
Monday, November 30, 2015


Earlier I wrote something that an actor in the movie that I had mentioned "the Army turns you on as a killer, how can you be turned off as you’re back here? “however, to be precise this is something you can hear very clearly in this movie, the kill team that-s about our youth trying to find something to do to give a reason for spending a very long time in a land that hasn’t seen a day without violence, combat or aggression.
I truly intend to watch again this movie with my Brent; I had imagined that he still had attraction to join the Army, but few days ago we had a serious talk about this and now I’m very relieved to know that this was just a fad he used to have when much younger that’s now forever gone, no matter the pay.
What I put in this post  - aside from the Youtube trailer of the movie – are few links of articles written about this real tragedy of our youth finding the reason to be there, that’s about criminal. What I like the most is that the viewers are told that this is a true story and at the end of the movie (also called documentary) the penalties (time in jail) for each of the soldiers show on the screen like it's normal, for criminals.
My only comment is simply that’s wrong to train young people to kill everyone they see in combat zone and then expect for them to return to the civilization of our country like nothing ever happened.
One of the links I put below hopefully plays the entire movie that I strongly recommend to watch with good people who can make some constructive comments about it.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

In war there are no unwounded soldiers

Watching this movie (free for me as an Amazon Prime member) made me think to these 2 things:
1.       My sista, who just like M. and her own mother Donna don’t reply to my emails, ever.
2.       PTSD might be what I 've been suffering of, therefore all the MD I ever saw never gave any treatment indicated to help in this condition (much like the confusion between TBI and stroke)
This is just one of the several movies on the war we’ve been fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.… one of the most impressive phrases that can be clearly heard is "the Army turns you on as a killer, how can you be turned off as you’re back here ?"  Then there’s much talk about PTSD and the number of soldiers who – besides being mis –diagnosed – commit suicide shortly after having returned from the combat zone. The title of this post is really appropriate in this time, I remember reading that the number of suicides is close to having a real war in our country and this truly worries me because of the passion that my son Brent (true Lingiardi) has for weapons and action/adventure activities.
There truly is no way to possibly pay back for the loss of a son for a war initiated by the comedy of the 9/11 attack done to keep the price of the gas affordable and our economy in good shape, that soon after collapsed to a level so low that we still hurt more than a decade after it. I’ve been trying to have my Brent watch some of these movies with me, but since we never seem to have enough time, we just began to watch few of them while my real goal is to have him watch the most impressing of them all or, “the kill team " that, for the fact that it’s true shakes the viewer very deeply and makes you question what the future of our country is going to be after having raped the minds of our youth. I know that I sound repetitive, but given my newly acquired (and unwanted) knowledge of afterlife, I cannot begin to imagine the one or former president Bush, who not only will be regretting in eternity what he did to make that day happen, but very much also for the hatred he'll be subject to the hatred from both the victims' souls and from those still alive (unlimited brain powers).
I also must pity the plenty who’ve been taking advantage of my physically (only) disabled condition for the simple reason that I know where their souls will be spending eternity (even if I don’t know HOW) take it easy, you all still have time to fix your wrongs to avoid eternal self –punishment.


Saturday, November 28, 2015


" and God sais, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over creeping thing that keepeth over all the earth "
Given that this is written in BOTH the King James Bible and in the Dead Sea scrolls written about 200 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, therefore absolutely reliable. I said here too that, at least since the beginning of the XIX century, human mind has been deafened by what I called noise that’s nothing more than the bombardment of news, music, videos and our own appearance and so on.
This - of course - couldn’t possibly be of any concern whatsoever for people living many millennia ago, therefore never polluted by anything else than bare survival (i.e. predators, food, water and fire for heat).
I found many websites that say that us humans are destined to become gods, concept that ties really well to my idea that our brain is truly a God-given gift that not even now (beginning of the second millennium) is known (physically at least) from which the B.R.A.I.N.  mapping project and way less its functioning (logic, functioning and dreaming ).
This is also related to the fact that the posts that I labeled under the philosophy label could have been labeled with the religion label; I guess I was influenced by R. Hawking who contends that philosophy  - like religion – don’t exist anymore because replaced by science and scientific research.
\anyway, besides the very appropriate Youtube video, I post below the links in support of humans becoming like God in the future (don’t know how distant).
We 'll be walking on water, heal the diseased and even resurrect the dead, go to my posts that talk about Jesus to have a better idea of we'll be able to do once the full control of our brain will become reality.


Thursday, November 26, 2015


Life has a beginning (birth) and an end (death) my dad always told me and this is exactly what he said in May of last year (few months before his death), he said too that he knows for personal experience that we all have the soul, for having seen it leaving the body at time of death in plenty people (i.e. relatives, friends and partisans during the WWII war), he said too that he wasn’t scared to die, he was more curious to know where his soul might go or what could happen to it once it leaves the body.
The biggest fear of my dad, however had always been to wake up in the coffin after being buried underground, which made no sense at all and went in complete opposition to his confident knowledge that we all have the soul, he was actually pretty glad when the Vatican removed the opposition to incineration, that's exactly what happened to his body after he "passed over", in fact I have pictures of my mother in the cemetery holding the wooden box containing the ashes of my dad.
As much as he used to say that death is an integral part of life just like birth is, therefore never to fear it, he also said that while we forget the pains of being born, unfortunately it-s impossible to forget the pains of death, we are too conscious of our feelings not to be afraid of death.
Therefore, we can say that death hurts only the people who remain alive, mostly for the sense of loss of the departed, that's exactly what happened to me with the HUGE difference that I came back to life due to my immense (stronger than death) love for my two treasures.
In fact, not only I lost my family (or my creation) but in addition (like it wasn’t enough) my job, my home and pretty much everything else I ever cared for in my entire life before the accident(practical death).
As I came out of the 2 months long coma I’m told to have said that I was still alive as the result of an agreement I had made with Jesus, who had warned me that my living again would have been painful, I laugh now when I think of what I had thought at that time, or that I could just take some aspirin or Tylenol and any pain would go away……..Yeah, but what can take away the pain for all my losses? I can only think of strychnine, but that has permanent consequences (death) that have too many side effects J

I conclude just reminding my readers that love is only human and stronger than death itself, it affects our souls too - even after death – and souls reunite because of it. As for me, like many others who had a N.D.E. I'm fully unafraid to die (I hope that my readers know the reason why I'm still living) and since I'm sure that afterlife is our mental projection of what it could be PLUS our own experiences had while living, I do know that Michele and I will be forever in our own heaven (much more about this later).


Tuesday, November 24, 2015


A stroke is NOT a form of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

The word "traumatic" in the definition of TBI relates to the cause of the brain injury, not the fact that people feel traumatized from their brain injury. And of course, people with strokes or brain illnesses feel just as traumatized as people with TBI. But TBI's result from external forces such as being hit by a car or bullet or falling off of a ladder or roof top.
Strokes, tumors, and brain illnesses are not TBI's. The term "TBI survivor" has become so generalized, so popularized by the TBI community, that many people with a stroke or tumor think they are also TBI survivors. Not so. Instead, one is a stroke survivor, or a tumor survivor, or an anoxic brain injury survivor, or a meningitis survivor. Individuals with these other forms of acquired brain injury are not TBI survivors. However, they may claim to being ABI survivors. Everyone with an acquired brain injury (and that would include illness, stroke, toxin, trauma, or tumor may lay claim to being an ABI survivor.
Since I was riding my bicycle when I hit my head (or face) against the divider between the windshield and the front door of the car that drove against me, I’ve been classified since the beginning as a victim of TBI, however in my humble opinion all of my symptoms fall with much more precision if someone looks at my brain injury like it was due to a stroke.
I mean, if somebody breaks the femur no question is ever asked about the way the femur broke, it-s casted and everyone waits for the body to make the repair by itself, same if a brain gets injured, what's the difference if it's injured from any illness, a tumor or a fall from the roof or an accident like mine? The brain is injured, that’s all that counts, NOT the way it was injured.
It's primarily based on this concept that I started to do some internet research on this and 
Oh, my!..... the huge amount of expertise that neurology has accumulated in the past decades, this is yet another reason for my madness to be impossible to dissipate in any way whatsoever, I simply put here the very few websites dedicated to this matter, while I hope that my current neurologist will look at my blog, otherwise next time I’ll see her I'll have something new (to her) to discuss.

VERY long Youtube documentary on the brain


Monday, November 23, 2015

2001: A Space Odyssey

Here-s another of my movie reviews that - given my total absence of anything to do all day long – makes me want to say this about the movie that most has fascinated me and that goes in the face of the woman I’m still married to.
  2001: A Space Odyssey is one  my favorite sci-fi of all time, I’ve committed far too many hours of my life watching it and I’m now here to share my thoughts on what the ending means. 2001 has been puzzling viewers since the day it came out and probably will forever continue to puzzle people until humans are so advanced that we’ll become “Starchildren” like Dave himself (if that’s possible anyway).
There are many questions surrounding 2001 that have to be answered to figure out the ending like, what is the monolith? Why did it appear in every step of human evolution? What in the world even happened in the last 30 minutes of the film? Luckily for you, I’m here to – hopefully – answer all of those questions and more with this article.
I’ll start with the monolith. With all of the evidence the film gives to us it, suggests that the monolith is some sort of tool that a highly advanced alien civilization has sent to Earth to progress the evolution of humans. Stanley Kubrick uses the song ‘Requiem’ by Gregory Ligeti to not only create a chilling mood but also give the monolith a voice. The sounds of ‘Requiem’ can be heard in five parts of the film: the black screen before the movie starts, the Dawn of Man sequence, the sequence with the astronauts on the moon, the ending of the mission to Jupiter and the ending of the film itself when Dave is on the bed with the monolith towering over him.
This music is the monolith’s voice speaking to whoever it is facing. By having ‘Requiem’ play over the black screen at the beginning of the film Kubrick is actually showing us the first monolith even though it is too close for you to actually see the shape. Think about it. Doesn’t the black screen go on for a little too long? That was done intentionally by Kubrick. This is the monolith speaking to the audience themselves which suggest that we’re about to witness a film so grand and so magnificent that it will open up our eyes to things we’ve never even thought possible. I know that all seems fairly pretentious and it would be, if it wasn’t true but such is the genius of Stanley Kubrick.
All right, now that I’ve explained the monolith and what its purpose serves I can explain the ending in detail. 2001 is the story of human evolution itself from the beginning (or monkeys, as per MY M. ) to the end and the ending of the film is Kubrick’s version of what the next step of human evolution looks like (too bad he didn’t live to see the actual 2001). The part of the movie that people start to get confused at,  is the “Stargate” sequence right after Dave defeats HAL and learns of the reason he’s been sent to Jupiter. This is where the monolith appears to him and the “Stargate” sequence begins.
What is actually happening in this scene is Dave is being transported to what is basically a zoo for all the different forms of life that the monolith has come in contact with and is advancing (more on this in a minute). As Dave is being transported light years into the universe the monolith shows to him things that he’s never even had the ability to see for himself. He sees other planets and cosmic phenomena that mankind had no idea even existed. There’s even one scene during the “Stargate” sequence which appears like it could even be the monolith showing to Dave the big bang.
The whole sequence is also contrasted by Dave’s eye as it continues to blink and change colors emphasizing this new wave of knowledge(Ui).
Once Dave has been through the “Stargate” and has made his way into the alien’s zoo like containment suite for him, he begins to age. The reason I call where he is, a zoo is because there are subtle hints that suggest this, like the noises in the background from strange creatures and his location in general. The room Dave is in,  looks like a mix of Victorian furniture but with a very sterile modern look to it as well. This is because the aliens have designed the room to look familiar to Dave so he feels as comfortable as possible. This is the same thing we do with the animals in zoos all around the world.
It was a genius decision on Kubrick’s part to never actually show the aliens form because, for all we know, they are so advanced that they probably don’t have any resemblance to humans at all. By not showing the aliens Kubrick allows the monolith to be our gateway to them when it appears to Dave on his death bed in his suite. The whole time Dave has been here he’s been aging and learning.
Right before he dies he points to the monolith is the same fashion that Adam is pointing to God in da Vinci’s The Creation of Adam Sistine Chapel painting. This is done on purpose to make the connection that, in the world of 2001, there is no God and the aliens are the highest form of being (to Iacopo's and to my wife's satisfaction).
This is where most viewers, myself included, really get lost in the film on the first viewing. After Dave points to the monolith he is transformed into the “Starchild” which is a glowing fetus like being but also has the appearance of a man in the face. After this scene Dave is sent back to Earth by the monolith and the film ends as Dave, -now the “Starchild" - looks on at our planet.

The reason the “Starchild” was sent back to Earth is because the monolith has completed its duty of advancing human life to its evolutionary limits so it sent the “Starchild” back to continue its work. In the last 30 minutes of the film Dave is given all the knowledge of the universe (cumulative) and has been transformed into an immortal, all knowing being. Dave is now the film’s version of God sent back to advance our race further than we ever could have by ourselves.


Sunday, November 22, 2015


My great disappointment for the woman I’ll be forever loving, was to learn that it was her who asked to the guy in Oxnard that it was best for herself and my treasures if I wasn’t able the rejoin my family.
And here I must specify few consequences of this, as the TBI survivor who had a NDE experience, and I’m still somehow in contact with the afterlife.
I begin by saying that the psychologist in Oxnard shall know already – because intelligent and doctor in psychology – that his afterlife eternity will be spent regretting what he did to me, with in addition the painful influence of both souls of wife and daughter, who’ll be very upset to learn that he did what a beautiful woman had requested him to do.
In addition this man has added to his sins the fact that a certain conservator was chosen to ”save” my money rather than wasting it away doing an experimental therapy that no MD dares to even try, given the legal and financial bad consequences related to its unsanctioned use.
My question to all my readers is: how can paying a conservator $50K (only this far) vs. wasting $50K at most spent doing this “experimental therapy” make it protective of my wealth and take care of my family ? Very sadly I must say that few years ago I became a member of the NASGA organization and I corresponded by email with its president, I even made few minuscule donations because my hope that something might change about these conservatorship laws.
However while I check their blog daily, I’ve yet to see a minuscule step in the direction of a change in those horrible and very unfair laws.

My connection with the afterlife has recently informed me that the psychologist in Oxnard recently realized to have been very unfair in my regards, but since to ask to the court to reconsider my condemnation to be under conservatorship could mean a loss of influence, he decided not to even mention this, because of his fear to lose stature in his field.
All I can say is that since love is the most powerful feeling in this entire universe and this is what I’m planning to use to have the idling soul of the only woman I love, who cannot believe that the human existence continues also after death, be forever with me in heaven.
P.S. I know I’ll be in heaven for the simple explanation I gave about the gravity law with the application of positive and negative weights in respect of what's done while living.


Saturday, November 21, 2015


Most likely I was simply born without the capacity to be in fear, in fact what both my parents often said that I was always fearless, I'm convinced that just this could be the reason for me to be back with my family, nothing, nor nobody can ever scare me and I guess that this is the main reason why I had a real great career working in companies that always painfully felt the void of my change.
This / of course this isn’t completely true, my fears in fact are very deep and regard my family. i.e. my son Brent getting injured while bouldering or my daughter (princess) being molested due to her "above average beauty".
Therefore we can say that I have no fear whatsoever for anything (or anyone) that could possibly have me feel any pain of any kind, I’ve been so since I was a teenager and plenty of my Italian friends still today (40 years later) have jokes about both things I did or my approach to what seemed risky to all of them.
Given that my (still) adored wife Michele often tells me to be afraid, I truly don’t understand her reason to be so, while at the same time I don’t get the reason why she would rather live without me, the fearless husband who took her around the world and always kept her very protected, comfortable and safe.
As you can see from some of the websites I put below the links to, fearlessness equals freedom, that's what I always wanted to provide to my family and that I’m confident to have passed on to both of my treasures, in fact only a fearless man can get involved with bouldering like my Brent has been doing often already for several months, same for my princess who always tells with much excitement to me what she’s done every day, that seem to me pretty daring activities, neither of them is afraid of dogs in any size, or breed, when in NH we used to have a high grade Doberman and a German shepherd  trained for personal protection.
These are the simple reasons that - while I fear for something unexpected to happen to them – I never worry for them to feel unprepared for anything  about to happen.


Friday, November 20, 2015


On Wednesday I’m going to see my psychologist, very near me at the Villa and – aside from the fact that he’s become like a good friend to me – I have no idea about the reason why I should spend any money to make friends.
In fact – aside from the fact that both my experience in life, intelligence with culture are way superior than his – the only way I can recover all my anger and frustrations – might be if the mother of my 2 treasures could change her mind about me living away from my family.
Well every time I meet my friend psychologist we talk about movies that either we’ve watched or that they are good enough to watch, in fact last Wednesday I mentioned the Zeitgeist movie trilogy that I’m going to loan to him this coming Wednesday, I couldn’t find its chapter one that’s all about the fraud of Jesus, I’m hoping that by watching the (long) movie you too will realize very soon that while there truly might have existed other people who were born from a virgin, died and resurrected 3 days later, no mention is made of the Holy Shroud, that in my (injured) mind represents the proof of the supernatural man named Jesus Christ.
Aside from all of this, I’d like to ask if anyone can give any example of a man who not only died and resurrected 3 days later (just like plenty others....according to Zeigeist) who had such a great followership that created the Catholic religion with the Vatican monarchy that have been followed by billions of people over the centuries.
I spoke already little about the bible and of the fact that it’s been found written on scrolls centuries before monks began to copy it on books making the bible we can read today (if we want).
If the viewer keeps watching it, the movie talks about the 9/11 and the financial crisis we’ve been suffering for (too) many years and in doing it some valid explanations are offered, that while they may be coming “out of the blue” do offer an alternative way to look at very contemporary issues that remain fully unresolved in our minds, so if you still haven’t watched it, I suggest to watch at least the first one (the movie) and if interested go for the other 2 (Addendum, Moving forward).
Besides posting here the trailer and very few links, I put also the link to the Youtube full first movie.

Full (long) movie


Thursday, November 19, 2015


The 2 very strong atheists I know, one being Iacopo and the other being the mother of my treasures (strong Darwinist).
Even if today is hopefully the very last day that I must use my old laptop, while my greatest desktop is being repaired, I feel obliged to say that what I had posted few days ago that it’s my natural God-given intelligence  that makes me say here all I always publish, what I say does NOT come from God, however in thinking about this I must admit that it must surely come from God or the Universal intelligence that we receive at death that gives to me the ideas that I transform into the written posts published here. In fact:
  • An angel morphed as Easy Lift driver – whom I never met before – told me that is going to be my daughter (princess) who’ll make me join my family (my creation) soon, again I never had met this man before, how could he possibly know that I do have a daughter?
  • Few Sundays ago I went to Mass here at the Villa in the Villa theater, the Mass was all sung by 2 priests who had an very old woman playing the piano “at sight” (looking for the first time at the sheet music about to play) then the 2 priests left without giving communion to anyone while saying that Jesus too used to have very much fun with people when on earth, I had 2  minutes with what I now know must have been 2 angels, who heard me telling them my sad story of total loss of everything I had and both loved and cared for, when I was done they imposed their hands on my head and shoulder saying that they were sharing my pain with me and that they could understand AND FEEL IT. 
  • Well, I later mentioned of this mass (attended by plenty people)  and every person I was mentioning it to, looked at me like I had bad Alzheimer, not even none of the friendly front desk ladies knew what I was talking about, forget about the woman who was at the piano, no memory whatsoever of ever having been in the theater.
What I post here are few funny Youtubes with a “scientific” explanation of God’s existence with few of my usual links to other websites on what I’m saying, of course I could write a post on the complete opposite of God’s existence, given that you can find in the internet everything and its opposite, but I chose to go for what I know from personal experience.

This one too

And now my links


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


OK, here’s a movie that no way anyone can possibly predict what’s going to see (and listen to) in other words this is a very good example of a movie done with very good actors that, no matter how much you can be disgusted and horrified by it , you just cannot stop watching it, you are truly compelled to see how it may conclude, I guess just to see how deep the makers of this movie can go in terms of monstrosity of scenes and idiocy of the story being told, one of the scenes that I can still have in front of my eyes (in front of my injured brain) is when one of the main characters is having a full body massage and gets sexually excited by being touched by the masseuse, oh my! He has an erection that to say it’s impossible is to fully minimize what the spectator if forced to see, then this character offers %500 in cash to the masseuse, who’s horrified but accepts.
Truly an R rated movie that my children will NEVER watch.
Anyway you cannot stop to watch it simply because all you can do is to wonder how it’s going to end plus what might be the message that this movie attempts to send, or portray.
This is one case when rather than rate it in beers and to watch with friends, I say NOT to ever watch it because I rate it a glass of liquid excrement () and to watch it absolutely and totally alone (like I’ve been for about 10 years).
I can only say that what attracted me to this horrific movie is the Julia Roberts is in it, and someone shall explain to me why she ever decided to be in such movie.
Anyway, I put here few reviews from other sites and how this movie was trailered, you decide:


Saturday, November 14, 2015


I hope that my readers do know that I’m a Catholic since birth by default for having been born in Italy, the country that hosts in itself the country of the Vatican, but very much too for having been blessed (as per Fr Betto) for having met and made an agreement with my only true boss, or with Jesus Christ.
Nevertheless since my adored wife and mother of my two treasures (reason to still be alive – even if in pain) is an atheist fully evolutionist, or convinced that we are the result of the evolution from African monkeys, I’ve been trying to look at our wedding union with her eyes, or those of a pure atheist.
As always I post below few links to websites that are about both interpretations of marriage between adults, both religious and legal.
Of course I won’t mention her semi-criminal attempts or replacing me with a “father figure”, all I can say is that the unfortunate ones who tried to take my place are going to have their eternity to regret their doing while living and here I must say that my friend the atheist Iacopo is totally right, since he says that IF we could know the consequences in our future lives of our wrongs in our current ones, we would immediately change behavior and course of action.
What this research has taught to me is simply that it’s impossible that Michele didn’t consider the presence of both of her brothers and much loved father when swearing in a church in Italy to always be with me at my side “for better or for worse”.
Anyone who knows me would be hugely confident in saying that if it was Michele who was the injured party there would truly be NOTHING that I wouldn’t have tried already and given my immense love for her, I wouldn’t have even thought to replace with another “mother figure”.
What’s true is that my instinct to work to provide comfort and possibilities to my family (my creation) couldn’t possibly disappear, therefore – besides spending all of my non-working time searching for ways to make Michele much better – I’d probably find either a relative or close friend to be willing and able to take care of both of my treasures, who’d be travelling around the world with me in all of my business trips, that would become a very important part of their education as they enter adulthood.
What I’m trying to say in this post is that no matter the situation, what’s important is to hold tight to the wedding vows because they do have legal value on top of the religious one and since they are given in the presence of the dearest relatives and friends nobody shall ever think that they can be broken, simply because one of the spouses is in the “for worse” situation, the swearing is done not only in the presence of God, but of friends and family too that give the legal value to it. What however is very true is that I'm living now without the best friend I ever had, in fact not only I love Michele more than words can say, but I do miss very much our friendship that only got stronger by living together for about 15 adventurous years,


Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I put here yet another of my brain injured movie review not only because its director is nonetheless Stanley Kubrick but also because of the chosen main actors – Tom Cruise and “super-hot Nicole Kidman – this is anyway yet another movie that describes (with horrifying situations) the decadence of our American society in these days, even if the movie looks like it takes place several decades ago (but this could be because of my TBI).This is definitively a movie that shall be rated, even if all of its sexual innuendos are very well masked and practically there’s very little feminine nudity.
Even if Kubrick doesn’t use this attractive tool to bring in to watch this movie by men, it’s however a movie that I’m not going to offer to my children (or treasures) to watch, too much and too clear is its innuendos in this movie for children as young as mine to see.
I’m surely not saying that this movie targets men with this particular (sick!) interest, I’m simply saying that only if you are an adult, you can understand what this movie is saying, or that – as it seems to be usual these days – our society is desperately looking for something (anything!) that could replace the meaning of our lives – from capitalism (now collapsed on itself) to something else (in this movie SEX) I’ve had to think deeply about my rating for this movie, it’s certainly a work of art however, given the topic and its development, I think that it can be watched alone - not with beer drinking friends – that way its deep meaning can be fully understood, ultimately it’s a work of art from Kubrick.
I hope that I don’t have to say again that this is a movie review done by a brain injured man who spends his days (since 10 years ONLY) alone in front of a PC, doing nothing else but waiting for my treasures to both call or email me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Only God can have put together our body, with all of its organs, if you think that today, in the second millennium we still don’t know how to heal a simple cut in the skin – we can just put a Band-Aid and hope that our body will heal the cut and unite the skin in one single surface – the ability for the brain to repair the injury it’s received is a real miracle – especially given that we don’t even know how it’s made (Obama’s BRAIN mapping project) and WAY much less how it works (maybe this explains the reason why I call neurologists either masochists or just losers). This is actually the unique reason that can explain the reason of my “love” with the perispinal Enbrel therapy, in fact once the anti-inflammatory Enbrel reaches the brain (in a manner covered by patent) by eliminating the injured brain inflammation, the brain itself return to have its natural plasticity and can rewire itself around the dead neurons.
I’ve been posting here for months and very recently explained in detail what type of afterlife E.T. is looking at in not too long for having preferred making money rather than receive a Nobel for what he’s been doing for plenty years without the FDA ever saying a word.
Given that this blog is primarily about my impossibility to receive this treatment, I leave it to all the ones (very many) who made it impossible for me to be treated in this way, to figure out how their eternal afterlife will be spent and never forget that it’s sufficient my hatred to be forever condemned (you already know damn well who you are!).


Sunday, November 08, 2015


I warn my readers that this is going to take both time and thinking to go through it all to the end, so don’t even start reading if you have not these 2 pre-requites.
First I know why the mother of both my treasures keeps telling me that she’s scared of me, it’s now very clear in my mind that it’s about impossible to accept me as I’ve become (from a real stud to a disabled freak) then – absolutely without any will of any kind from my curiosity (given by my superior intelligence) I now know very well (among very few others) what happens after we die, or that our soul (everybody has it) acquires what’s today called Universal intelligence (cumulative as per Iacopo) that I believe it to be our intellect without any of the “noise” that surrounds each of us while we are living. Once our mind is free to have a better understanding of everything, the first thoughts go to review how we lived our life and in doing so we are (newly) able to pinpoint whatever and whenever we did give some hurt of any kind to someone else and here comes the
Second this precise awareness of when we did hurt somebody by doing or NOT doing something for someone else is exactly what is going to determine (on our own) how we’ll spend our afterlife (in regret or living again whatever bad we did to somebody else) what my injured brain finds very interesting is that what the divine poet Dante Alighieri described (centuries ago) in his comedy, or that when we forever (in eternity) regret something, we are in hell, if our own soul determines that our bad done when living has some balance with the good, purgatory is how we’ll exist for a portion (self-determined) of eternity , then – of course – IF we’ll deserve heaven, it’ll simply be the mental projection of whatever beautiful we lived and experienced when living.
Additionally I may have said already before that our God creator, is represented and real through the universal force of gravity, therefore by acquiring the Ui we – ourselves – become just like Him (“God made man in his own image and likeness”), it becomes easy to “judge” the way we conducted our lives (especially when we convince ourselves to have lived in perfect harmony with both society and nature).
What I think it to be very interesting is that – even if in heaven – God is never to be seen, our souls simply know that he’s watching us with the same love of a father for his children (i.e. I’d be ready to give my life for both of  my children without any hesitation)
Important to know is that our souls are truly eternal, including the stillborn or aborted children, what they have in their minds instead of real life experiences is the genetic imprinting given by their parents (to be) and whoever had this experience will meet the soul of the unborn child once they die.
Of course, given that afterlife is our mental projection, those who believe that death is the end of it all, it’s exactly what their should will experience, but I’m truly not qualified to say anything about this because this subject was never mentioned or even approached.
I actually know of few people whose belief is truly this, all I can say for the ones whom I love is that I’ll be able to save them from their eternal nothingness or that such condition doesn’t involve awareness of it, because it’s a true hell (believe me, I’ve been in such hell for about 10 years).
All I want everyone to know is that I NEVER even dreamed to ever receive this knowledge, that’s made the entire humanity curious to know; therefore I guess that I should give reason to Fr. Betto in Ventura, who always told me that I’m blessed for having been chosen to be told of something that’s been a big  ? since the beginning of time.
More to come in reference to specific individuals.


Saturday, November 07, 2015


The size and depth of the injury to the brains of whoever wrote and worked on this movie Borat can’t even begin to compare to mine and this is one of the funniest movies I reviewed here earlier. Aside from the fact that this movie is yet another panoramic view of our sick living, there’s this man named Borat who comes here on a reporting mission to understand and import what makes this country so great, attractive and famous. The perils that this Borat makes the viewer go through are  something so indescribable that the only suggestion I can give is to watch it yourselves, BUT don’t forget to watch it while sitting on the biggest and softest couch you own and buckle up, it can help you too to be wearing a cotton absorbing sweater, or polo, because you’ll cry your eyes dry for the hard laughing, one of the parts that had me be careful not to fall on the floor is when Borat is taking a lesson about the correct manners to have in formal dinners with high level Americans, his comments about the women at the  table and his trip to the restroom are worth to make history in the cinema field, I won’t say what he does not to ruin your vision of this crazy movie, but I can’t avoid to mention that in his country (Kazakhstan) women have a much smaller brain than men and they are all prostitutes – Borat’s sister is the 4th whore in the entire country and besides French kissing her brother Borat, shows with pride her trophy,
Without telling too much of this movie I can’t refrain myself from saying that once Borat buys his transportation (small postal vehicle) to go to California with the intent to marry Pamela Anderson, he puts in the mail carrying part of his very small vehicle a raging black bull that not only fills the minicab of his excrements but puts out of this minicab the head bellowing at whatever is close. In short Borat decides to drive a minicab from NYC to LA with a furious bull in it and along the way is determined to learn to learn to live just like any American citizen, in order to fulfill the reason for his trip.
I realize that I’ve already said too much of this hilarious movie, my only final suggestion is to watch it with your best friend and be ready to loose your sense of the NOW,

Friday, November 06, 2015


In this time of war (as usual) here’s yet another movie about smart American soldiers who want to profit from their being deployed in a very far and inferior (to us) land.
Aside from what you can read in the review sites I link below, this movie is (in my brain injured opinion) a good description of our capitalistic culture that tells – no matter the situation – to find a way to profit and have your pockets filled with valuables, no matter the cost.
The cast is very well chosen with actors who are very well known but who aren’t usually action-soldiers.
However, this doesn’t take anything away from the story of this movie where the millions of $$$ in gold bars, originally from Kuwait are moved around the desert driving Rolls Royce, Mercedes and Bentley card on the desert’s sands.
No matter the conditions of both the country and the war, all seems to rotate around the ownership of such richness, mothers, wives and young children too are killed just to protect and ensure the ownership of stolen wealth, that can’t help anyone in any way.
This movie is again a very well made picture of the very reason why we’ve been living in such economic and financial crisis, when even simple soldiers in combat in a very far and uncivilized land decide that what’s most important (above their lives) is to go back home as wealthy people, any viewer can see and immediately understand where this financial crisis comes from. The world system of production, based on capitalism and free competition, has now found an impenetrable wall represented by the limits of available resources and the sustainable exploitation of these resources. For example, fishing and pollution have led to the decimation of fish in the seas, including the Pacific Ocean. The right thing to do would be to set limits and rules in the world to exploit these resources sustainably, limiting waste. But any regulation is seen as a restriction incompatible with the savage capitalism supported in most of the world.
As a Ph.D. in economics I could rite an entire book on the reasons that explain not only our (USA) financial crisis but also about the soon upcoming financial crisis in EU too and what consequences we are going to have once our currency will return to be very strong while the European markets will close their doors to US products because unaffordable.

Thursday, November 05, 2015


Talk about drenching my Carhartt with tears of very hard and loud laughing, I’ve been doing a short list of movies that have as main actor (or character) Billy Bob Thornton, this is just one of them, I’m not going to tell you its story, you can read it in the links I put here and watching the trailer from the Youtube trailer, either way my vote to both this crazy movie AND to B.B. Thornton is a truckload of beers (by the gallons) with my imposition to watch it with a truckload (again) of good friends, willing and ready to dry up the beer (in the truck) working out their abdominal muscles like they are lifting many hundreds of pounds while at the gym.
I’m very happy to say that yesterday afternoon my young Brent (thoroughbred Lingiardi) came to my room (prison) somewhat inexpediently and I forgot (surely for my surprise) to have his help to organize among the 5 Case Logic DVD folders my DVD movies (about 500) by gender.
My surprise to have my Brent come here to spend some time with me (real and only dad) without any fear or concern of any kind had me completely forget to both take pictures of him for my mother (Brent’s nonna) and re-organize my DVD movie collection. However, what gave even more joy to me yesterday was when he told me that Michele (his mamma) still loves me at least as much as I do (no matter that my brain is injured).
What I loved the most about Brent telling me of this, is the way he expressed it, or – like only a true Lingiardi can do – using a very confident and factual based way to express this concept, I’m really ashamed of myself for having been under the (false) impression that my Brent looking very much like his uncle Steve (Michele’s younger brother blond, tall and skinny) he might take more from the Werney family. It truly matters isn't how you look like, it’s what your marrow is made of, that can make the person you are and forever will be.


Tuesday, November 03, 2015


I hope that all my readers already know that God’s existence is proven by the simple law of universal gravity and all we do and think while living has an effect on the balance we give to our lives, in practice it isn’t our creator God (or Jehovah) who decides if you’ll regret in eternity what you either did, or failed to do while living, it’ll be our own soul that will make the balance between pluses and minuses that will decide how our eternity will be spent (go look here at my past explanation of hell) it’s only based on this concept that my (injured) logic has made me understand the reason why our universe (created from the Big Bang) keeps expanding at increased rate, well this can only happen because of the existence of one (or more) parallel universe, that can only exists because of our future capacity to travel in time, that will create – as logical(daaahhh) consequence – a number of parallel universes.
Since the manager of my life and money prohibits me to ever name any name here, I can only say that my very negative weight while living will be rebalanced in positive by all the plenty negatives of the souls of the people who have added so much negative weight to my life here on earth – even if they think to have done what’s legally correct.
I conclude only by saying both that I feel somehow sorry for the (too many) ones who added negativities to me and to my family because I know already how their souls will forever be.

Few official links to time-travel: 
