
Monday, October 26, 2015


Early this morning I woke up with the idea in my (broken) mind to look at my blog with the eyes of a different person and I decided specifically to look at it like I was an atheist, just like my friend Iacopo and my eternally beloved Michele.
Therefore I started to research the internet (where anyone can find everything and its opposite) for websites claiming that the afterlife it's only the new story we tell to ourselves to eliminate or reduce our very natural fear of death.
I must tell you however that by doing so I found millions of sites saying that afterlife is being studied - and sometimes proven - by eminent scientist and that the university in Southampton has made a study examining dozens of people who - like me - had a N.D.E.
On 10/14/15 I posted about the new scientific research that's being done on these kinds of experiences and of the fact that no matter what religion you follow, Jesus always appears
Without spending time to elaborate on this, I just invite my readers to go to the sites linked here and watch this and the other (longer) Youtubes about science seriously studying this truth, or something not made up neither to justify the plenty young soldiers who are dying for freedom very far from here, nor to feel better about death.

Another good video
One for the atheists

 Usual links:
  3.  for atheists

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