
Friday, August 14, 2015


My truly amazing NDE experience helped me to understand with great clarity what happens after we die, that isn't in big contrast with what my friend Iacopo sustains - even if he's working very hard in trying to prove the non-existence of our creator God (Jehovah).
In fact we all do have one soul that leaves the earthly body at death and is born again in someone else (from this the fact of memories of past lives that may come out in our mind at times) as we die we gain Universal Intelligence (cumulative for Iacopo) and we can see our lives like in a documentary from birth to death which can be judged by ourselves for any and all wrongs (hurt somebody else) and rights we did while living and using the Ui we determine by ourselves weather to regret what we did wrong (= hell) or simply enjoy our lives spent helping others (= heaven).
Also here the universal law of gravity applies, in the sense that if either side - right or wrong - is more plentiful than the other our soul or conscience or identity will either regret or enjoy in eternity what experienced while living either painful or wonderful and joyful, but if there isn't a predominant side our soul ends up in what Dante A. named "purgatory" that simply where the soul remains "parked" for a self-determined amount of time before accessing heaven (which to me can't be too bad, because we can see the beauty of where we are going to be in a future time and our regrets cannot be too big or painful, if we are there).
Aside from the fact that what I'm saying here is closely connected with several other posts of the past (look "philosophy" ) in my sitemap, I simply want to add that those who believe that death is the end of it all go in what I call a state of "idling" that can be terminated by the extraction out of it from the soul of someone who uses the most powerful force in this universe, or love but only if it's used by someone who already is in heaven, otherwise love cannot exist both in hell and purgatory, souls are too focused on their own sins while there and have no time nor force of mind to use whatever love they may still have, to save someone else's soul.
I must repeat that I find it to be astonishing that it's here in the USA that these divine and true concepts are being studied today, while the country of the Vatican is busy with the financial disaster coming soon. Besides posting the video of talking with Jesus I post here (again) few links to what Jesus hasn't told me I'm wrong to believe in and I warn (again) Edward that it isn't going to be how wealthy you are that will open the doors to heaven to your soul.


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