
Monday, July 07, 2014


I believe love, the emotion, the evaluation, actually comes second. I think a rational evaluation of the person according to your values is the mechanism that can make love “true.” I think, if you love someone, and the feeling comes first, and there is no rational/conceptual evaluation of the person, you aren’t really loving that person so much as creating a psychological/emotional association and dependency that has nothing to do with them. That’s the old, deeper meaning of “platonic love.” I think it’s what we today erroneously associate with true love. “Love me not for my attributes, love me for me!”
Now, I mean, if one pretends to love another because of some insignificant temporary need like, in example, money or hedonistic sex, that’s another story.
However, I think when you know someone and you have that kind of respect and appreciation for them apart from any particular thing they do for you directly, that’s objectively valid and still an evaluation, and that this is different from loving someone where the emotion comes before the evaluation.
In addition, I think for it to be love you can’t merely enjoy a specific thing someone does for you, it has to be such that their very being who they are is of value to you.
I think it’s the mystic, the arbitrary that waters love down, and think an expectation for that is why people treat relationships so pragmatically today. Much like in how altruism, which is impossible to practice, stops people from acting ethically, when rational-self interest could show us practical ethics, mutually beneficial.
“Doesn’t that sort of take away from the magic of love, if we only base our love for them on how useful they are for us?” If we’re talking about a very specific use, no. Those relationships are practical, but they aren't love. This is where the elaborate nature of the concretes we’re dealing with make things appears mystical. However, really “true” love is still ultimately based on their value to you, just in a very ubiquitous way that makes it appear supernatural, which is why we associate loving someone for their specific traits and the value those show to you with a sort of pragmatic “using” someone. I think when loving someone with an emotional love you don’t understand and can’t reduce to the actual traits are beneficial to you is the shallow love. You don’t love them; they just have superficial similarities to things you've emotionally associated with love. I think that’s infatuation.
“Are you saying it’s detrimental to believe in something non-concrete?” This really shows the metaphysical basis of this, like all, issues. I don’t believe in concepts that can’t be given specific and concrete representatives like “love” and “government”. I mean they must be ultimately rooted in concretes. Abstractions are ways of dealing with concretes cognitively; they don’t exist in of themselves. Plato believed abstractions actually existed by themselves in another dimension, and that our concrete world was inferior to this dimension, and that’s why we have the term “platonic love.” It’s love that cannot be objectively, concretely justified. Now we use it to mean love without sex, but the idea was actually that it had nothing to do with anything perceivable about the person whatsoever, it was mystically endowed. It was “above” the physical world.
“And what about when love is reciprocated? Does that mean the love did not exist, and that it was just an illusion?” Love being unreciprocated can mean different things depending on the context. I definitely don’t believe that you were unjustified in feeling it in the first place because it’s unreciprocated. You don’t love someone primarily because of his or her use to you in a romantic relationship. You love them because the fact that they are who they are independently of you is itself a value to you. A relationship is just sometimes the best way to celebrate and enjoy it.
In addition - and going back into religious concepts J - it's only love that makes mankind different from animals, what a mother (woman) does for her child has nothing to do with what a duck (bear, cow, dolphin) does for the newborn, as well as the conception itself, nothing to do with "instinctual animal urges", just the will to have a deep and long-lasting connection.
I hope that with this explanation you will believe Michele that my love for you isn't an effect of my injured brain and that is truly going to exists in eternity, forever. Please let me live with you and our treasures together again.


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