
Sunday, July 06, 2014


I think it's funny and ludicrous that several of my MD have accused me to "having fired" them.
I also think that's borderline offensive for any professional with a website about their business to publish their email address and never reply to any emails they receive.
Here in my blog my email address is certainly available, but it isn't published in my front page, it takes some time, knowledge and work to find it.
Given my disability with related abandonment by the few people (women) who should care for me, the email has become my primary and preferred method of communication; I prefer it even to using the phone.
Therefore, if I have fired any of my MD is simply because they have their email address published very visible in their own websites.
How can anyone imagine that their email address is published in their own business websites only because it looks nice but not because a current disabled patient can use it to either ask questions or share ideas/concerns?
If this is the ludicrous reason that explains the feeling to having been "fired" by me, then it surely is the right one.
I even offered to pay their email replies like a visit in person to their office and I truly understand that it's very difficult to find the time for any professional like an MD to read and reply to the questions that a patient of their asks by email, but to think that for me to go to any of my MD takes the work of at least 3 (well) paid people, a car or bus ride to their office over the scheduling of the visit itself plus the rides, then I admit to have "fired" more than one MD of mine.
However, this is what happens and what shall be always expected in the real world of business, if anyone publishes a website that portrays their business with references to what's being done and offered as specific knowledge including the way to get in touch with the business by phone or email, it goes without me saying it that neither business success nor its growth can ever be expected. So, yeah dear dr. A, B, C, X, Y, Z I fired you all and can only wish you good luck!


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