
Monday, March 24, 2014


While my still beloved former wife Michele always tells me – every time I say, “I love you” – is that it’s an effect of my injured brain, I may reply by saying that the injured parts of my brain (motor cortex and R. occipital lobe) have nothing to do with love, that comes from my heart still in great condition after 40 years of athleticism at the highest levels.
Nevertheless, this doesn’t change the fact that she keeps behaving like I had died in the 2005 accident.
After much thinking, questioning and guessing I believe that I might have finally understood what’s the reason why I’ve been on my own for such along time, that has all to do with my own refusal to accept my disabled condition.
No matter how much research I do and share with PD and TN (you both know who you are) my inability to walk (and therefore to work again) is the main reason why I cannot even think to one day rejoin my family as the loving  husband and father I never stopped to be.
Therefore, there’s nothing to be surprised if I’m still desperately looking for a way or someone who can put me back on my feet, even if the repair of the injured brain is still science fiction material.
I therefore have been trying to walk on my own not just to simply get back to work and earn my money, I’ve been doing it only to conquer again the heart and acceptance of my still beautiful (now ex) wife Michele.

I’m just hoping that by saying it in this way PD and TN will better understand the urgency and gravity of my request – always scientifically supported with good attachments – to help me find the way to Walk and Work again as I was born to be able to do.
Revelation: Enbrel injection location=Baxton plexus

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