
Sunday, May 31, 2015


I can't tell if it was my superior intelligence or my connection to the afterlife, but I finally clearly understood the reason why I lost plenty of my MD because "scared of me" in fact my conservator has been having issues to find new ones willing to become my medical practitioner. For the longest time I couldn't believe that an adult man not at all disabled in any way would possibly be frightened by my physical presence, I was told - as a possible reason- that it's my posting on this blog that frightens this type of professionals, but after having looked to all of my hundreds of texts I had posted here (including the ones I either never posted and those I had completely deleted) I came to the (obvious) conclusion that these MD were just scared because of their own absolute absence of any self-confidence and - not having any reasonable justification for not doing what I was asking for - decided to express their own fear for my challenges.
Aside that to look for new MD's for me costs money to me for the time spent doing it by my conservator,  I just want to say that I truly wish that self-confidence could be a good that can be sold for money, I'd be already a billionaire selling some of mine by the truckload, in addition I've developed now the ability to "smell" the amount of self-confidence of people I deal with, in fact it takes few minutes to me to know if someone has any of it, or there's a black hole in its place.
What's very interesting is that the (few)self-confident MD are all very rare and expensive to see, so maybe it's going to take some miracle to happen for me to find a MD not afraid of me and my requests who'll be willing to see me more than once.


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