I fully realize that I’ve been publishing a new post every
day in the last few weeks but – given that my blog is even medically (or
psychologically) supported I can say that my only reason for having posted
nothing new is simply because my “monster”(also named oxygen, livelihood, job,
etc…) is away because it’s being serviced (and
upgraded) by my PC God (Rick).
I’m just posting this explanation because I can only use my
email with my Gmail account online through the browser Chrome that let’s me see
the several messages I receive in comment to my posts and while I invite my readers to post their comments here because I receive your message anyway AND because I prefer to
see comments published in my blog directly (also
as anonymous, if you prefer) because
anyone can see your comments for a very long time (I'm the only one who can erase comments) and by doing so my posts might initiate
an interesting and open discussion among my readers (of the hallucinations that a brain injured
blogger makes public).
As the impatient person I’ve always been (born in a hurry) I can’t believe that
I’m posting something about the most unnatural and difficult thing I ever had
to deal with in my entire life, but if I think about it, I can only say that
this is yet another example that the human brain can –even when injured – learn
something new.
I dedicate this to the plenty neurologist and (worse) neuropsychologists who studied
books to earn their title, written several decades ago when even now, at the
beginning of the second millennium nobody knows even how our brain is made!
- http://www.examiner.com/article/patience-is-a-virtue-what-does-that-mean-to-me
- http://www.christianitytoday.com/biblestudies/articles/spiritualformation/virtue-of-patience.html
- http://tinybuddha.com/blog/the-true-meaning-of-patience-let-go-and-take-your-time/
- https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150326053833AA63hda
- https://www.englishclub.com/ref/esl/Sayings/Patience/Patience_is_a_virtue_905.htm
- https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/10/22/conversations-with-kafka-love-patience/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patience
- http://mymemory.translated.net/en/English/Tagalog/patience-is-a-virtue