
Thursday, December 19, 2019


I’ve been reading about the argument – that’s been going on for decades - about the answer to this question: If God created us, who created God? Well, yesterday I had a somewhat funny email exchange with both my sister and a very good friend I made in Italy, Ida – via email only, about this same question and since I told them that I was going to let them know via my post here today, this is my reason to give the answer to this “difficult question” that hopefully is going to give some rest and an end to this debate I just mentioned.
I’m sure every one of you, my readers knows well already about my recent passionate love for quantum physics, mechanics and most that goes with it, one of the things I truly couldn’t understand is the reason why, if our consciousness that pretty much creates all we see, smell hear and touch AND that after we die goes back to re-unite with the universal one (do you remember Jesus saying that “we are all brothers”?) How is it that we haven’t created the entire universe too?
That’s exactly when I found the video above, which finally tells me the reason why Deepak Chopra is so present in all kinds of media – both written and visual – in fact this explains well too the reason why – using my upholding low monthly allowance I purchased his latest book, by Kindle, with the title “The future of God”, when I first saw it, I thought “well, Deepak isn’t so smart, why the hell would he ever talk of God, when he’s so passionate in explaining how we all create all that surrounds us?”.
I therefore decided to use my last penny in purchasing his new book, but as I was reading it, this video above popped out in one of my Youtube searches (almost as frequent as the google ones), therefore I added this to my email exchange with “my Italian pals” and I decided to explain (here before the other one in Italian) who truly the God half the world has been believing in, praying to and asking for everything you can think of (including the length of your cock….J.).
What truly upsets and scares me now, that I’m my own God, isn’t so much what I’ve been hinting at this here in past posts but way much more that it does very clearly explains the reason of my TBI… dad used to say alaways that “nothing ever happens by chance there’s ALWAYS a reason for everything to ever happen what’s important and usually difficult is to figure out the reason why it happened”.
Well readers, here is where I get scared……however it’s way too shameful for me to make it public……let’s say that there may be a couple of people on this earth who may know it……but it’s too many already! Enjoy the Youtubes and the carefully selected linked websites.


Monday, December 16, 2019


FUCK ME!!! Given that some of my readers had something (very little) to say about my latest post on Jesus, this morning I did my (very usual) google research about the fact that one of Christianity pillar of faith just turned out to be a primitive photographic test that the immortal Leonardo Da Vinci made on his own and given that he used to have easy access to corpses because of his unparalleled (in those times) studies with drawings of human anatomy – among them my most favorite Vitruvian" man where he geometrically proved the anatomical perfection and balance of the way the human body is made, since in those times there a competition of people who wanted to believe that the very linen fabric used to wrap the corpse of Jesus after his death was still in existence therefore – history says that there were several shrouds used to wrap around Jesus’ body…..
Well here’s when a long knife stabbed in my neck, in fact the internet has billions of websites that talk about the mother Mary – with explanations (some very detailed) of her “perennial virginity”, who her parents were (with the names) and the same for Joseph….to the outrageous information about the fact that it seems that we know who the grandparents of Jesus were.
But wait, we know that Mary and Joseph weren’t married and that Mary gave birth to God’s son when she was 12 y/o.
Then I found even the name of the real father of Jesus who as I had said here before, wasn’t God (the creator of the universe and all it contains – including our planet, earth) the true father of Jesus was a Roman legionnaire by the name of T iberius Julius Abdes Pantera (fucking A!!) his tombstone was found in Bingerbrück, Germany, in 1859. But wait! It turns out that James, Joseph/Joses, Jude and Simon were the brothers of Jesus. But Jesus had sisters too (no names here), as written in the New Testament, in Mark (3:31-32).
But wait… you know what language did Jesus spoke? It's generally agreed by historians that Jesus and his disciples primarily spoke Aramaic (Jewish Palestinian Aramaic), that was the common language of Judea in the first century AD, most likely a Galilean dialect distinguishable from that of Jerusalem.
Among the most hilarious and craziest things I happened to read is even the phone number for Jesus that’s in Christian numerology and it’s the number 888 that represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer…..or JHC (naaahhh).
Anyway, let me continue with this farce about the names (hold on to the chair you’re sitting on now) Jesus' name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua. Evidence existed to show that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that their son was named Judah (ha, yeah like the betrayer……), based upon inscriptions found on ossuaries discovered in Jerusalem in 1980. Biblical scholar and author James Tabor has affirmed his belief in a married Jesus.
OK now you can dry your tears from laughing so hard because this is when I absolutely confirm what I’ve been thinking of “my religion” (no other choice if you are born in Italy) and that’s about the most important bearing pillar of Christianity and its own empire stand, the Shroud of Turin - also called Holy Shroud and in Italian Sacra Sindone, it’s a length of linen that for centuries was purported to be the burial garment of Jesus Christ. It has been preserved since 1578 in the royal chapel of the cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Turin, Italy (my dad took us all to see it one of the few times it was exposed….maybe in the 70ies). The history of the shroud from the 15th century is well recorded. In 1532, the shroud was damaged from a fire in the chapel where it was stored. The cloth is made up of a simple two-way weave. An international team of researchers found fragments of a burial shroud that cast serious doubts on the Shroud of Turin, the controversial linen cloth venerated by many Catholics as the proof that Christ resurrected from the grave. However my personal reason to write this post is that I saw a Youtube in Italian where Pope Francis says that the “shroud is still holy simply because of the centuries in time and the  thousands of believers who kneeled to pray in front of it” ….talk about “holy knowledge” in quantum physics....😊


Thursday, December 12, 2019


It looks like this morning I’m going to have to add a post I was planning to publish here in few days.......however my mouth is bleeding too much now, so I decided to explain to my readers, especially those who asked this question directly......”if we are God, then who was Jesus? Aside from the Youtubes and links here I truly wish I had found a Youtube I saw in the Italian Yout. where the last pope who resigned was saying that the holy shroud remains to be holy simply because of the number of people (millions?) and the amount of time and the amount of time (centuries) that have considered it holy, therefore it remains to be holy as it’s always been… about knowledge in quantum physics…….it’s very consequential that it’s simply because we people have believed Jesus to be the “son of God” that he’s become such.
Now follow me to the bottom of hell reading me to the end, in fact it maybe because of a couple of judges are brain injured too that I must have someone pay my bills, after having stayed 2 months into a coma – no matter that I had said to have met with Jesus and made with him an agreement to stay alive – no matter that I was very clearly forewarned that it was going to be “painful” (please don’t make me think to my conservator and to his boyfriend....).
As a matter of fact, given that in these days in the country that’s been hosting the Vatican empire (upcoming a post fully dedicated to this empire) between:
a)         the book that “proves” the bible to be nothing more than a diary that the “original mankind wrote after having been abandoned here on earth by some extraterrestrial species that came here on earth just to make some experiments with DNA and
b)         The people who say that Jesus was a man from the year 3.000 who time traveled to year 0 (zero) for the curiosity to see where he came from.
I believe the time is right to say that in reality Jesus was nothing more than a terrorist against the Roman Empire for the independence of Palestine. In fact Jesus with his gang of 12 disciples was going around both religious and important markets generating wealth in Palestine, primarily to support the intolerance of his countrymen vs. the R. E.  and very much to be the initiator of independence revolts in his country.
The very big difference of this fight led by Jesus is that he was trying as much as possible to “hide his movement for independence behind a pacifistic theology.
Once the romans realized that every time the ideas of pacifism were “exported” to other countries under its dominion the revolts for independence would disappear, the R. Empire started not only to support Christianity but spread it through the entire Empire that happened to be the entire Mediterranean region including parts of the oriental countries.
I want to admit to be very proud to be the product of that empire’s descent AND to have passed it on to my treasures.
In practice the fact that very many wars against the attempt to get independence back from all the countries (plenty) simply meant big savings in time, money and thousands of well-trained expensive centurions. In hope not to offend any of my readers, Christianity became as big, wide and wealthy for the simple reason of (simple) money!
Just a very few data in support of what I’m saying:
1.    It was during the Nicaea council – called by the Roman emperor Constantine I that the holy mage of Jesus was created, with all of the miracles…..I mean how many Jewish people you know who don’t believe to be the “son of god”?
2. It was the very Constantine I who founded the Vatican empire (that’s the carbon copy of the roman one….the Pope is the emperor, all the way down to the legionnaires, who are the local pastors) an empire that’s immensely wealthy, has among the best run (and most profitable) banks in the world that can put back in the markets of the world what the emperor/Pope brings back – stuffed in the “Papal jet” – the Sunday masses donations from the millions of Catholics around the world....
I’d say that (once more) Jesus with its catholic faith are nothing more than a very good business for anybody involved with it……except its legionnaires who must be abstinent in sex, therefore release their abstinence on our children……who must learn when too young the real meaning of (deviant) sex.



Two things to begin with:
1.   this post is dedicated to my Ventura sista
2. the Youtube at the bottom is the very reason why this post was created, as I had affirmed before Deepak Chopra influences very much both my own life and my  quantum physics study.
I want to make this post like some kind of rational continuation of my 2 previous posts about the fact that we humans… matter how sapiens we’ve convinced ourselves to be (the sapiens breed) still act, think, perceive and believe just like the monkeys we evolved from.
Since the beginning of time anything and everything we see, touch, is hurtful or pleasant but isn’t easily recognized nor understood must be generated by a superior being baptized by us with the word God that’s got to be existing somewhere up there in the sky and is always present because we all (billions) are his beloved children… need to ever worry because after we die Jesus Christ proved personally by example that our existence never ends…..then – depending on the religion you follow - you reincarnate either as an animal (if a bug, you weren’t a good boy while living here on earth…..), or end up in a brothel filled with stupendous girls you fuck as much as you want and never get pregnant, or you start another human life that – depending on the way you lived the one just ended - can send you back here on earth to live a “better onewith the limitation that you have 3 rounds at most because if you haven’t improved your behaviour, your soul is dispersed in the universe (certainly this one……don’t know about the parallel ones….).
Let’s say that these are all good creations in the monkey-size of our sapiens brains.
 I do beg to differ though…..without referring to the plenty posts (too many) I published here in the past, I might make reference to them, so if you want … can search it/them on your own.
Let me give you a couple of simple examples of things/events that no longer than 100 years ago we may have called either a miracle or “an act of God” (same thing….ONLY God  and/or his son can make miracles…) I must say that this idea of a superior being that’s omnipotent, ever present and almighty to the point that earthquakes happen at God's will, ‘cause the idea of a God that can move the earth’s tectonic plates is fairly fascinating and very reassuring, it makes everyone sleep real well every night, just like a baby caressed by the mother telling fabulous stories of heroes fighting dragons that end up being killed in some kind of a bloody battle (IF the hero carries the sword…..IF NOT….. tough luck! ).
It’s very probable due to my being an ascetic individual, mixed with my brain being injured together with my extensive research in quantum physics that I’ve been suggesting here more than once that the only true God that ever existed is us…..homo sapiens, I bet that we’ve made up different Gods for tens of thousands of years and I bet that my God is better/superior than yours actually if you disagree with me, I’m going to murder you all….including your babies/infants…your God already is in their blood, so fuck your God, mine is God-damn better!! If you were to add the tens of thousands of “sapiens” who gave their lives in the name of their God, I cannot imagine to the millions you can count in less than few hours.
To me (and to my injured brain) these millions of religious fanatics must have ended up exactly like anyone who commits suicide……their souls are going to have eternal regret for what they could have done or who they would have helped just if they hadn’t followed some totally man-made ideology.
Anyway my post today ends here and now…..all I ask is to enjoy the Youtubes here (especially the one at the bottom with Deepak ) go to check the websites linked above Deepak’s video AND pleasure me with a large donation……some people take jobs knowing nothing about elementary arithmetic’s.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019


The more time I spend reading about quantum science, its phenomena and its influence on what we’ve been believing it to be reality, the more my (already broken) head spins, pushed by my inability to fully comprehend what it’s saying about the world we live in, the way we see and touch it (i.e. sense it) the more I get confused.
I love to know that Einstein and I have very much in common J for the fact that we are both very objective and observational and this is where both Einstein and I have pretty much a “brain stroke”…..Where quantum physics makes both of us is when this modern approach to science states that “observation affects reality” while Mr. Einstein stated that “God doesn’t play dice with the universe” 

all I can think is that – depending the way I look at my broken hip (that still makes it very hard and painful for me to walk)  in full truth my hip never broke because of my hard fall on the bathroom floor….”I’m totally fine, I say  that I can’t walk just because I feel like saying it”.
But let me now introduce a few concepts closely related to the hugely surprising “double slit experiment” that shocked me at least as a large number of physicists around the world (beginning with Einstein 100 years ago).
Now let me make a step back, I need to explain – as well as I can – the word Quantum that derives from Latin (still one of my big loves/passions), meaning "how great" or "how much". ... The discovery that particles are discrete packets of energy with wave-like properties led to the branch of physics dealing with atomic and subatomic systems which is today called quantum mechanics (together with the now famous string theory).
Let me re-start with the definition of the term Quantum, that it took me some time and research to fully make it a part of my daily study/research.
In fact a Quantum is a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. (it took me some time to have it clear in my mind), attached to the quantum definition there’s the truly mindboggling idea of what reality truly is, or one of the really frightening deductions that directly come from my beloved quantum slit experiment that tells to us that an item truly exists only as long as it is observed; otherwise, it’s not only meaningless but simply nonexistent (what?!?). The observer and the observed are one (ah, yeah, I never thought of it……too simple). But wait, let me define too what I referred to in the very beginning…..or that reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real and existent, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. The term is also used to refer to the status of things indicating their existence. In physical terms, reality is the totality of the universe, both known and unknown. And here comes one of my favorites: the hilarious Schrödinger experiment.
This senseless experiment stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (i.e. a radioactive atom) in a box and seal it, you wouldn’t know if the cat is dead or alive until you open the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat is (in a crazy sense) both "dead and alive (naaaahhhh)…..
Practically you can say that an item truly exists only as long as it is observed, otherwise, not only it’s meaningless but simply nonexistent. The observer and the observed are one….can you believe it?
Next time I’ll talk about one quantum phenomenon that – no matter how hard and how many times I explained the mother of my treasures, she truly cannot (or refuses) to understand……figure out….listen to her brain injured husband….the quantum entanglement that makes it very clear the difference between making love and screwing/fucking.

15 min. long, but very good and educational