
Sunday, November 29, 2015

In war there are no unwounded soldiers

Watching this movie (free for me as an Amazon Prime member) made me think to these 2 things:
1.       My sista, who just like M. and her own mother Donna don’t reply to my emails, ever.
2.       PTSD might be what I 've been suffering of, therefore all the MD I ever saw never gave any treatment indicated to help in this condition (much like the confusion between TBI and stroke)
This is just one of the several movies on the war we’ve been fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.… one of the most impressive phrases that can be clearly heard is "the Army turns you on as a killer, how can you be turned off as you’re back here ?"  Then there’s much talk about PTSD and the number of soldiers who – besides being mis –diagnosed – commit suicide shortly after having returned from the combat zone. The title of this post is really appropriate in this time, I remember reading that the number of suicides is close to having a real war in our country and this truly worries me because of the passion that my son Brent (true Lingiardi) has for weapons and action/adventure activities.
There truly is no way to possibly pay back for the loss of a son for a war initiated by the comedy of the 9/11 attack done to keep the price of the gas affordable and our economy in good shape, that soon after collapsed to a level so low that we still hurt more than a decade after it. I’ve been trying to have my Brent watch some of these movies with me, but since we never seem to have enough time, we just began to watch few of them while my real goal is to have him watch the most impressing of them all or, “the kill team " that, for the fact that it’s true shakes the viewer very deeply and makes you question what the future of our country is going to be after having raped the minds of our youth. I know that I sound repetitive, but given my newly acquired (and unwanted) knowledge of afterlife, I cannot begin to imagine the one or former president Bush, who not only will be regretting in eternity what he did to make that day happen, but very much also for the hatred he'll be subject to the hatred from both the victims' souls and from those still alive (unlimited brain powers).
I also must pity the plenty who’ve been taking advantage of my physically (only) disabled condition for the simple reason that I know where their souls will be spending eternity (even if I don’t know HOW) take it easy, you all still have time to fix your wrongs to avoid eternal self –punishment.


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