
Thursday, July 16, 2015


Saint Gianfranco - my dad -always said "chi fa da se, fa per tre" or "aiutati che Dio ti aiuta" and on this subject I put here below few links to demonstrate that neither my dad was crazy, nor that my injured brain remember incorrectly, in fact these sayings exist in English language too since ages.
And this is what my never-requested challenge is having me learn (maybe too well) in fact I'm learning that I shouldn't hope in either my own real sister, my ex-wife or my sista to lend me a hand in this time or real need for support AND help, I should just put my own mental strengths into the reach to freedom as I was born to be, does anyone thinks that the early Christians expected Jesus or God to let them walk out alive of the stadium filled of lions 2K years ago in Rome? Surely they didn't, they were sure to go straight to heaven and while I'm somewhat confident that I'll be there in eternity eventually, I'm here (in the stadium with lions and tigers) because it's the choice I made myself, even if clearly forewarned that it would have surely been painful. All I add to this is: "bring it on" I've developed resistance to physical pain that In a scale 0 to 10 a 30 feels like a 0 to me.


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