
Monday, August 31, 2015


I've been seeing MD by the dozen since my TBI but none of them ever even suggested that my brain damage might be close to the damage usually seen to the brain of a victim of stroke to the heart, in my (broken) logic and mind it makes sense that when the brain doesn't receive its normal oxygenated blood circulation plenty neurons die, just like when too much blood pressure is given by blood accumulation in specific areas of the brain (motor cortex in my case) I truly cannot believe that a medicine illiterate like myself can figure out all independently that as far as damage to the brain there's no difference between too much pressure of blood and too little quantity of it, the result of dead neurons is identical.
I'm now planning to talk about already existent (and FDA approved) medications to treat something (stroke) very well known and extensively treated by decades already.
In thinking about this, I remember to have asked few months ago to be treated like if I had Alzheimer (brain inflammation like TBI) but given that my suggestion had been turned out again I never tried this.
Given that I now have a woman as neurologist I'm hoping that my "Eve theory" will make its effect and I'll receive a very common and very used medication to help my injured brain recover its plasticity (after a 10 years long forced nap).
Given that my organ brain has already somewhat healed by itself, don't be surprised if - sooner than later - I'll be doing the double W = walk + work.


Sunday, August 30, 2015


Regardless of what my atheist friend Iacopo had tried to explain and make sense of my saying that I'm still alive for having made an agreement (deal) with Jesus (result of my Catholic education), even if I was forewarned that it would be painful (too many jokes about my understanding of pain at that time) doing my usual lonely time spent on my PC making Google searches I found that plenty survivors who had NDE did meet with Jesus AND reported it loudly through the internet (check my links) I can therefore agree with what Father Betto told once to me, or that I'm truly blessed because very few people can say to have had such an experience and I want to add also that it's now clear to me (and my injured mind) why I cannot remember what Jesus looked like, while I clearly remember His words and what the agreement meant (word by word). Given that I've been collecting DVD'S on this subject (Afterlife and brain/mind) when I put it all together I can surely say (as I said already before) not only that I did meet Jesus Christ but that I'm still in contact both with Him and our Afterlife, both sending messages to me either while sleeping through dreams or via messengers who I can only recognize for what I'm being told by them, since I either never met any of them, or never even heard of.
I need to say also that whoever uses any of the criminal conservatorship laws is destined to eternal regret as soul after they pass over and that the NASGA organization (dedicated to these laws to be outlawed) may have a good purpose in mind, but they have been spending donated money and the time of too many for bringing less than zero results, even if those who made the conservatorship laws are in their hell already, maybe the NASGA should think that their donated money could be best used (spent) by supporting some politician of influence (Rep. or Dem. it matters NOT).
My older post about the importance to pray Jesus:


Saturday, August 29, 2015


The holy bible starts with the Genesis and given that the discovery of the dead sea scrolls (about 2.500 years old) we see that what's written in them matches identically (word for word) today's bible, I simply want to write here how it starts "In the beginning God created mankind in his own image and likeness." to simply say what I said here before, or that we humans have the organ named brain that , with time, evolution and refinements will make us just like our God creator.
What I also learned is that today already our brain/mind/conscience can make real our afterlife, or since after we die we have what I called here the Universal intelligence, we are able - looking at our entire life - to pinpoint whatever wrong we ever did while living, we ourselves determine how we'll be spending our eternity, or part of it (purgatory) and while heaven is the mental projection of what we liked while living and hell is what we hated and rejected (even as a thought) I feel like saying that we already have God-like capacities.
I could make a million of examples to clarify this concept, but let me just say that someone can feel directed to heaven already while living but once Ui is used to review our life it can easily be seen weather your actions left a positive mark here on earth or someone was hurt by your actions, therefore going to heaven isn't like earning some ticket to open the doors of heaven, money actually is a very good way to go straight to hell forever.
Another example is when somebody wants to help someone else but in doing so others get hurt, therefore even if you can feel good for having helped another, if your actions end up hurting somebody and you go straight to hell (maybe forever). My "bible movie" (What dreams may…..) gives actually a very accurate description of what heaven is, in fact there God can't be seen, it's just the idea that heaven is very close to our creator (God/Jehovah) with the total freedom to enjoy new liberties and abilities that make it heaven, nothing more is ever needed once there. More learning may come but please ask me questions directly and post comments to what I publish here.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015


As the survivor of an accident that may have killed anybody else I had what's now called a Near Death Experience (NDE) that put me in touch with Jesus Christ - that my atheist friend says it's just because I grew up in Italy (where the Vatican State is) and the Catholic religion is the religion of the country (unlike the USA where - even if God is named in the constitution - there exist no official religion of the country).
I do however believe to have made the agreement to survive my (mortal) accident for the love I have for both my children and I know of this to be true because all I was told (by Jesus) is turning out to be true to the letter.
I therefore want to put here few links to real science realizing and studying what any Catholic has known to be true for only 2K years and also very much because in my NDE I evidently made a connection with the afterworld that still exists and sends messages to me frequently that are very contemporary in my daily life.
It goes without me saying it that I'm truly looking forward to my "passing over" but given that I'm still here for the reason that I'll be walking my angel to the altar on her wedding day, I'm going to stay here for a much longer time without any fear - just like my dad (Saint Gianfranco) of death. Initially as I was reading of the new studies done about NDE and afterlife, I thought that it must have been for the need to find something positive, now that so many young people (soldiers) are dying fighting a bad war. But, thinking about my religious education, reading plenty reports in the internet and watching movies both online and on DVD I'm now sure that most of today's world has learned and is studying that our lives continue to exist also after we die, therefore this isn't a "feel good" story for those who die at a young age doing something uncomfortable or wrong, this is just the confirmation that religions like i.e. the  Catholics have put their beliefs in something real that's now studied and proven by the most advanced researchers and scientists.
Anyone can make an internet search about this subject, I just put here few links and a Youtube that in my (broken) mind do support the title of this post and I invite my readers to put their comments here.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


This is yet another of my movie review and it's remarkable that this movie was advised to me by the very nice psychologist, Kurt G. who my good conservator found for me to see, in fact when I go to see him we often talk about movies that he recommends to me to watch - mostly based on the topic of our talks (what else could he ever do to help my superior intelligence?) - and this movie is all about the FDA and its stupid regulations that all end up being driven by money only  (and Big Pharma), Aside the fact that this movie is beyond funny and that I vote it with an entire keg of beer, I must say that the way the main character (Matthew Mac C.)finds ways to parallel import not-yet FDA approved meds in our country (just like the loser who tried to sell Enbrel to me and that resulted in my incarceration under conservatorship) this movie is all about the fun of getting stoned beyond what's humanly possible, sex, homosexuality and making money (lots of it) in very illegal ways, in a way it's a documentary that teaches ways to circumvent authorities connected with the FDA, it actually gave good ideas to me, but given that we are about to have the god-FDA approve the Perispinal Enbrel for neurological recovery from TBI, I have no need anymore to take a trip to Venezuela, I'll do it from my room in the Villa.

 CENSORED to my treasures VIDEO:



Monday, August 24, 2015


My mother Maria (mamma in Italian) after death might be idling as soul, until either my dad (Saint Gianfranco) or myself will bring her to heaven with us.
She's going to be idling for the simple reason that - even she keeps praying Jesus and all the saints in the calendar (plenty) she told me that she would need to have a sign that human life doesn't completely end with death, so she'll be idling for some time -time from the eternal point of view could be several centuries here on earth, where our lives last like "the blink of an eye"- nevertheless I'm putting here few initial links to what my entire blog is about (perispinal Enbrel) because it's finally become clear to "medicine science" (guess science) that using the Tumor Necrosis factor to simply reduce the permanent brain inflammation resulting from TBI the neuro-plasticity is free to allow to our brain (no longer inflamed) to morph itself around the dead neurons (that may be created again only by God or the stem cells, in the future) given that I had to learn what's the afterlife and I've become almost an expert of what happens after we die (I find it interesting that official scientific research of the beginning of the second millennium pretty much confirms what Jesus - God as a man - tried to teach only 2K years ago).
Given that - at this point - it's only a matter of time (grrrr….)I simply stay seated on my wheelchair thinking to how the souls of all the ones (plenty) who banned me to just try the non-approved use of this med. will be spending their eternity. Just never forget that eternal salvation is always possible if you repair your mistakes while still alive.


Sunday, August 23, 2015


I realized today, watching another 6 beers worth movie "the peaceful warrior" that my real and only disability isn't that I cannot walk but that I must pay a professional conservator (very good) to be helped in doing what the only love of my life could do too easily for me to even start saying. It goes without me saying that every $ I pay my conservator is one $ less that remains to my family members (my eternal love included) in addition I had gotten very angry at my real sister Anna for having given up on being my conservator…… why would I ever be angry at my dear sister when it should be my beloved wife who should have done this in the first place?? I guess this could be listed as a typical sign of TBI by the Oxnard Ph.D. in fear, but what makes me even more "disabled" is to see my treasures growing up in an environment of fear, insecurity and atheism, on this I have something to add because I've been exchanging emails with a priest in Italy who my mother put me in touch with, we've been exchanging several emails about my question of the reason why it was the very first woman (Eve) who committed the original sin and not Adam and also about my understanding of the revenge concept reading the Bible (both testaments), out of the answers/explanations I received from this priest/theologian I can say that my disability increased for the frustrations he gave to me (sista would say that nothing can ever be good enough to satisfy me).
Anyway today I went to see a very good neurologist with my conservator mainly to make a change in one of my primary medications and I couldn't stop thinking how this visit could have been if rather than my conservator, my dearly beloved was there with me.

So, here you have it, I'm NOT disabled, I'm ABANDONED that Italians say that my heart has been ripped out of my chest (my brain out of my skull, for me).

Many more links about my fixation about to become FDA approved:

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Quantum physics is necessary to understand the properties of solids, atoms, nuclei, sub nuclear particles and light. In order to understand these natural phenomena, quantum principles have required fundamental changes in how humans view nature. To many philosophers (Einstein included), the conflict between the fundamental probabilistic features of quantum mechanics and older assumptions about determinism provided a cognitive shock that was even more unsettling that the revised views of space and time brought by special relativity.
The word quantum refers to discreteness, i.e., the existence of individual "lumps" as opposed to a continuum. In Newtonian physics, all quantities are allowed to be continuous. For instance, particles can have any momentum and light can have any frequency. A quantum is a discrete packet of energy, charge, or any other quantity. For instance, one might say that electric charge is quantized in units of e=1.602e-19 C. (or in the case of quarks, units of e/3.)
All exchanges of energy come in discrete amounts. For instance, when light is absorbed by some material, the energy of the material does not rise continuously, but in discrete jumps. Each jump occurs when the material absorbs a single quantum of light. We will also learn that energy levels ("orbits") of an electron in an atom do not have a continuous range of possible energies, but instead that only discrete "orbits" are possible. This strange behavior is linked to the concept of wave-particle duality. I'm going to see that particles can be described by wave functions that tell the probability of finding the particle.
A new fundamental constant must be introduced to account for all these new phenomena: Planck's constant. It is denoted by h.
This constant relates wave-like quantities to particle-like ones. For instance, E is related to the frequency f of its wave function, and a particle's momentum p is related to the wavelength L of its wave function.
I now want to talk a bit about my very new interest that's become almost my passion, or what I learned in my coma with NDE experience, I guess directly from Jesus Christ, that goes hand-in-hand with what my friend Iacopo tells in his 3rd hypothesis, or that if we would know in advance how (and where) our souls will be spending eternity after the body is left here in a coffin.
I'm going to give here few examples of people I know because I cannot say this in a general way and I hope that my readers will understand even better what I'm trying to convey.
Take in example the Ph. D. in fear whose office is in Oxnard, he certainly is already aware that his not wanting to risk to say something different from his previous and very respectable (and experienced)  in his assessment of me has been hurting me and my family more than I can say in words, I suspect that he did so, not only to avoid being in contrast with experts like dr. T, but very much more because the woman I had seated on my life's throne told him of her fear of me……
I must add that his not wanting to tell to the court that the assessment he had made of me would certainly NOT negatively affect his own reputation anywhere, but not doing it now (while still living) is going to put his soul in his own hell of regret from which he'll never escape, given that all the other women in his life (their souls) won't help someone who became fascinated with the messenger (or the woman sitting on my throne).
Once again it's very true what Jesus, Iacopo, Einstein, Dante Alighieri and quantum physics (what a group!!) have been saying for several centuries, or that we all do have souls that move from life (and body) to life and we can interrupt "negative circles" only by not hurting anyone else while living and make our lives add positivity to this world as much as we can.

Other reasons I have to like quantum theories:

Thursday, August 20, 2015


I've been making this blog probably one of the strongest support to the dermatologist in LA who's been selling (at great profits) his patented (and accidentally discovered) perispinal Enbrel treatment for neurological recovery (lately primarily from Alzheimer), while I understood as much as a brain injured man can, I also said here that:
  • nothing in medicine is ever predictable, therefore even the most experienced MD can only guess what effect any type of medication (or therapy) can have on anyone for whatever need.
  • every article on the internet about this "miraculous treatment" always at least mentions or is closely related with this dermatologist
  • no matter for how much time I've been searching for one of these patients to contact for some questions about their experience and results (if any), I can only mention my former neighbor in Ventura, who did it himself without any benefits whatsoever.
  • and how can it be that this dermatologist hasn't been stopped from doing this in years and that nobody at the FDA has said a word about his doing this?
  • but then again let me at least try it once
Ha, my Australian biotechnological expert (Ian Clinical Senior Lecturer of Pathology) who was my email friend has been refusing to reply to my email messages for too long of a time for me not to doubt about this "marketing topic".
Now that Jesus is helping me to return to be a free man (from conservatorship) and be returned my money savings (accumulated by someone who surely knows how to do it = a professional conservator) rather than the idiot who makes this blog, I have to realize that the perispinal Enbrel was just the dream of an idiot (me) who - given that was born more stubborn than anybody else - isn't going to delete any of the posts under the labels Enbrel and TBI recovery (about 50). Here you go, let me add one more:

Ha, the marketing: 
My only final question is: of all the people who have prohibited me to at least try this, what will you do if and when this therapy will become FDA approved next year with the new president of the USA??

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Purely against my own will (or wildest dream) I became an expert of what happens after death (during my 2 months long NDE) and remained to be in contact (weirdly) both with Jesus Christ and the Afterlife.
For these reasons I hope that my readers either dismiss what I say as something expressed by someone with an injured  (and illogical) brain or think that it's just my anger that drives me to say what I post here, without naming anybody, given that freedom of speech doesn't apply to me, anymore.
Everyone shall believe me when I say that as an abandoned victim of TBI who's been living alone in front of his superlative desktop already for several years, it's hugely important to receive emails both in reply to mine and purely just for interest, however not only I haven't been receiving any email communication from the sole woman I both ever loved and will forever love in my life here on earth (plus in afterlife), but in addition - aside from the one who's been charging me money to even read my emails that don't require any reply - both my own sister in Italy, my local sista and brother in law felt offended by the truths I told to them by email (I guess it's true that the truth hurts more than a stabbing by knife) not to mention my email-friend Ian, who's an experienced biochemist, all have stopped to email me completely and my newly acquired expertise in what happens to us (as souls)  after we die, I can only warn that it's best that I start to receive emails again to avoid your eternal regretting of what could have been easily (and freely) done while living.
The same saying exists both in Italian and English: "uomo avvisato, mezzo salvato" or someone forewarned is forearmed, so take this as it comes from an abandoned by all brain injured man who still hopes to receive emails from you.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I'm going to place here below (in orange) the links to my several posts I made in this blog about the universal force of gravity and since I just made a post in my blog in Italian about the fact that given that my friend Iacopo gives very much importance to the conscience in his hypothesis about our being born over and over after death, I feel it now to be important to together with the other linked sites)  to clearly see, touch and understand that we were indeed created by a God, who created our universe (with the parallel ones), put the galactic way in it with our unique planet earth occupied by us humans who sooner than later will be able to utilize the immense powers of our brain and make the miracles that we still cannot repeat nor explain scientifically. Therefore if someone doesn't believe in the existence of a God creator (Jehovah) it's sufficient to look at an apple falling from a tree to have a sure demonstration of God's existence. It's based on this universal law of gravity that I believe that being my accident a big negative the lives of my children/treasures are going to be two big positives.
This gives me strength to keep suffering in solitude, what kind of father may I ever be if I would try to avoid my pain knowing that as result I'd make you suffer? This is for me sufficient reason to never complain for my disabled condition, I'm knowing that I can be like your umbrella against any negativity in your lives.

My past posts:

Scientific websites:

Monday, August 17, 2015


This is my former Tecnica colleague who was my very talented product manager and good friend (named Kevin), I still have good memories of going to the Tecnica headquarters in Italy with him and to introduce him to the Italian side of my family, he's also the one employee who remained alone in the Tecnica booth at the OR Show when I resigned to join TEVA and I guess he had to see and listen to the raging disappointment of the Tecnica owner and of the GM of its US subsidiary, I clearly remember in fact that when I gave my official resignation, Tecnica's owner had to leave the hotel room where we were talking about my immediate leaving the company saying that I had been chosen already to take the GM position in replacement of the current one, who was about to retire.
I also remember to introduce (or get him addicted to) Italian espresso and grappa that when mixed together form a splendid marriage.
Well now that he too lives in CA and is married he has given to me the type of help that is unique and - as the afterlife expert I've become - I can only say that his access to heaven is now guaranteed.
Given that he's in the process to relocate to SFO I told him already to make it a point to visit me because I can give very much and good advice to a new husband and potentially father.
My heart and mind go out to you Kevin, you helped me in my most both difficult and traumatic time in my life on earth.


Sunday, August 16, 2015


Oh my! I had imagined that a movie with Nicholas Cage in it was surely going to be funny, but this time my tears were only tears for crying, not for laughing too hard for sure!
I post here below few links to reviews of this movie that for me is horrible, just the very sad and frustrating story of a self-made man who has two children that were better not even been born, I truly cannot recommend to watch it to anybody and rather than voting it half a beer I vote it a couple of orange soda.
The main actor must have been convinced to be in this movie only for money (I hope) because my injured brain cannot figure out what this movie is about,
  • fatherly love for children?
  • American dream?
  • imposing father figure?
  • loneliness?
  • failed matrimony and divorce?
I could list plenty topics I saw being represented in this movie, but all I can say is that I paid $1.99 (with shipping) on eBay for it and now I'm bothered by the fact that it takes away a spot in my Case Logic wallets where I could put a movie I like instead.
I'm hoping that by just posting here its trailer and few reviews of this movie can be sufficient because I don't feel to say anything more than the fact that I'm sorry I have it.


Saturday, August 15, 2015


In wasting my monthly charity I recently purchased (for the unaffordable price of $1.20) the movie in this post title and I must say that - aside for being a very funny movie - the main character (Harrison Ford) reached his maximum height of his acting career when while laying with a woman in order to have sex, he says "maybe if I take some Ginko (Biloba) I'd remember where I put my Viagra"  watching movies like these is potentially dangerous for me because I'm sure I can find in the internet a reason that explains that the overproduction of tears (due to my laughing too much) can have seriously unpleasant effects on my already miserable life of an abandoned survivor of an accident with TBI that could kill anyone else (who doesn't believe in God and afterlife).
I therefore give to this great movie a 6 pack of beers vote and say to get it with the beers to watch with your good friends (don't forget to have plenty Kleenex at hand to dry up the plenty tears that are going to be made by the viewers). Have fun!!!


Friday, August 14, 2015


My truly amazing NDE experience helped me to understand with great clarity what happens after we die, that isn't in big contrast with what my friend Iacopo sustains - even if he's working very hard in trying to prove the non-existence of our creator God (Jehovah).
In fact we all do have one soul that leaves the earthly body at death and is born again in someone else (from this the fact of memories of past lives that may come out in our mind at times) as we die we gain Universal Intelligence (cumulative for Iacopo) and we can see our lives like in a documentary from birth to death which can be judged by ourselves for any and all wrongs (hurt somebody else) and rights we did while living and using the Ui we determine by ourselves weather to regret what we did wrong (= hell) or simply enjoy our lives spent helping others (= heaven).
Also here the universal law of gravity applies, in the sense that if either side - right or wrong - is more plentiful than the other our soul or conscience or identity will either regret or enjoy in eternity what experienced while living either painful or wonderful and joyful, but if there isn't a predominant side our soul ends up in what Dante A. named "purgatory" that simply where the soul remains "parked" for a self-determined amount of time before accessing heaven (which to me can't be too bad, because we can see the beauty of where we are going to be in a future time and our regrets cannot be too big or painful, if we are there).
Aside from the fact that what I'm saying here is closely connected with several other posts of the past (look "philosophy" ) in my sitemap, I simply want to add that those who believe that death is the end of it all go in what I call a state of "idling" that can be terminated by the extraction out of it from the soul of someone who uses the most powerful force in this universe, or love but only if it's used by someone who already is in heaven, otherwise love cannot exist both in hell and purgatory, souls are too focused on their own sins while there and have no time nor force of mind to use whatever love they may still have, to save someone else's soul.
I must repeat that I find it to be astonishing that it's here in the USA that these divine and true concepts are being studied today, while the country of the Vatican is busy with the financial disaster coming soon. Besides posting the video of talking with Jesus I post here (again) few links to what Jesus hasn't told me I'm wrong to believe in and I warn (again) Edward that it isn't going to be how wealthy you are that will open the doors to heaven to your soul.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015


This is going to be much more than my usual movie review because - much to my astonishment - it addresses and builds a good to watch movie/story about the still unknown powers of our brain.
Aside from the interesting explanations of the brain's current capacities and future possible potential, what can be seen in a wonderful cinematographic way is the brain of Lucy (Scarlet Johansson protagonist in this movie) as it increases the percentage potential of her brain.
Not only she can travel through time, but she can learn and absorb the content in knowledge of all the computers in the world, she learns to speak Mandarin in few hours and what I liked most in this movie is when she drives a police car totally crazily and tells to the passenger not to be afraid to die, since our life on earth is just a stage of our existence.
Without spending too many words I link below - as I always do - few interesting links to websites on this movie and say that this movie is fully worth a case of beers with friends, so go ahead and make it yours!


Monday, August 10, 2015


On July 6th of last year I wrote a post with the same topic (link below) but today I want to add that while I was deep in my coma, my NDE had me meet with Jesus Christ who taught to me very much about our afterlife and had me remain in contact/communication with our next "plane of existence".
I've been battling with myself about posting what I'm going to say, simply because I'm going to offend or make upset plenty people, who can be stronger of more powerful than me, however I just decided that it's always best to give an "heads up" to my readers who can correct their wrongs and be fully forgiven.
I must say that what I've been calling my "bible movie" (what dreams may come) shows in a very effective way what heaven truly is, in fact God isn't seen also there but our souls know of His presence and loving attention to us.
Then I want to add that also my 8/1 post on immortality explains really well what hell is like (Youtube video) that - I must repeat - makes me think of the too many hilarious ways of what hell might be like for rapists and what they'll experience in eternity from a very well endowed  devil
In short, I've been correct in referring to the "personal God or "our own God" in fact it's very well spelled out in the genesis part of the Holy bible, our creator (Jehovah) made us humans in his own image and gave the brain to us that still in this second millennium we use at a very low percentage of its capacities (10%) but here comes what Jesus had me understand and still exemplifies to me frequently, or that our human brain has the power to make miracles (what science still cannot explain nor repeat) even now that's used at such a small percentage of its capacities.
And this fact is the direct result of Jehovah becoming the human Jesus
Christ and having life terminated by crucifixion for the purpose to limit the powers of our brain that used to murder others with the simple use of its  powers.
Here again it's all just a matter of time, only God knows what we humans will be able to do one or two thousand years from now, I'm thinking that walking on water won't be considered extraordinary, nor curing deadly diseases with the force of our mind (i.e. Lazarus) and so on.
Given how public this blog is, I'm going to wait to explain the reason why I call the Vatican an empire, suffice me to say that Jesus made me understand of His disappointment of what the Vatican has been doing and what it's become.


Sunday, August 09, 2015


It's amazing what I learn watching movies all day long and yesterday I learned something fascinating about the crazy monster that A. Hitler was, in fact he didn't count his age as the years he lived since his birth date, rather by the number of years he imagined he would  live before his death!
In thinking of this, I put my own spin on it - of course - and I can now say that I have 2 different ages, or that I lived a wonderful and intensely productive life of 42 years (before the accident) and - just like Hitler I'm about 40, simply because I expect to live this hell of pain and immense losses for about 40 more years - that from the day of my birth put my true age at 82.
I never thought that the monster of Hitler could ever give such a good idea to me, but then again........I already posted that he used to inspire me during my classes of German to have Hitler's tone and confidence in what I was talking about in German language.
Therefore, if anyone will ever ask me how old am I, I'll simply say that I'm 40 and in 3 years from now I'll be 37 and so on.....


Saturday, August 08, 2015


As I just said I attended the Scientific Liceo at high school where my great love for math found its way to express itself to the max.
Still today I follow rather closely the recent developments in the Quantum theories and what never stops to surprise me is that it all came out of the mind of A. Einstein, a simple secretary in a Swiss post office who made the foundation of most of what we've been researching, studying and learning in the last 50 years.
Einstein is most famous for his formula that ties together the energy with time and speed of light E = mc2 and I post here below very few links to sites that both explain and describe it well.
I cannot say that what Einstein expressed in this "simple formula" never stops to astound me, especially for the fact that it wasn't proven to be correct for decades after its enunciation and even more because it forms the standing ground for all the physical research that's very current and still  surprises very experienced and prepared scientists and researchers.
From here I want to say again that nothing can be considered scientific if it isn't repeatable, no matter how much correct math or physic theories can support it, whatever can't be repeated falls into the category of the miracle for which I have tremendous need and it explains my new connection with Jesus (much more to say of this later).


Friday, August 07, 2015


Like there would be any need to say anything more about myself........
however I have a couple of stories about me that may have you smile.
When I was at high school in Verona (IT) I attended the scientific Liceo that says what the main focus of the studies done in that school is in advanced math, chemistry and physics, this school however gives classes in foreign language, Catholicism, history and Italian literature. What's pretty funny is that my foreign language was German that I had chosen because of the very high quality of the teachers of all the other classes (subjects), whenever my mother would go to the "meet the teachers" sessions for the parents, she was told by my professor of German (a true German) that I spoke German with a true German accent.
This surprised my mother very much because I was taking after-school classes of English at the Cambridge school in downtown twice a week.
What's really funny about this is that whenever I was tested for German I'd go in front of my class to talk about the German writer we were studying about and pretend to be A. Hitler while giving a speech like in this Youtube here, no wonder my teacher of that time was pleased by my pronunciation and affirmative tone.....I was nonetheless than Hitler telling to my class about how correct H. Schiller was in his writings....

Thursday, August 06, 2015


Given that I only have time, mostly I spend my days thinking, praying, watching movies and researching the internet (where everything and its opposite can be found). Given that on my 7/25 post I reported what my philosopher friend Iacopo said of God and of its faith in relationship with conscience (very often mentioned by Iacopo) I thought to make a simple Google search of this term and I put here below (in links) what I found because while conscience is just another way to make reference to soul (inexistent for Iacopo) this situation parallels very well (in my broken mind) to Hawking saying that the verb hope is tied to the existence of a God.
Therefore I asked to Iacopo - who confidently sustains that we have no soul, it simply doesn't exist (according to him) why I can find so many websites (both in Italian and English) that even explain - with cultural references - that conscience is the same as the soul. Maybe it's too soon for me to post this because he might email me back tomorrow with a very logical proof that the conscience he mentions is very different from my "religious soul", but I couldn't refrain myself to write this and post it with few links in my support.
