
Saturday, August 08, 2015


As I just said I attended the Scientific Liceo at high school where my great love for math found its way to express itself to the max.
Still today I follow rather closely the recent developments in the Quantum theories and what never stops to surprise me is that it all came out of the mind of A. Einstein, a simple secretary in a Swiss post office who made the foundation of most of what we've been researching, studying and learning in the last 50 years.
Einstein is most famous for his formula that ties together the energy with time and speed of light E = mc2 and I post here below very few links to sites that both explain and describe it well.
I cannot say that what Einstein expressed in this "simple formula" never stops to astound me, especially for the fact that it wasn't proven to be correct for decades after its enunciation and even more because it forms the standing ground for all the physical research that's very current and still  surprises very experienced and prepared scientists and researchers.
From here I want to say again that nothing can be considered scientific if it isn't repeatable, no matter how much correct math or physic theories can support it, whatever can't be repeated falls into the category of the miracle for which I have tremendous need and it explains my new connection with Jesus (much more to say of this later).


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