
Monday, May 25, 2015


The fact that you can find in the internet "everything and its opposite" is really true. this morning in fact I woke up with the idea that with the death of Jesus on the cross, not only He took away all the sins of humanity but since He was Jehovah made into man, He left on earth many human characteristics too, among which revenge too, Without forcing my readers to go to read the entire Bible looking for the concept of revenge, I simply post here very few links to sites that talk about revenge in "official Catholic writings" so that nobody thinks that my injured brain makes me find opposite" websites convenient to my thesis, or innumerable amounts of people shall be put under conservator ships.
Aside from the fact that it always makes me glad to see that - at least here - I'm not alone - revenge truly explains to those who humiliate me and my beloved family (you know who you are) why nothing seems to be going right or as it used to go recently (or until you were put in the position to humiliate 4 souls at once).
I'm just referring to little things, like tripping over while walking in an area that you believe you could walk blindfolded, or forgetting your car keys somewhere in your home as you walk to your car to go somewhere, or even drink something you took from your fridge that you don't even know you had nor you like to drink, ever.
Very simply put this is your God that's trying to have you realize that you are using in a wrong/bad manner your powers/freedoms/liberties and ONLY if you can correct whatever bad or wrong you may have done to others, you can avoid the eternal damnation of your soul.
Therefore not only you can see, read and understand the reason why your life isn't as you like it, or the way it used to be, but in addition you have the way you can make it return to be as you like it, or like it was.


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