
Monday, July 28, 2014


On 4/18 this year I made my movie review of "Heaven if for real" where I expressed my deep disappointment to see that it's now our President Obama, with the support of nonetheless Hollywood that is driving the switch between the American faith in consumerism and the faith in our Creator God, rather than the Catholic church with the Vatican and all of its "soldiers" (Bishops and priests, to say the least).
Given that, I posted something critical about the Vatican Monarchy in Italy that had me receive several messages of support, I decided to post something with the same tone here in the USA (with the permission of the Ph. D. in fear who thought it to be safer to condemn me to conservatorship).
What I posted in my mother language is that it's the Vatican itself that should spearhead this "transformation" in values in this great country through the efforts of Bishops, nuns and priests rather than have our political leader and the movies made in Hollywood take this responsibility.
I also said that the Vatican itself is a monarchy with the Pope as king that has had their hands dipped in innocent blood since centuries, think of the Crusades and to how many innocent people died in those war campaigns, then think to all the "infidels" who ended up being burnt alive (i.e. Joan of Arc) and most recently think of the priests who sexually molested their pupils giving as reason for their wrong behavior God's will, this cause the "resignations" of Pope Benedict XVI before Francis.
But getting back to the very reason of this post I find it upholding that nobody seems to have understood that when Jesus was referring to God "his father" was simply doing it to make himself better understood by (never forget) shepherds of 2.000 years ago, if the concept of the Trinity means that the Father (God), the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit are all just one entity, why do Catholics still celebrate the difference between God and Jesus 2.000 years later? AND why it's President Obama visiting the Pope in the Vatican to give the lead to this replacement of faiths in our country?

I hope that if any of my readers here is in agreement with me I can receive a small donation and if anyone is very against what I say please send a message to me, even if as anonymous.


Sunday, July 27, 2014


On 5/17/14 I posted here what my dear dad had taught to me about death and how it's the most fair event that happens in life, it being equal for everybody, no matter how rich, famous or intelligent someone can be, the time always comes for life here on earth to end, today I want to add another concept that my dad used to tell me when I was younger and it's simply about the subjects of conversations we have with friends depending on what stage of life we are at, in example when you are a student all you talk about is what you like to study and the different teachers you have, then the time comes when all you talk about is the other sex and what you plan to do going forward, after all you talk about is having children and when they come, what hopes you have for them, if they are healthy, do well at school or in sports and how you plan to support their passions, interests and strengths.
Then it comes the day when all you talk about with your friends is who just died and how. My dad always talked about this in his 60ies while laughing and making up what's being said in these situations, something like: "do you know Frank, the guy always walking around with an umbrella? well he just died for a lightning hitting his umbrella wile in his hands…..yes I knew it, but did you know of his cousin, always in a hurry to go home to watch a soccer game? well he too just died while he was riding his bicycle crazy fast and smashed against a closed gate behind his home "this was very much fun for my dad to say, almost like it's a joke, but then he used to become very much more serious and would tell me that this is really a true stage in everyone's life, as much as talking about who's marrying who, or about jobs or cars or anything else that happens in life.
The time or stage in life always comes for everyone when the main subject of conversation is only about people you know and how they died.

Since my dad always told me of this with much laughter, so I never really thought much about it becoming true until I did die when I was 42 y/o, I'd say that this is the very reason that explains why so many of my posts here are about religion and afterlife, what else has fascinated human kind since it's very beginning and what else does any religion of this world give its answer to? I must admit that I'm blessed because I got to meet our God, Jesus and return to suffer here on earth only for my love to my treasures.


Saturday, July 26, 2014


Amore mio, I’m very sorry that you don’t feel like I can be your husband and father of our cuccioli anymore, but what hurts me most is that I have no clue about how to fix this problem, you know that whenever something wasn't right, I’d work on trying to figure out how to make it right again, but this is beyond my capacity and NOT because my brain is injured, simply because you aren’t helping me with any clue.
Don’t you ever miss me near you in bed when you go to bed? Moreover, what about going places together? I know that I’m not mobile as I was, nor I’d like to be, but Michele please believe me (not B.) when I say that I can still get to be very much better, if you only both believed me and supported or helped me too.
I cannot begin to tell you how furiously mad at Anna for her deep ignorance and insecurity; it’s her own older brother who’s paying all her shortcomings, not one of her jackass friends in Verona!
I want to see and talk with you but without you being afraid of anything in any way and if you feel it better we can talk by email too.


Friday, July 25, 2014


I've said here more times than I can count about my being abandoned by my very beautiful and beloved wife Michele and even by my very limited sister Anna in Italy, however I recently realized that this abandonment generating deep solitude has been helping me to gain strength in the form of self-confidence and determination (like I need any!) to gain again what my accident with TBI had me lose.
While for others to be alone because everyone leaves may result in lack of self-respect or diminished self-confidence, it has produced the exact opposite in me and in my mind.
Without going back to what some readers here call, "boring religion" I just want to remind to everyone that even the Holy Bible itself mentions of Jesus making reference to the law of Karma, or "an eye, for an eye" and what I like about the karma is that it's purely a human effect on humans, nothing divine.
Basically the karma main law is that whatever you do to others is eventually going to come back to you ten times stronger and given that my brain has been always very good at predicting with precision what can happen to others in certain situations I hope that my conservator won't be upset if I say here that I can easily guess that the one who had condemned me to being under conservatorship is already receiving from the karma a truckload of insecurities with tons of small facts that by happening in everything he has ever done to make his life pretty good are making it a true living hell! My advice to this man (?) is to try to fix whatever it is that he perpetrated to others because that's the only way to stop the karma circle to get back to him, without having to mention that however he'll feel about his living when he'll pass on, will directly relate to where his own soul will end up spending the eternity.

While I realize that my self-confidence and personal strengths are 180 degrees from the ones he has, I feel that it's the right thing to do for me to advise and warn that poor lonely man who isn't gaining anything from being in company only of his solitude.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


The bare fact that I was run over by a kid without the driver's license when I had reached the ultimate "top of my world" having a great job in a dream town with a family I couldn't love any more than I was doing, has made me want to try to list in order of importance (prioritize) all my frustrations and reasons of anger, so I put it here with the hope that my readers will have at least a glimpse at my existence now:
  1. Refusals of my beautiful and intelligent wife Michele to ever have me live with her  again.
  2. complete loss of any and all opportunities and possibilities to be a present dad to my children (true heroes and victims of my forced - by Michele - absence too)
  3. Recent psychological assessment done on me by someone without any self-confidence that resulted in my imprisonment by conservatorship
  4. Complete belief in such assessment not only by the beloved mother of my children, but by my powerful and ignorant sister Anna too.
  5. My absolute inability to find any MD both willing and able to treat me with Enbrel  at least as a test (main topic of this blog)
In short I cannot come to terms with the fact that a fairly stupid bike accident has resulted in my complete loss of everything I ever loved and worked for in my entire life and while this can be sufficient reason to become an atheist like Michele is and tries to teach to my children to be, I put all my trust in Jesus (or God) whom I was blessed to see, so there's no doubt in my mind of His reality.



Sunday, July 20, 2014


Like I said that I'm no MD in 3/2/2014 last night I realized (how weird!!) that neither I'm God, therefore I want to apologize for having distributed afterlife condemnations to the people I referred to (mainly MD) just because our Creator will decide where our souls are going to end up when in few years we all die.
I really cannot say that Mr. X will end up in hell just based on how I was treated as a direct result of his actions, nor I can state that the soul of Ms. Y will be forever damned just based on what she's done to me!
How can I determine where someone's soul will be judged when I have no idea of the possible pluses and certain minuses this person ever did in the entire life?
Of course the intelligence and logic of God is human (see links below), therefore even if my brain is injured only in the motor cortex I still am able to have God-like thoughts, but since all I can know is what I personally receive in a specific moment in time, I have no way to make any balanced judgment about the value of someone's entire life.
Truth is however that when anybody makes somebody else suffer physical or emotional pains of any kind (i.e. humiliations) our sole creator God will take this in heavy consideration when making the "final judgment".
At this point I want to clarify something else that Jesus advised me to say here in my blog, or that while it's very correct and true that - as Pope Francis recently stated - the doors of heaven are open to atheists too, going to Mass every day or continually praying for something to happen any holy entity doesn't ensure that heaven will be open to those who do this, it all depends on both the balance of pluses and minuses done in the entire life AND the last thought before we pass away.
While this seems pretty logical and easy to understand (even if Erik assessed me as unable to count to 3) I do know of certain people who somehow believe to surely go to Heaven just because they spent a large amount of time in their lives either praying or attending to Masses.
I also want to state that anyone who drams that artificial intelligence could ever be better than the intelligence of God has a bad case of drunkenness in egotism, for having ingested too much of him/herself.

The fact that my never-ending love for Michele is considered by her a simple effect of my injured brain is very well described in the links here below that state that love is ONLY HUMAN or that no other animal ever acts based on this feeling here on earth, even if it might look to be the same.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


I'm sure many of you, my readers here often wonder why I talk so much about God, the son Jesus and the Catholic religion and I think it's time for me to give a simple explanation of my continuous mentioning of this:
  1. I was born in Italy and therefore was a Catholic from birth, there's no other possible option to profess any other religion in the country that hosts the Vatican country
  2. I said to have met and made an agreement with Jesus Christ while in a coma to keep living - no matter how painful it was going to be for the love I have for my children/treasures
  3. As I show in the links below, desperation drives people to be closer to God our creator in the attempt to find strength and focus on the resolution of what causes desperation
Therefore, I'd say that my renewed faith in Jesus isn't really the effect of my injured brain (as M. and E.L. would say), it's just a very human and normal reaction to situations that seem to be unfair and close to impossible to resolve, so why am I crazy to hope that God can help me, while nobody else wants to even try to help me?


Friday, July 18, 2014


It turns out that too many MD who both know me or were simply contacted either by someone else for me or received directly one of my emails have been refusing to take me as their patient, using various excuses, like i.e. too many patients now or unable to truly help me, or (worse!) saying they are going on some vacation abroad, when they really keep working for other patients (eh! Timothy R.).
What blows my mind more than anything else is that these professionals had to take the famous Hippocratic Oath to receive the legal authorization to perform the profession they studied several years to practice.
As usual you can see here below links to sites that clearly explain what taking this oath entails and to my injured mind this simply means that taking an oath that you aren't going to stick to or oblige, you are just committing mortal sin, so you'll all end up in hell, or your own imagination/creation of it.
What however shall concern you much more is that when I'm going to finally receive the treatment I've been begging all of you for way too long, I will ......... (Erik knows well from his own mother about the giving and receiving of this) and if you want you can try to figure out a way to stop me from doing it, I'm going to simply put into action the revenge of God that fills the Bible of it, so I want to see who will try to stop me from doing what God teaches me to do!
The word of someone who - according to Erik - cannot manage my own money!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I've been literally shocked to see and experience the complete fear and deep ignorance by normally very good and experienced MD about the use of Etanercept (Enbrel) to treat and get rid of the pain at my back that's been torturing me 24/7 for more than 6 years.
Now I'm about to go to a pain center that specializes in pain reduction and treatment
and here again I'm starting to see that this specialized center for pain reduction too has absolutely no idea nor intention to possibly use little Etanercept for my back pain.
As I always do, I put here below few links to medical and news stories about this specific use of this med, while I'm terrified to experience the deep laziness with ignorance shown by professional MD to learn about something that a complete ignorant in medicine as I am can easily find in the Internet I really pray our God to make it possible for me to be treated with at least for my back pain, of course my hopes remain all directed towards receiving the "famous" perispinal Enbrel treatment about which I filled my blog with articles and medical examples, but sadly (for me and my family) it's going to take either a miracle or a woman president before this will be approved by the FDA here.
So enjoy these articles for dumb people like me and pray for some miracle to happen so that I can receive this treatment for back pain (already FDA approved since years) so that I'll walk=work again and rejoin my dear family.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Today I want to talk about the concept of guilt, or to feel to be guilty for something done or just thought to do.
Aside from what Freud and Nietzsche plus all the psychological text-books already say about guilt, I simply think that we were born with this concept in our genes, just think about what mankind has been doing since the beginning of time, the crucifixion of Jesus (Rex Iudeorum), the penal system and all the laws connected with it: if you don't pay your bills, depending on the amount of money you owe you can end up in jail for a pre-determined (by the law) amount of time related to the size of the debt you have and what about the death penalty we have and still use here in the USA? When you kill somebody, in order to make things right (?) for yourself, for the entire society and even for the relatives of the victim you can die either on an electric chair or are injected with a potent and quick acting poison (to be more "gentle"). We learn the concept of guilt and its repair since we are toddlers: "if you eat too much jam, you'll get a spanking", or when you confess what you believe it to be a sin you committed to a priest, you are given a number of prayers to recite to free your soul from the sins you confessed or you cannot receive communion.
Basically our entire world with all of its laws and social regulations is based on this concept of guilt, that to me simply explains very clearly why when I got out of my coma I struggled for several months trying to think of a reason (sin) why I was given such a harsh punishment, when I couldn't think of a reason to deserve my practical execution to death.
Living completely alone because totally abandoned by those who should care and love me, I'm sure you can imagine how much time I have to think very deeply and dissect any idea I have about a possible reason why this happened to me, but (maybe because the psych. EL was right) I haven't been able to even imagine one.
In fact I initially thought that given the gravity of this punishment, I must had committed a pretty substantial sin, that in my mind could only be to cheat my wife Michele, so I asked by email to dozens of women I ever worked with (or I just knew well) if I had ever been "inappropriate" with them, I did truthfully learn that just my presence used to be for many of them like having a body-guard present, not only because no other man would even dare to "pass the limit" in my presence, but also very much because I always acted in presence of any woman like she was some queen and I always acted with extreme respect and courtesy.
It truly took me few months to eliminate this suspicion from my list of possible sins, so I got to the next, that's about being incorrect as a professional, but here too I took this out of "my list" because I received several dozens of emails from former colleagues and co-workers that could constitute an entire text-book about how any professional should always behave.
I'm now convinced that my accident with TBI and subsequent abandonment from everyone I ever loved and cared for with the additional immense frustration of losing the ability to have a job, manage my money, travel and earn again, combined with the assessment of a Ph. D. in fear who made the Ventura court assign to me a full conservator who could be my daughter for age and experience, have absolutely nothing to do with anything bad I ever did or thought to maybe do to others.
I have concluded that all the bad that's been going on in my life is simply due to "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" and here again I want to refer you to my post of 7/11 about my winning again over this tragedy too, not only because the entire universe is based on the law of gravity (all in balance), but very much also because humanity and human kind always finds the way to make things right again and I'm owed very much as an individual with children/treasures.
I just repeat again that everyone who's been taking advantage of me and my family has the freedom to repair the wrongs I've been subjected to in order to avoid spending eternity as a soul in their own hell.


Monday, July 14, 2014


I've been trying to understand whatever might have happened to Michele (my eternal love-life) and I keep dreaming to one day (soon!) I'll be able to live again with my family under the same roof; I even found an apartment complex (Sumida Gardens) not too far from my dream company where I'm also dreaming to soon work at again, or in Goleta.
I put here few pictures of this place that has everything that someone like me - prisoner of a wheelchair - needs to have for a worriless living, I was told that it's approved by the disability act laws, there's a great pool and a game field for children to use, in addition there are several stores not too far from it and I could go grocery shopping by myself.
However my hopes that with the Enbrel therapy (soon to become more known and used) my spasticity will "let go" of the left side of my body and I'll be walking normally again.
Walking means to me that I can travel, work and regain my independence granted to everyone since birth and I don't really want to list all of what I plan to do, because some things might never happen and my dad had taught me to first act and only after talk about what I did, so I'm sorry but in this case it's very true that "actions speak louder than words".
I'm just posting here few pictures of the location where I dream to move to as soon as I'll have gained my individual freedom again, with the only purpose to let my treasures know that I'll never forget about being with them again and that my taste for locations wasn't injured with my brain ten years ago.
Once we'll all live together again, I will have started to work and the therapy will have proven that I've been always right like since I was born 51 years ago, I plan to go with my family to Verona, Italy to take care of certain real estate deals and be with my treasures when they get to meet and know their extensive family in Italy, so that their spoken Italian will perfect itself without much work or effort.

I hope to have made my dearest family dream too. CIAO!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I've recently become a member of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse and I want to say that when I moved to the USA in 1996 this country was the world leader financially, military and in the democratic field, every other country in this entire world was looking at the USA with both envy and respect, for example when I announced my move to the USA plenty (if not all) of my friends just screamed out loud "BRAVO!!".
Even the idea of the existence of an organization like the NASGA seems to my injured brain (incapable of anything, according to the Ph. D. in fear EL) ludicrous.
This country has been protecting individual freedom and rights with its constitution since its very beginning and to think that there is the need for people to organize themselves to protect the very rights that should be constitutionally protected by the law already, makes me sick to my stomach!
I saw personally the kind of people that the conservatorship laws protect and I must admit that in most cases it's even right to protect minors or demented people with a professional conservator who (for a fee obviously) is requested to take care of either the finances or health care (or both!) of the conservatee, but the fact that people like me (former company president, fluent in 3 languages) are assigned a conservator by a judge who only reads the psychological assessment made by some court appointed professional without even exchanging two words with me (the victim) I think should be considered illegal, not to mention all the bribery and personal interests (+stupidity) by every individual involved with it, that are part of my condemnation to have a conservator.
As long as I remain alive, I'm going - of course - to figure out the way to regain my personal freedom (and money) in any possible way, mostly for the sake of my treasures, but given that I'm living prove of the reality of humans having the afterlife, if I cannot return to be free while living here on earth, my sole goal is to ensure to my children/treasures the most worriless life here on earth, that's the agreement I made with Jesus Christ while in the other dimension and nothing/nobody can possibly stop me (and God) to do what I'm still living for!

I don't know who ever came up with the idea of conservatorship and its laws, but to know about how unconstitutional is and that we even have the NASGA to fight it, truly puts the USA at the same level of its current "financial health/power" :)


Friday, July 11, 2014


I was born with a truckload of self-confidence that only kept growing larger as I kept winning my life-battles, I never chose the easier path to reach my wants, and neither had I ever used unethical or (much less) illegal methods, even if I was playing some game with neighbors or co-workers.
This "impossible to heal" injury has nevertheless put a big dent in my natural self-confidence and the fact that almost 10 long years after my accident/injury I still live away from my adored family and imprisoned (or incarcerated) in a retirement home where people about double my age reside truly hasn't helped me at all.
On my negative side, I can count:
  1. Having been unfairly imposed conservatorship and as consequence any ability to directly manage my wealth of a lifetime and decision-making in my health management.
  2. Having temporarily lost my ability to have a job in a "special" company and industry close to my heart.
  3. having completely lost all the support from both my wife and sister (or from all of my families)
  4. Being unable to live with my children/treasures in the time very important and critical for their mental and personal development, right before they enter into adulthood.
At the same time on the positive side (to make BV happyJ) I can count:
  1. I'm still alive and living in the downtown of one of the most beautiful and European-like towns in the USA or in the entire world.
  2. My children/treasures are being taken care by their mother with much care and attention (at least until they turn 18 y/o) and they are living very close to my prison/residence, so that when in few years they will want to spend some time with me (their true dad) they can easily do it.
  3. Even if I wish eternal hell to the psychologist who condemned me to conservatorship, I'm sure that my money is very well taken care of and since my conservator has to respond to a high court about the way my money is being used in any way and at any time, I'm confident that my money is accumulating in a healthy way (even if NOT with the interest rates I could have if I managed it alone)
  4. Sooner than later - with God's help - my painful position and situation is going to find its natural balance and my positive, wealthy and active life will return to take its natural place.
That will be when something (human intelligence, not God) tells me that I will be part of my family again, since Michele will forget about her fear of me and choose the convenience of my eternal love for her with my wealth.
Once again I must advise those who read me here to make sure to correct the wrongs I've been subjected to well before their inevitable "passing", I think it's way better than having God after they die or the human intelligence while still alive take care of rebalancing all their (many) wrongs to me, rather than spend their eternity in hell…… YOUR CHOICE!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2014


  • I’m sure that you all know how painful it can be to have your children living not too far but never receive their call or show that they think of you and know you live close by, and can’t think it would be fun to spend few hours with their only real dad. My sharing my pain with that of Jesus while on the cross - as I was told by an experienced pastor - means that my room already is His home, I talk with Him many times every day because I receive from Him (and my treasures) the strength to keep living like this.
  • I consider it amazing that Jesus can send real messages to me using "messengers" or through very normal people I happen to be in company of and I talk with, I actually receive His messages even via phone calls that I can recognize being from Him just because I receive calls from people I don't know, nor I ever met before but who talk to me like we've known each other for ages.
  • Aside from the fact that I was born in Italy, where the State of the Vatican resides and the Catholicism is almost the ruling party over the (too) many others, I never really considered myself a very religious person, meaning that my going to Sunday Mass never was an obligation of any kind, much like receiving communion and doing confession before it.
  • I certainly grew up following all of these directions for any accomplished Catholic but I really never paid too much attention to following them, partly because living in the USA it's exceptional for anyone to behave following Catholic practices and very much because I chose as my companion a woman who never received any education in the religious field, in fact she thinks it's all just a big waste of time.
  • Many of the messages I receive from Jesus are simple for me to understand and report here (like the one about my wonderful daughter soon becoming a troubling issue for her mother), while I cannot really talk about others I received because they specifically name people (my unnameable psychologist EL, my divorce attorney MD, one of my caregivers BV, MW. AM. TN, etc…) who would cause me trouble if I ever did.
  • The one thing I can confidently say is that since it's been very well known (even by atheists) that our Supreme Creator (God) is always ready to forgive anyone as long as regret is shown and is followed by the repair - at least attempted - of the wrongs done to someone else
I feel it to be my duty with my blog here to suggest to those who have been humiliating, robbing and hurting me to begin at least to repair what they know very well they have done to make me suffer so bad to avoid to their souls to be spending their after-death eternity in what is commonly called Hell.
Like the mathematician Pascal Wager said few centuries ago, "it's better (more convenient) to believe that God exists even if there is no proof one exists".
I offer the advice to my latest psychologist that one important reason why we live our lives here on earth is to show not only that we know how to respect others, but very much also that we can reproduce and bring new lives into existence, so no point in having interests in a side that cannot allow reproduction - even if it can ensure educational and title goals, what's the life of someone who chooses not to multiply while here alive on earth? Such God-given life is truly a complete waste, if in addition you hurt someone else, to me there's no question where your soul will spend its eternity!

I simply want to conclude this post saying that the only reason why I'm still living is for the immense love I have for my treasures who are worth any pain and anything else I must suffer every day.


Monday, July 07, 2014


I believe love, the emotion, the evaluation, actually comes second. I think a rational evaluation of the person according to your values is the mechanism that can make love “true.” I think, if you love someone, and the feeling comes first, and there is no rational/conceptual evaluation of the person, you aren’t really loving that person so much as creating a psychological/emotional association and dependency that has nothing to do with them. That’s the old, deeper meaning of “platonic love.” I think it’s what we today erroneously associate with true love. “Love me not for my attributes, love me for me!”
Now, I mean, if one pretends to love another because of some insignificant temporary need like, in example, money or hedonistic sex, that’s another story.
However, I think when you know someone and you have that kind of respect and appreciation for them apart from any particular thing they do for you directly, that’s objectively valid and still an evaluation, and that this is different from loving someone where the emotion comes before the evaluation.
In addition, I think for it to be love you can’t merely enjoy a specific thing someone does for you, it has to be such that their very being who they are is of value to you.
I think it’s the mystic, the arbitrary that waters love down, and think an expectation for that is why people treat relationships so pragmatically today. Much like in how altruism, which is impossible to practice, stops people from acting ethically, when rational-self interest could show us practical ethics, mutually beneficial.
“Doesn’t that sort of take away from the magic of love, if we only base our love for them on how useful they are for us?” If we’re talking about a very specific use, no. Those relationships are practical, but they aren't love. This is where the elaborate nature of the concretes we’re dealing with make things appears mystical. However, really “true” love is still ultimately based on their value to you, just in a very ubiquitous way that makes it appear supernatural, which is why we associate loving someone for their specific traits and the value those show to you with a sort of pragmatic “using” someone. I think when loving someone with an emotional love you don’t understand and can’t reduce to the actual traits are beneficial to you is the shallow love. You don’t love them; they just have superficial similarities to things you've emotionally associated with love. I think that’s infatuation.
“Are you saying it’s detrimental to believe in something non-concrete?” This really shows the metaphysical basis of this, like all, issues. I don’t believe in concepts that can’t be given specific and concrete representatives like “love” and “government”. I mean they must be ultimately rooted in concretes. Abstractions are ways of dealing with concretes cognitively; they don’t exist in of themselves. Plato believed abstractions actually existed by themselves in another dimension, and that our concrete world was inferior to this dimension, and that’s why we have the term “platonic love.” It’s love that cannot be objectively, concretely justified. Now we use it to mean love without sex, but the idea was actually that it had nothing to do with anything perceivable about the person whatsoever, it was mystically endowed. It was “above” the physical world.
“And what about when love is reciprocated? Does that mean the love did not exist, and that it was just an illusion?” Love being unreciprocated can mean different things depending on the context. I definitely don’t believe that you were unjustified in feeling it in the first place because it’s unreciprocated. You don’t love someone primarily because of his or her use to you in a romantic relationship. You love them because the fact that they are who they are independently of you is itself a value to you. A relationship is just sometimes the best way to celebrate and enjoy it.
In addition - and going back into religious concepts J - it's only love that makes mankind different from animals, what a mother (woman) does for her child has nothing to do with what a duck (bear, cow, dolphin) does for the newborn, as well as the conception itself, nothing to do with "instinctual animal urges", just the will to have a deep and long-lasting connection.
I hope that with this explanation you will believe Michele that my love for you isn't an effect of my injured brain and that is truly going to exists in eternity, forever. Please let me live with you and our treasures together again.


Sunday, July 06, 2014


I think it's funny and ludicrous that several of my MD have accused me to "having fired" them.
I also think that's borderline offensive for any professional with a website about their business to publish their email address and never reply to any emails they receive.
Here in my blog my email address is certainly available, but it isn't published in my front page, it takes some time, knowledge and work to find it.
Given my disability with related abandonment by the few people (women) who should care for me, the email has become my primary and preferred method of communication; I prefer it even to using the phone.
Therefore, if I have fired any of my MD is simply because they have their email address published very visible in their own websites.
How can anyone imagine that their email address is published in their own business websites only because it looks nice but not because a current disabled patient can use it to either ask questions or share ideas/concerns?
If this is the ludicrous reason that explains the feeling to having been "fired" by me, then it surely is the right one.
I even offered to pay their email replies like a visit in person to their office and I truly understand that it's very difficult to find the time for any professional like an MD to read and reply to the questions that a patient of their asks by email, but to think that for me to go to any of my MD takes the work of at least 3 (well) paid people, a car or bus ride to their office over the scheduling of the visit itself plus the rides, then I admit to have "fired" more than one MD of mine.
However, this is what happens and what shall be always expected in the real world of business, if anyone publishes a website that portrays their business with references to what's being done and offered as specific knowledge including the way to get in touch with the business by phone or email, it goes without me saying it that neither business success nor its growth can ever be expected. So, yeah dear dr. A, B, C, X, Y, Z I fired you all and can only wish you good luck!


Saturday, July 05, 2014


I'm hoping not to bore my readers by continuing to elaborate on the existence of God and the gifts we received, I simply want to explain - in response to the several questions I've received - that our brain cannot be explained with the theory of evolution from Darwin or any other, simply because it's a gift that God gave to humans since the beginning of mankind.
I said before that we received the brain as an antenna receiver to be in contact with our God (creator of this universe) that we can use in a very small percentage of its capacity and potential.
Whoever uses a fraction more of it becomes a genius (like Michelangelo and Einstein) or can produce miracles, or what our science is unable to explain.
My own mother calls it a miracle that when I came out of the 2 months long coma I could speak fluently two different languages(English and Italian).
I call it a miracle that I can remember very well and easily translate anything to/from German and Latin (the two languages I studied at my high school, 30 to 35 years ago and never practiced since).
Therefore I'm not at all surprise that a Ph.D. in psychology couldn't understand my limitations at all (only physical) and condemned me to conservatorship to be safe, just make any internet search about the psychological limitations in understanding the most complex organ in our body and you'll see the tens of thousands of websites that say that it's only our arrogance that makes us confident to say that we know how a part of God operates and reacts to different situations and impulses.
What's concerning to the point of becoming scary is that whatever we do to hurt someone else determines where our soul, personality, intelligence and experience will end up spending the eternity after leaving here on earth the body (or dying).
It's very true however that as long as mistakes or bad actions are corrected while living, we can count on being always forgiven (no matter what sin) and enjoy eternal peace in heaven.
What are you Ph. D. E.L. waiting for then?


Friday, July 04, 2014

MY NDE (Near Death Experience)

Aside from the fact that I continue to talk about the existence of a creator (named usually God) of this universe that existed even before the so-called Big-Bang and that the earth with the human kind are unique in the entire (and always expanding) universe, I'm starting to see that both our President Obama and Hollywood started to replace the God consumerism with the real God, the creator.
I'm very simply going to put here few links in support of what I'm saying and - as always - few Youtube videos that to me are the real demonstration that Hollywood is truly after this "replacement of Gods" in our modern culture.
I'm truly amazed by the fact that I'm not the only person who had a NDE and I just put here the trailers to the movie because it's not for everyone (I put the link to the full movie however, since some of you may be able to watch it). This is again a movie made from a serious and scientific documentary of researchers who wanted to study and understand the NDE phenomena and while I now understand that one of "my challenges/pains" is that I don't remember having made the agreement with Jesus Christ to remain alive for the immense love I have for my children/treasures, I want to say that since all I was told while in my coma has been proven absolutely correct and true, I cannot believe that my good atheist friend Iacopo told me about what I had said when I came out of the coma, or that I had said to have seen Jesus just because I grew up as a Catholic in a country and in a family that follow the same faith.
His alternative explanation (I saw myself in another space and time) cannot make any sense to me, how could I not recognize myself if it was me talking to myself? And how much could I know about my future even if I was talking to my own soul?

Truth is that I can always overcome all my pains just thinking of my children/treasures and because of just this I'm sure that what I said at that time is real and true, not to mention that our science is proving without any doubts that our souls with their  intelligence, experience, personality and education continueto exist eternally after the body is left behind here on Earth.