
Friday, July 25, 2014


I've said here more times than I can count about my being abandoned by my very beautiful and beloved wife Michele and even by my very limited sister Anna in Italy, however I recently realized that this abandonment generating deep solitude has been helping me to gain strength in the form of self-confidence and determination (like I need any!) to gain again what my accident with TBI had me lose.
While for others to be alone because everyone leaves may result in lack of self-respect or diminished self-confidence, it has produced the exact opposite in me and in my mind.
Without going back to what some readers here call, "boring religion" I just want to remind to everyone that even the Holy Bible itself mentions of Jesus making reference to the law of Karma, or "an eye, for an eye" and what I like about the karma is that it's purely a human effect on humans, nothing divine.
Basically the karma main law is that whatever you do to others is eventually going to come back to you ten times stronger and given that my brain has been always very good at predicting with precision what can happen to others in certain situations I hope that my conservator won't be upset if I say here that I can easily guess that the one who had condemned me to being under conservatorship is already receiving from the karma a truckload of insecurities with tons of small facts that by happening in everything he has ever done to make his life pretty good are making it a true living hell! My advice to this man (?) is to try to fix whatever it is that he perpetrated to others because that's the only way to stop the karma circle to get back to him, without having to mention that however he'll feel about his living when he'll pass on, will directly relate to where his own soul will end up spending the eternity.

While I realize that my self-confidence and personal strengths are 180 degrees from the ones he has, I feel that it's the right thing to do for me to advise and warn that poor lonely man who isn't gaining anything from being in company only of his solitude.


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