The science of genetics never stops to surprise me whenever
I see its powerful influence on people who act in a fixed and “pre-determined”
way as they live normally.
On one side there’s my absolute refusal to accept that in
this second millennium human kind still has no idea of what to do (or even try)
when the brain get’s injured.
It’s very true however what my last neuropsychologist (who
destroyed my life due to his limited ability to understand me) told me last
time I saw him, or that we still have no idea on how to “cure” anything at all
in our bodies, he explained that when a surgery is done on someone, all
that can truly be done is to remove the diseased part of the body and
then……hope that the body itself will heal the cuts done to enter the body for the removal, same if a bone get’s broken, all we can do is to immobilize it
with a cast and then……hope that the body itself will repair it.
I’m not going to open here my talk about the fact that using
the Enbrel is truly just like giving an aspirin to reduce the inflammation in
the injured brain that can go on for entire decades after the initial injury,
simply because my post here is about the mother of my treasures who has shown
the devastating force of her own genetic make up (I’m guessing probably from her
mother?) to try as much and as brutally as she possibly can, to consider me as I
had died in 2005 in
the accident and I’m therefore someone that in Hollywood is often called the
“dead man who talks (but DOES NOT walk J
Even after we divorced she still
keeps my last name, justifying it by saying that it might confuse our
treasures, but I know very well the reason why she’ll never go back to her
original last name, or Werney, she used to tell me that it sounds horrible when
pronounced, it sounds like saying “worm” so it isn’t that our treasures would
get confused if they mother changes her last name.
It’s the mother herself who’ll never accept to take it back.
It’s the mother herself who’ll never accept to take it back.
Looking at her “Werney way” to behave in my regards, I truly wonder if I shouldn’t strip away from her my
Lingiardi last name, simply because no real Lingiardi has ever done to another
true one (like me) what she’s been doing to me for so long. Well, I guess her
soul will end up spending eternity where she herself decides to be (= her free will).