
Friday, June 27, 2014


My idea about the act of praying being very important regardless if God can satisfy your request(s) but in this video here (already posted in the past this man makes a very good point about whom to pray to and I can say that the “superior entity” to address with our prayers is certainly Jesus Christ, not only because he was God as man, cut also – as this video explains – because when we pray addressing Him we can truly have a real mental image of Him as God, I believe that the miracle made by God to become a man is truly wondrous for all its meanings and effects on human kind even two thousands years later.
As Fr. Betto told me once, my dealing with Jesus while in mine NDE has been a true gift and my impossible to eliminate pain is my sharing the pain of Jesus while on the cross.
However, the fact that I’m sure about how to end it and that plenty MD refused for various trivial reasons just shows how much the devil is still affecting humans through our free-will.
So I see my fight to be treated with an “off-label” treatment something that in other past times would have been named a “holy war” against stupid fears and deep ignorance of pretty much every MD who refused to treat me in this way AND against all of those who haven’t made it possible or any easier for me to be “saved”, as I've been saying here God is going to take care of those (too) many people in eternity by placing their souls where they deserve to be forever, BUT let’s never forget that any action towards my salvation by correcting the mistakes both made and well-known will give eternal salvation to the one who will correct my painful situation while here on earth, even if our life-time is like the blink of an eye when compared to eternity.
So think about this message from the man who’s been sharing the pain of Jesus while on the cross and act accordingly to protect your own soul for eternity.


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