God made me a warrior, I found my beautiful soul mate, we were gifted with my two treasures in approval, while in a coma due to TBI for 2 long months, I met with Jesus and all my Catholic upbringing came back, I now have a full conservator, but my family will forever be part of me. NEVER FORGET THAT ALL I SAY HERE IS THE PRODUCT OF MY INJURED BRAIN I WAS ASSESSED SEVERAL TIMES TO BE UNABLE TO MANAGE MY MONEY.
I can't tell if it was my superior intelligence or my
connection to the afterlife, but I finally clearly understood the reason why I
lost plenty of my MD because "scared of me"
in fact my conservator has been having issues to find new ones willing to
become my medical practitioner. For the longest time I couldn't believe that an
adult man not at all disabled in any way would possibly be frightened by my
physical presence, I was told - as a possible reason- that it's my posting on
this blog that frightens this type of professionals, but after having looked to
all of my hundreds of texts I had posted here (including the ones I either never posted and
those I had completely deleted) I came to the (obvious) conclusion
that these MD were just scared because of their own absolute absence of any
self-confidence and - not having any reasonable justification for not doing
what I was asking for - decided to express their own fear for my challenges.
Aside that to look for new MD's for me costs money to me for
the time spent doing it by my conservator, I just want to say that I truly wish that
self-confidence could be a good that can be sold for money, I'd be already a
billionaire selling some of mine by the truckload, in addition I've developed
now the ability to "smell" the amount of self-confidence of people I
deal with, in fact it takes few minutes to me to know if someone has any of it,
or there's a black hole in its place.
What's very interesting is that the (few)self-confident MD are all
very rare and expensive to see, so maybe it's going to take some miracle to
happen for me to find a MD not afraid of me and my requests who'll be willing
to see me more than once.
Some very smart of my readers here clearly spend some of
their time reading what a brain injured even unable to manage his own money
posts here about our mind = conscience = soul = God and asked to me if I think
that it might be that Hitler might not have ended up in hell, so rather than
replying to the dozens of messages, I thought it best to give my reply directly
here, so that everyone can see what I think of this.
Surely the mind (God) of Hitler was pretty powerful (he convinced an
entire country of people to go to war against the rest of the world)
plus he married "his woman" while committing suicide, so I think that
there's plenty to have people believe that at worst his soul isn't in hell for
eternity, rather in purgatory, maybe.
I do however firmly believe that Adolf Hitler's soul is
forever in hell, no matter what his very powerful God had him convinced of.
In fact, I believe - for personal experience - that the
millions of Jews he incinerated forced Hitler's soul to eternal hell, no matter
what Hitler's soul (or personal God) had him be convinced of else.
This actually explains very well the reason of my accident
(with practical death) because while on one side my mind (or personal God) was
committing the sin to believe to have reached the very top of my own world
(second commandment), my former boss (the owner of Tecnica in Italy) was so
upset and had such a powerful mind that his fury had me (the sinner) get
run-over by a license-less kid driving his father's car into the garage.
This is very related to my previous post about Jesus and
revenge, because my mind (personal God) isn't going to stop hating those who
have condemned me and my family to such an earthly hell, therefore your unique
choice is to undo what you've done and been doing to avoid both my earthly
revenge and your own eternity in hell.
As I'm thinking to where my heaven will be spent forever
after I'll die, I realized that it couldn't be underwater in the most
magnificent seas I've ever been while living, because a grand piano couldn't
produce any sound underwater and given that one of my greatest loves here on
earth while living (besides M.) is indeed for the playing of Bach by Glenn
Gould, I'm now doubtful if I really desire to be underwater forever, or in some
(acoustically perfect) room with a grand piano (Steinway) and Glenn playing for
Given that it's what your mind and conscience project from
life experiences that forms your heaven, I'm now troubled by the decision I
must make in the next 30 years before I'll die, because to spend my eternity
underwater without ever hearing Glenn play on his piano, might turn out to be
at least my purgatory.
I just put here a Youtube video that shows the re-creator
and re-composer Glenn while he plays part of what's been making him almost
immortal, simply to give the idea of the kind of heaven I might renounce to in
eternity, just to be underwater forever.
Of course, given that heaven is a different dimension than
earth (where we live), it might be that (piano) music can be listened to even
if being underwater, however since nobody knows of this (until dead) I cannot
ask to anyone what to most desire, I'm going to therefore be safer than sorry
(who else followed this rule?) and focus my conscience into being underwater
for eternity, who knows? I may be so lucky that even if underwater I'll see and
listen Glenn playing like in this video....
I must admit that my best (and only) way to forget my
abandonment by the only woman I love (past, present and future) is to drawn myself
in movies like this one and I warn any minor that happens to come here to be
aware that this is an unrated movie, but then again the link I post here to
watch the full movie requires both to pay for it and confirm your age.
I cannot believe that I must watch crap like this to forget
that I had a "perfect life" not too long ago.
When will you take me back? I cannot keep watching movies
like this one......
The other day I went to see a very bright and experienced
psychiatrist who told me that if a brain is injured the non-injured parts
develop to be stronger to make up for what doesn't participate (due to injury) anymore,
of course this made me very happy (as always when I'm found to be correct by
somebody well respected) and begs me to ask to the plenty respected and
experienced psychologists who have been saying that once a brain is injured
nothing can be learned or done/processed anymore.
In fact I have to say that not only I've been studying and
learning very much about quantum theories (physics and mathematics) but
I've been frequently exchanging emails with real philosophers, who deal with me
and my questions just like I was one of them.
This actually begs me to say that when my friend Iacopo says
(for reasons completely different from mine) that if people would realize that
their conscience is immortal, the entire world would totally change overnight.
To me (and my illogic injured brain) it matters not the way he arrives to this
consideration simply because human thoughts are just like math, or it matters
not the way a problem, or function is resolved, what counts is only the result
and therefore given that both our conclusions are identical it really doesn't
matter if I use Catholicism while he uses its opposite (atheism), what only
matters is that we agree on the end result of our thinking.
Following my Catholic logic I therefore say that if someone
could realize what it means to spend (as soul) eternity in hell, the entire
world would change overnight, same following Iacopo's hypothesis of the same
conscience being reborn into lives that can be worse than the one left behind
(by death).
For me to say who I wish could understand what I mean would
be completely pointless, because it's just a matter of time before this can be
figured out personally.
The fact that you can find in the internet "everything and its
opposite" is really true. this morning in fact I woke up with
the idea that with the death of Jesus on the cross, not only He took away all
the sins of humanity but since He was Jehovah made into man, He left on earth
many human characteristics too, among which revenge too, Without forcing my readers to go to
read the entire Bible looking for the concept of revenge, I simply post here
very few links to sites that talk about revenge in "official Catholic writings"
so that nobody thinks that my injured brain makes me find opposite"
websites convenient to my thesis, or innumerable amounts of people shall be put
under conservator ships.
Aside from the fact that it always makes me glad to see that
- at least here - I'm not alone - revenge truly explains to those who humiliate me
and my beloved family (you know who you are) why nothing seems to be going
right or as it used to go recently (or until you were put in the position to
humiliate 4 souls at once).
I'm just referring to little things, like tripping over
while walking in an area that you believe you could walk blindfolded, or
forgetting your car keys somewhere in your home as you walk to your car to go
somewhere, or even drink something you took from your fridge that you don't
even know you had nor you like to drink, ever.
Very simply put this is your God that's trying to have you
realize that you are using in a wrong/bad manner your powers/freedoms/liberties
and ONLY if you can correct whatever bad or wrong you may have done to others,
you can avoid the eternal damnation of your soul.
Therefore not only you can see, read and understand the
reason why your life isn't as you like it, or the way it used to be, but in
addition you have the way you can make it return to be as you like it, or like it
My connection with the Universal intelligence had me
understand the reason of my accident that kind of upset me, I had
broken the second commandment: 2. You shall not
make for yourself any idol (finally I was
president of a great company), it was just my own intelligence, conscience (or my God) that was
focused on keeping me in balance.
Only my conscience/God/Universal intelligence knows what my
life would be now without any accident and practical death, but I really doubt
that my cheating on Michele could have lasted more than few days, very much
also because of the presence of our treasures, whom I'd never have them live
through such a dishonor.
And this brings me to talk about suicide, in fact by mistake
I bought on eBay a movie titled Jack that's about the story of Dr. suicide, or Jack Kevorkian, followed by few PBS videos on the Final
Exit Network (few links below) that reinforced beyond what's possible my determination
to never try to do that for my immense love for my children/treasures and for
my firm belief that to die by suicide is to take the fastest way to eternal
hell, where you forever regret what you could have done different or more if
you had chosen to live rather than die. Since the Villa - where I've been
living - has decided not to let me live here anymore they surely have no
interest that I'd never want to commit suicide, but what counts for me is that
my treasures will never have to live through such a horror, especially since
they have been living through something very similar (I had died in 2005 for
their mother).
Being the survivor of a surely mortal accident with a NDE
that put me in contact with Jesus Christ, has made it completely disappear any
natural fear of death - like many NDE survivor claims - and since I know (for
personal and direct experience) that as we die our already omnipotent brain
receives a boost from what's named universal intelligence (or cumulative) and
this is the reason that explains perfectly the reason why at times I ask to
myself why the heck I'm still living here in all of this pain and humiliations
by others.
Well, my reason is pretty simple for me because - no matter
the pain - I always see myself walking my daughter to the altar the day
she'll get married and thinking that - having survived the impossible - I'm
going to stick around another 30 years at least, my confidence that I'll be
doing this goes way over the roof of any height.
I find it interesting that the Ui concept isn't related to
any religion, it's simply the result of scientific research done by serious
people and this makes this idea even more credible than if it was coming from
someone strictly related to some religious faith.
As a side note I also noticed that much of the research of
what happens after we die and of the true existence of the soul comes from
psychologists not necessarily related to any religious faith, I therefore
really wonder what that guy in Oxnard is thinking, knowing how his soul will be
spending eternity and given that I trust that he's an intelligent individual, he
should know that there would be nothing bad if he was to tell to the Juvenile
court that what he had said of me wasn't correct and therefore ensure that me and that my entire family (3 more) will return to be free again.
I hope to have made it clear that my own eternity can't be
very long and after less than 24 hours I'm back here to say who I believe God
to be. I've been mentioning across several posts here in the past that our
brain is what connects us with our creator and that when that connection get's
established we can do real miracles, I'm also posting here below few links that
support me in saying that God is ourselves, mankind, humanity....etc....
I hope to have made it beyond clear that I'm a total creationist,
I believe in life after death and I have developed on my own few concepts about
this all. But what I want to focus on now is to say that God is ourselves, very
different from the creator of the entire universe(es?), the one who Jesus
referred to as Jehovah who gave to Moses the 10 commandments and had himself
made into man in Jesus, be baptized and die on the cross.
While these are all real facts that truly happened 2K years
ago and do retain real objects and written memories (new testament) what I want
to say here is that the God we people often refer to is nobody else than
ourselves with our omnipotent brain.
Why would anybody ever go to hell if some big (original) sin,
is committed while living? And why you can "get a pass" if you attend
Mass regularly and receive communion? Can't anyone see that these
"rules" are the basic product of the Vatican
empire that's interested in disseminating fear and controlled order? Our entire
world, all we touch and feel is the simple product of what our brain can make
us do (etc...).
So, in example there already have been done dozens of
serious studies that pinpoint "the God part in our brain" and what
shocks me is that researchers look for a precise part of our brain for God,
when it should be evident that it's the entire brain that's God.
I want to consider this just the beginning of my talks about
our brain being God, I have too much to say and explain with example to hope to
have completed my thesis on this, of course since it's now much easier to
contact me with this improved blog, feel free to ask questions or tell me that
I'm crazy, you surely wouldn't be the first one.
I dedicate this to my treasures who can know this from me only, nobody else has any interest.
My dad - Saint Gianfranco - used to say about me and my
attitude: "you were born in a hurry, Carlo" simply because I was
never able to wait for more than few seconds if I ever wanted either something
to happen or to become the owner, when it comes to eternity I do know too well
what it means, in fact being where my beloved family has parked me now seems to
me to be for an eternity.
In some of the links I put here below eternity is explained
as something without a beginning or an end and I totally agree with this
because obviously I don't remember my conception nor birth- like everyone else
- and I don't remember when and how my life - of a loving husband and father,
plus successful company president - ended.
Therefore since my coming out of my coma (spring 2006)
I've been in an eternity of solitude and given that I cannot comprehend it, I'm
generally enraged, just like somebody waiting for a train to arrive several
hours after the train went by.
On top of my eternal expectation that my beloved family
realizes that without me - their only creator - they don't even exist, I must
be waiting at least several more (eternal) months before I can receive the
unique (medical)
treatment to have my injured brain fully restore/recover.
The fact that (as always) I'll be proven to have been correct
since years, doesn't add any satisfaction to prove that I was right, it
actually makes me even more upset for having been forced to live an eternity
alone and without any of my money (I might waste it all before I retire......).
This is what I cannot understand why Jesus taught to always
forgive and never take revenge on anyone, I simply ask: what happened to the
walls of Jerusalem
when he died on the cross? etc.. etc...
Living this eternity in solitude and humiliation has been
giving to me thoughts borderline scary, but my readers will have to wait an eternity for
me to post anything more on this.
I know that I already described what happens as we die and
that the concepts of heaven and hell aren't what the divine poet Dante
Alighieri had described in his Divine Comedy, they are both projections of our
own logic, experience and dreams that confirm my own idea that God is us
humans, different from the creator of the entire universe named Jehovah also by
Jesus Christ.
Therefore while I repeat again to avoid to come to death
with any regrets or knowledge to have hurt someone else (= eternity in hell) I
simply show here what I intend my heaven to be like, in fact it's going to be
mainly underwater in very beautiful earth sea locations as reflected by my mind
in heaven and for me to think that I'll be diving like in this picture forever
is more than sufficient to "hang it tough".
Today I had to live through something that only if I can
focus my mind in walking my daughter to the aisle when she'll marry, I
can find the reason to put up with what my life has been serving to me lately.
So I just leave you, my readers to what this picture shows
and few links to fatherhood related websites.
I just put here few links to consistent websites that give a
critic of this movie and - as always - I post the trailer of this movie too.
This is really a movie not to ever watch, way much better to
drink a beer with friends or even alone rather than sitting on needles for
about 2 hours watching this very nonsensical story narrated in this movie that
leaves the viewer in a very deep sense of having unbalanced the logic and soul.
I really cannot figure out what this movie wanted to
communicate in any way, shape or form, rather than make the viewer feel like
crap for the entire movie length, I can only say that I'm sorry not to have my
whiskey collection anymore, because this movie can exit my body and mind only
after having swallowed one quart of single malt only.
I'm only glad that I hadn't paid a dime for it, it was a
"gift" from a friend overseas where I'm curious to know how it was
received by the public there when it went in theaters.
This also makes me wonder if there exists any way to as for
the refund of the cost of the theater entry ticket, if after having watched a
movie you hate it, it really makes me laugh thinking of people watching an
entire movie for the usual 2 hours and go back to the ticket seller booth
asking for the refund saying that the movie isn't worth the cost of the ticket
just bought.
Maybe I'll try to sell this movie DVD with eBay, saying that
it's really a very good and scary movie.....who knows maybe nobody knows about
it yet.....
During my times of complete belief that few shots of
Etanercept in a specific (and patented) neck location could both allow to this
med to pass through the blood-brain barrier and therefore eliminate the brain
inflammation that's the result of TBI and that can last for entire decades, therefore
restarting the natural brain plasticity and therefore let "mother
nature" to do its healing work on the injured parts of the brain (i. e. no
new neurons "creation" - only God can do it) just like only our own
body can heal a simple cut in the skin.
The brain plasticity can rewire the living and functional
neurons around the dead ones and therefore give back to the victim functions
and abilities like before the injury even decades after the injury (not
just few days or hours).
With the help of the wonderful internet, I was able to get
in touch with true bio-researchers to discuss this matter and I even felt to
have developed a friendship with an Australian senior lecturer in pathology by
the name of Ian (where are you now?) who taught
to me in a simple to understand - for an ED rather than MD like me - what I can
only call a "huge amount" of knowledge about this non-FDA approved
system to use Enbrel in a way that isn't (yet)
medically tested and therefore authorized by the God-FDA.
Given that lately I've been struggling with my prizmed
glasses I went back to look at one of the dozens of emails I had exchanged with
my friend Ian and I found again the one where he tells to me that since the
Etanercept does reduce the inflammation of the brain, also the occipital lobe
is included, therefore I could have my sight back at full field AND receive
Lasik surgery to totally eliminate the myopia I had since I was a teenager.
All I can say again is that the lucky and now very
wealthy MD who accidentally discovered this "off-label" use of
Etanercept may realize that it isn't going to be how wealthy he has become that
will open the doors to heaven, only sharing his discovery with the entire world
will allow to his soul to be forever there, instead to try to make even more
money going after the Alzheimer pharmaceutical and support industry.
My fingers are crossed (not in hope) that sooner than later
something truly divine is going to happen to give back to me my life as it used
to be for 42 years.
Who shall I thank for this mistrust and rejection of my
logic? And where will your souls go after your death? Any guess is valid,
nobody knows what after death is, nor if it even exists........
Since an eternally damned living in Oxnard thought it safer
for himself to say that I'm unable to manage my own money I've started to learn
as much as I can (through the internet)
about quantum theories and what truly amazes me is that the basic quantum
effect of the influence of the observer hasn't been understood as the simple
influence that our God-given brain gives to anything we focus our attention, or
interest to.
As I said here earlier our brain can make it real anything
we want or care for (the so called miracles) but then again....when we
have to wait to be in the second millennium to try to figure out how our brain
is made (B,R.A.I.N. mapping project from Obama) It's overly clear that we still
have no idea whatsoever of both, what our brain can do and of the real
existence of our creator (that we mistakenly name God).
While I'm hoping that you already know (from me) who God truly is (we are!) I simply post here very few links and a
video consistent to what I'm saying (so you don't think that I'm crazy as way too many have been
doing for way too long) all I can therefore add is that you'll know
that I'm right only after you die.
Everyone who reads me here knows of the fact that I survived
a sure mortal accident because I was able to make the agreement to remain alive
with (different options according to the person who tells me):
Christ (from me)
in another space and time" (Iacopo)
my own
soul (every priest)
No matter how much I've been trying to have at least a
glimpse of what (or who) I made this agreement with, all I was told is
absolutely correct, in fact - no matter how many psychiatrists or psychologists
I've seen - nobody can ever prescribe anything for my pain.
And now I want to make an important (to me) distinction,
because there are 2 different types of pain:
or the one that I could have surely eliminated if it wasn't that the use
of the med for it is patented and not FDA approved yet, in addition it has
a notoriety related to the lowering of the immunodeficiency system in our
body and therefore become easily affected by various infections.
where no medications can possibly take care of such type of pain
Therefore, once again I recently saw a good and experienced
psychiatrist who told me that my best option is to talk with some kind of
trainer who is going to have to earn my trust for me to express in words my
frustrations and the reasons of my pain.
I must say that we had some fun, because I said that in my
life all is either black or white, no shades of gray whatsoever and that for
somebody to earn my trust "s/he must show me the money", meaning that
to put any trust is somebody else I must be completely sold that the methods or
therapies used must seem very real for me to believe that by doing
anything, something positive may result. Then of course, I know exactly how to
forever get rid of the type 2 pain, it would be sufficient for me to return to
be the present dad and loving husband I've always been (until my accident, at least),
but given that my adored wife (she still is my wife because God united us forever) doesn't
want to have anything to do with me anymore (and her pitiful attempt to get married
again with someone else - a real dog - failed miserably) my constant
terrible pain, makes me who I am.
Not only today I met a very experienced and pleasant
psychiatrist who's going to try to resolve in a positive way my anger for all
I've lost for my TBI (that's been
putting my anger level to a 9.99 on a 0 to 10 scale) by having me
make the attempt
to put my trust on someone who may have experience in dealing with cases like
mine but made me also realize that having a conservator isn't as bad as I used
to believe because having been abandoned by both my own real sister in Italy
and my always adored life companion (temporarily my former wife and forever mother of my
treasures) nobody else could have put the heart (and intelligence +
experience) in taking care of me with my (now unfairly reduced) wealth.
The main result of this meeting is that - aside from still
feeling humiliated for having all my money
accounts closed and being forced to survive with a monthly charity that
wouldn't suffice to anybody with half of a brain (mine is still at least 80% of the superior one
I had) and still wishing an eternity in hell
to the soul of the Oxnard fearful who decided that's best for himself (only) to
be safe, rather than say anything different from what highly regarded
specialists in the same field had previously assessed of me - I'm now looking
forward and with my mind open to have my conservator find an expert who
might be able to have me put less of my anger about my current situation and
focus more on what's coming (that can only be better than
what my life has become). I must say that talking with this psychiatrist
had a very pleasant and calming effect on me, his last advise to me was
"to do things with style, as any Italian usually does", therefore now
I'm not dreaming anymore to terminate the "offenders" with an hatchet
but I'll keep a distance only using the
As I posted already on 5/8 I'm the "lucky owner"
of yet another masterpiece of cinematography, in this case titled "burn
after reading" that has a pretty good cast of famous actors but that truly
"makes no sense" whatsoever. I'm ashamed to admit that I watched it
more than once, it actually resides in my "funny movies" holder and
it won't leave it any time soon.
What cannot stop to amaze me is to imagine the reason why
good actors like George Clooney and Brad Pitt would ever want to be any part of
a movie with such a script.
This actually makes me truly wonder what a movie script can
contain to be able to sell to an actor the decision to participate in any movie
(unless it's all
of green pages with the $$ sign). This is actually a good sign that
my brain was indeed injured, simply because after having watched it few times,
I still cannot figure out if it contains any story/narrative/message of any
I read that this "screwball comedy" even won few
awards of the cinema industry and this shows - if at all necessary - that my
brain is truly injured, just like the mother of my treasures has kept telling
to me each and every time I say to her that I love you like the day we married
(24 years ago, 5/18/1991) I put here the trailer to this "screwball
movie" and few links to movie reviews, so that - once again - my reader
don't think that I make things up and that I'm like a black dot in a white
It just so happens that since
few self-condemned to eternal hell assessed me as unable to manage my own
money, I've started to go back to my real passion for mathematics and physics
that have become part of me (personality) since I was born, almost.
Therefore given that physics
seems to have become a very followed and researched topic - especially given
what the quantum theories can now show-make this post about the laws of
Thermodynamics in the simplest possible way and I mention about the immense
genius of Albert Einstein and his relation to this concept:
Thermodynamics is the study
of the inter-relation between heat, work and internal energy of a system. The British scientist and author C.P. Snow had
an excellent way of remembering the three laws:
1. You cannot win (that is, you cannot get something for
nothing, because matter and energy are conserved and always present).
2. You cannot break even (you cannot return to the same energy
state, because there is always an increase in disorder; entropy always
3. You cannot get out of the game (because absolute zero is
Einstein's universally famous equation E = mc2 is truly the basis of all that's been
discovered, studied and understood since.
Since I don't want to take much of my own (and yours) time
to explain what's now taught today in middle schools, I simply post here very few
links to websites that give a good description with explanations of the genius of Einstein,
who truly gave a kick start to the development of all we know today of our
universe and its laws, with the additional challenge to his theories coming
from the quantum principles that don't seem to agree at all with relativity and
that are now at the basis of the search for the so called: "theory of everything" -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Salz7uGp72c
It just so happens that I now have a boy caregiver who has
the intelligence of a mongrel because he put me in big trouble telling about my
drawer filled with "dangerous minerals". the other day I was browsing
a site that sells DVD movies and he got very excited when he saw this kick-ass
movie, after having advised me to buy it he also said that there are the 2 and
3 versions of this kick-ass movie already made and strongly advised to me to
buy them all.
Well, after having
received and watched this "masterpiece" it's now clear to me that
while this boy is good in helping me shower there's really nothing more that he
may be able to help me with.
This forces me to say that while I do miss more than I can
say in words my family, I do miss very much my Ventura caregiver, who - even if she doesn't
email with me anymore (who else does this?) has a pretty strong intelligence,
even if fully wasted on her completely misunderstood Catholic religion.
This is my latest, funniest and craziest finding out of the
internet browsing I do all day, every day. It refers to the idea that the
universe may have been created last Thursday, but with the physical appearance
of being billions of years old. This very new belief has taken the appearance
almost like if it's a religion and you can see from my links to websites about
it (only a few of the billions already in internet!) and the few Youtube videos
that very many people are taking this like it's their way of looking and
perceiving reality, therefore if you can remember what you did or what happened
to you 3 Thursdays ago, it's simply because you were "injected" in
your brain memories that either are fake or come from somebody else.
This idea (or religion) goes hand-in-hand with the idea of
the "multiverse" or the parallel universes that in my (broken) mind
are the simple result of time-travel (hopefully everyone knows where and when I'd immediately go
if I'd ever had such opportunity).
I also found dozens of videos proving the real existence of
God, but I'm going to hold them for a future post on this.
Everyone who knows me should know that I'm not a "giver
upper" therefore my extensive research about the perispinal Enbrel for
neurological recovery from TBI has never been put on hold or discarded in any
Yesterday a former colleague of mine in the GEOX times came to see me in my room all the way from Boston, MA to visit me and
as I was telling him of this experimental
medical procedure being covered by US patent 2 very different topics immediately came out:
1.given that my friend is famous for having a
monster in his body, we decided to patent it, so that instead of him being the one who pays for
his partner's performances, it's going to be completely the other way around, he'll
receive payments (don't know yet for how much) for his monster's performances, so
he'll become truly very wealthy☺
and I are going to figure out together how to legally destroy the charlatan who
discovered what he's been using to take money out of desperate
people who would pay more than they can afford for the dream to have a full
recovery either from TBI or Alzheimer.
Richard Hawking is one of my heroes and while he maintains
that God (the creator) doesn't exist, his phrase: "as long as there's life, there's hope" really makes me wonder
the reason why Hawking refuses the idea that a God may exists, I mean doesn't anyone
hopes that something or someone may be able to make your hopes come true? and
doesn't praying for something to happen shows how powerful in humans hope can
I therefore decided yesterday that I'm not going to use
Hawkins's phrase ever again, I'm going to replace the words: drive and determination simply because they make
it clear that there exists no hope that some superior entity (our Creator) may
intervene in our real lives in order to affect them in the exact way we want,
or need. While drive is totally what our human mind (or conscience) expresses
with conscious decision and determination is the level of strength we apply to drive in order to sustain it, no matter the amount of time or effort it may require.
I can say therefore that what happened yesterday in the
Ventura Juvenile court room isn't the result of my hopes to be let free from
both a bloodsucker and a loser, but by my own mental drive and its
determination (both very strong) that
given that I now know how powerful they both are will help me return to be the
man I was born to be.
All I now need to do is to use my very strong and efficient
drive and determination to find an attorney with my same characteristics(drive
and determination) to help me in going after my victimizers as they
soon become my own hopeless victims.
Besides the fact that Iacopo quotes very often Jesus Christ
saying: "love your neighbor as yourself", he always tells me that
"if everyone would understand his hypothesis the entire world could change
overnight, in a way my (Catholic) beliefs too could have the entire world
change overnight and based on this parallel I want to say that - no matter the
dozens of email exchanges we had - Iacopo still doesn't believe in the
existence (or need) of God, but the more we talk (by email) to each other, the
more I can see other important parallels, between my Catholicism and his "Self
concept" (without any need for God).
I actually tried to change my terminology, thinking that
Iacopo's issue is just with the term God, so I
decided to use Creator, rather than God and I'm glad to add that there wasn't
any need to replace the name of Jesus with anything else, given that Iacopo is
first in saying that Jesus was a real person of whom many objects are still
existent and well preserved (of course).
Iacopo is also very confident in the correctness of his
theories, at least as much as I am of mine - given my personal experience - so
please allow me to describe in simple words what my Catholic experience has
made it more than clear to me, even if much of what I'm going to say has
already been "sprinkled around" in plenty of my posts here in the
I'm going to number each point by timing priority, so
everyone will know what comes after each point:
as we
die we see again our lives like in a documentary.
death our brain receives the Universal Intelligence boost (or cumulative
intelligence per Iacopo).
at our entire lives with such a superior intelligence/mental capacity, we
decide by ourselves in which way our afterlife is going to be forever
the good deeds overcome the bad ones we ourselves decide how our souls
will spend eternity in afterlife (no God participation here), and it's
going to be in heaven
the reverse of point a is real, then
our eternity is going to be spent in hell, or what our human brain
considers it to be hell (i.e. regret for nothing ever done or someone we
This is the very reason why I wrote few weeks ago that it's
us humans who are God, (which is very different from the Creator who made Himself
human as Jesus) Jesus was the man who could use close to 100% of His
brain capacities (Holy perfection) and the man who - in order to be understood
by Palestinian shepherds of 2.000 years ago told them that he was the "son of God" which still confuses too
much every Catholic believer here on earth.
The very uniqueness of the human (our) brain is that nothing
exists that can explain how it was developed (some still say it comes from "monkeys")
and where it came from.
However what's well known and true is that it's our bran
that can make miracles happen and in this second millennium we humans still
don't know how it's physically made (i.e. Obama's B.R.A.I.N. mapping project).
Our creator isn't looking over us constantly, it makes me
sad when my mother tells me of the earthquake in Nepal - with all the people
that died because of it - and says: "where was God and why didn't He stop
It matters not if I tell to her that the victims are very
probably in heaven now, therefore in a much better existence, because the entire
conversation goes down to her complaints that God took her husband (Saint Gianfranco,
my dad) too early, leaving here alive, scared to be alone.
All I can tell to her is that "when the time comes, you
will surely rejoin him in heaven and never be alone again".
What worries me very much is that all of this happens as a
result of the thoughts and beliefs we have in our brain, in example if someone
believes that death is the end of everything and afterlife is just the dream of
who's scared of death, this is exactly what's going to happen to them, I only wonder
if when they die they glimpse of what it could have been like their existence going
More to come, I'm now going to be in court with Jesus
to see that my monetary wealth might not go to my children, but to somebody who
dreams that money taken from others in that way can open the doors to heaven ☺ .