
Friday, August 07, 2015


Like there would be any need to say anything more about myself........
however I have a couple of stories about me that may have you smile.
When I was at high school in Verona (IT) I attended the scientific Liceo that says what the main focus of the studies done in that school is in advanced math, chemistry and physics, this school however gives classes in foreign language, Catholicism, history and Italian literature. What's pretty funny is that my foreign language was German that I had chosen because of the very high quality of the teachers of all the other classes (subjects), whenever my mother would go to the "meet the teachers" sessions for the parents, she was told by my professor of German (a true German) that I spoke German with a true German accent.
This surprised my mother very much because I was taking after-school classes of English at the Cambridge school in downtown twice a week.
What's really funny about this is that whenever I was tested for German I'd go in front of my class to talk about the German writer we were studying about and pretend to be A. Hitler while giving a speech like in this Youtube here, no wonder my teacher of that time was pleased by my pronunciation and affirmative tone.....I was nonetheless than Hitler telling to my class about how correct H. Schiller was in his writings....

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