
Saturday, May 30, 2015


Some very smart of my readers here clearly spend some of their time reading what a brain injured even unable to manage his own money posts here about our mind = conscience = soul = God and asked to me if I think that it might be that Hitler might not have ended up in hell, so rather than replying to the dozens of messages, I thought it best to give my reply directly here, so that everyone can see what I think of this.
Surely the mind (God) of Hitler was pretty powerful (he convinced an entire country of people to go to war against the rest of the world) plus he married "his woman" while committing suicide, so I think that there's plenty to have people believe that at worst his soul isn't in hell for eternity, rather in purgatory, maybe.
I do however firmly believe that Adolf Hitler's soul is forever in hell, no matter what his very powerful God had him convinced of.
In fact, I believe - for personal experience - that the millions of Jews he incinerated forced Hitler's soul to eternal hell, no matter what Hitler's soul (or personal God) had him be convinced of else.
This actually explains very well the reason of my accident (with practical death) because while on one side my mind (or personal God) was committing the sin to believe to have reached the very top of my own world (second commandment), my former boss (the owner of Tecnica in Italy) was so upset and had such a powerful mind that his fury had me (the sinner) get run-over by a license-less kid driving his father's car into the garage.
This is very related to my previous post about Jesus and revenge, because my mind (personal God) isn't going to stop hating those who have condemned me and my family to such an earthly hell, therefore your unique choice is to undo what you've done and been doing to avoid both my earthly revenge and your own eternity in hell.


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