspect of many of these diseases is why outcomes vary.  It is a principle applying to all conditions in which research that is more basic is required, but it rarely is looked at properly because funding in general is scarce.  A positive outcome in rheumatoid arthritis, the biggest use to which Enbrel is put, is that about 70%, for essentially the same reason.
And this is why my injured logic and intelligence can’t let me stop hoping that sooner than later somebody will figure out that this “off-label” use of Enbrel can truly save our country from its financial difficulties and put back to work the (too) many victims of TBI who can’t wait for the already existing solution to be widely adopted by our government and the entire US guess-science population.
Sadly too many MD have already attempted to give logic to their refusal to treat me, but if anyone might have a word in my support I ask to please leave their comments.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


First of all I want to clarify that people who chose to dedicate their lives to religion   (nuns, priests, monks etc....) aren’t any smarter or more intelligent than any of us, normal people, it’s only that since they decided to dedicate their entire lives to the idea that by loving a superior entity they have time and opportunities to think to subjects that normally nobody ever spends more than one minute per month/year to think about.
So while I consider myself pretty intelligent since birth and having improved by doing many hours in an hyperbaric chamber breathing pure medical oxygen to send it into my brain (HBOT), I surely became smarter and brighter than how I used to be (pretty smart already).
Well, one priest I used to know well and whom I used to see every week because he was bringing communion to me, told one day to me that if my “disaster” had happened few hundreds of years ago, I’d be now considered to be a Saint, I actually used to make jokes with one of my caregivers about the Saint name I could have chosen to be given, since a Saint Carlo exists already, but I never came up with a different one for me to use.
Then recently another of these “religious people” told me that it’s clear that God chose to give me a big challenge, because the cross I chose to carry to be with my treasures is surely very heavy and the guess-science has no idea of what to do to make it lighter, or even how to make it disappear (yeah!).
Sometimes I laugh of my thoughts after the end of my coma that used to relate the warnings that Jesus had told me about, that I was convinced that could be taken care with little Tylenol or aspirin.
What’s sure is that nothing (human) exists to make my carrying this cross of pain and abandonment any better (or lighter, at least).
Therefore – as religious people do all the time – I’ve been trying to think of a reason why I’m challenged so painfully and heavily, especially after having lived what I call a “perfect life” for 42 years, because even before turning to be 18 y/o (=adult) I never had any problem worth to be remembered.
I was however just reminded that God never gives challenges impossible to overcome and my example made public through my blog here is helping now and will in the future too help several others to overcome their own pains and crosses to carry.
Nevertheless all that counts for me now is to have the use of Enbrel for neurological recovery (after TBI) be soon approved, because I definitely want to be like a Saint for my treasures, like any other father usually is.

Saturday, April 05, 2014


Everyone who reads me here knows very well that I’m a firm believer in the existence of God (however, you call “it”) and that I’ve posted here before “miracles” are simply what science is unable to explain.
Therefore, I’m going to tell you here the miracles I was the receiver of (even if I’m not a Saint (as a Fr. close to me once suggested) and I’m going to list them in order:
  1. as I got out of the 2 months long coma, I immediately started speaking both Italian (mother language) and English (love language) so well that my own real mother keeps saying to this day that it’s a miracle (I bet, rather than drooling all over myself……)
  2. While still recovered in the Cottage hospital none of the neurologists there could explain why being hemi paretic on the left, I still had perfect skin feelings in the entire left side of my body. They kept sending in my room in the middle of the night nurses to touch my left foot and leg, asking to me where I was touched, if with fingers or hand etc….
  3. My telling to my dad and best business friend, as I got out of the coma that I had made an agreement with Jesus to stay alive for the love I have for my children (treasures).
About this 3rd one I want to say that even if my very good friend Iacopo (author of the third hypothesis linked here on the right) told to me that I had said to have seen Jesus because of my Catholic upbringing, but I really saw myself “in another space and time” I respectfully disagree with him, because if I had truly seen myself, that’s what I would have surely said, I mean if you see yourself wouldn’t you at least recognize you immediately?
Therefore I want to count this as my 3rd miracle, very much because – aside not remembering having seen Jesus – I was told that coming back to living earth would have been surely painful (I still laugh when I think to have thought that no pain can’t be taken care by some Tylenol or aspirin).
I therefore want to conclude by stating that it was a miracle that saved me with my brain from an accident that would have killed anyone else and that the (too many) neuropsy. (you know you you are....) who had assessed me and my financial capacities were simply “going by the book” that obviously cannot explain miracles, since they are simply scientific texts-books.

I can only say that only another miracle in my favor can make me free from my painful and unjust conservatorship, but if not that would mean that God gives to human science priority over Himself. So let the wrong ones admit their wrongs to me in order to die in peace with themselves (at least). And let's pray that Anna can understand that by believing in science and its pros over real miracles there's only very much to lose both here, while living and after we die.

Friday, April 04, 2014


First thing I want to say is that I’m very glad that my son Brent wasn’t with me – as I’d been asking for days – the way the movie talks about this Bible story is too dramatic in the worst religious way and I just want to repeat what I wrote on 3/27 about consumerism being replaced by a pitiful Hollywood’s attempt to restore religious values in the Catholic faith.
Having seen the trailer (I had posted it here too) I was expecting a movie more about the factual story with very much realism in its scenes, it’s instead the story of a man (Noah) who hears God’s voice telling him what to do in expectation of the end of “corrupted humanity” by flooding the entire world, I don’t even want to mention what this Noah makes himself  and his young family go through because he thinks “he’s chosen” by God to organize the survival of all that’s still good on earth.
Besides that I’d like to know why God flooded the earth thousands of years ago and doesn’t seem to want to do the same now that we count in billions – rather than the few hundreds at Noah’s times – and have been doing way much worse than those few people back then.
At the end of this mixed up movie narration Noah shows that what really counts over everything (including God) is the unique ability of humankind to feel love that’s what can truly put back on earth the human existence with its splendors and shortcomings.
Anyway, if anyone decides to listen to the advice of a brain injured man, I say to save your money to watch this movie and go to eat a pizza or ice cream with your friends. Much better than sitting in a dark room for almost 2 hours watching yet another attempt to remember what we are all about.

AND as always

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


More and more attention in the field of drug discovery has been focused on the neuro protection of natural compounds from traditional medicinal herbs. Cerebral ischemia is a complex pathological process involving a series of mechanisms, and a framework for the development of neuroprotectants from traditional herb medicine is a promising treatment for cerebral ischemia. Natural compounds with the effects of anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation (like the TNF-alpha?), calcium antagonization, anti-apoptosis, and neurofunctional regulation exhibit preventive or therapeutic effects on experimental ischemic brain injury. According to the pharmacological mechanisms underlying neuroprotection, natural products were evaluated from traditional medicinal herbs that exhibit protective effects on ischemic brain injury and characterized the promising targets.
I’m sorry to say that my superior intelligence, determination and infinite drive to improvements, helped me figure out that I can receive the above-mentioned benefits simply by taking the natural and vegetarian Fisetin, that isn’t even very expensive.
I’d like to make the bet that by now with all of my researches and studying of ways to overcome my disabilities I’ve become much smarter and more brilliant than any of my guess-scientists, who never seem to be able to propose anything innovative or simply new/different.

While I keep suffering from the refusal of my angels to live with the disabled myself, I do enjoy my superior logic and intelligence as the product of my forced solitude and truly hope to soon show in practice how correct I’ve always been on everything!

And also

Tuesday, April 01, 2014


I received the DVD of the movie TROY that I enjoyed watching with my young Brent Lingiardi and what impressed me most is that more than 3.000 years ago humanity already had a very precise concept of us humans having a soul, that continuous to exist after the body dies and goes “somewhere else” that very many people relate to where the God creator of this universe is and very often is just like what us Catholics, in example, describe as “heaven”. The scene that truly hit my heart is when Achilles tells to the woman he loves (Deidamia) that being his love for her eternal their souls will rejoin again together after their death.
It truly hit me in my deepest feelings of love I still have and cannot forget (no matter what….) for Michele, the mother of our treasures.
I’m deeply convinced (beyond my Catholic faith) that our souls will be together in eternity because of the love we have for each other that being a human-only expression of feelings will be always active and give effects to both our souls forever.
What most shocks my mind when I think that this was a man (Homer) who lived about 3.000 years ago and clearly expressed this ideas (firm beliefs) like it was something very well known by everyone in his times.
Therefore I want to express here that my love for Michele will forever exists and our souls will eventually rejoin together once they will have left behind (here on earth) our bodies and I won’t be ever disabled again.

I say thank you to Homer, who more than anyone else conceptualized in a fascinating way and put in words (still studied 3.000 years after he wrote them) this idea that crosses all religions and faiths that humans are truly eternal with their souls and their ability to feel and express love.