Or maybe
let’s make beyond crystal clear because no matter how many years the AARP
organization has been working through very competent people the f’king
control laws remain in place and in action.
Now, I can
understand that the law has found the way to protect disabled people from
spending all of their money because the way they reason about investments and
spending their money can be very dangerous and wasteful, BUT the fact that
three neuropsy. who even took a doctorate in their discipline can feel correct
and free to evaluate (assess) a
former company president with a college degree from Italy in, chemistry,
physics and advanced mathematics to be unable to manage an elementary family
budget is more than simply wrong and idiotic, it’s very insulting in my
regards, not only because I can mentally do math at any level – at a very
superior and more sophisticated level than they ever can dream to do – but very
simply because my work and international working experience (tri-lingual too) puts me in a very different and
way more superior level than they can ever hope to reach/be.
about the fact that my mother language is Italian, that I still master like I
never left Italy, the other very influencing condition is that the injury in
the occipital lobe in my brain that together with the myopia that I’ve had since I
was a teenager have influenced the assessments I did very heavily and this has
never been considered in those assessments, in other words I was asked to look at
pictures of weird objects and say their names, in addition I was asked
to look at drawings and draw them again by following the same original drawing on
another paper on the side.
Well first
of all I’d like to see any of my evaluator give me the name in Spanish of
something I show that isn’t common at all….let’s not even mention if what I’d
be asking is the word in Japanese…..
Then let me
put a black cloth on one of their two eyes (the
left one for me) and
ask to draw a complex mixture of lines not at all parallel to each other BUT
that are crossed among themselves with different angles.
OK, so
based on my ability to pass these test it turned out that I cannot afford to
manage my own money, therefore I’m best protected by some ignorant woman whom I
doubt ever left this State and now by someone who was a Presbyterian priest but
who evidently loved pussy way more than he loves God, therefore got married and for 8
years (he
admitted himself to me once)
tried to have his wife remain pregnant……ho boy! What a hard commitment (to a pussy…..rather than
to God) that must
have been!
Bottom line
is that by having these two losers I’ve
been robbed $80.000, AND of my wonderful family (my own sole creation) this far, but since this screwed up court (and its super obese
judge) is fixed on
its attempt to apply laws without any sense nor logic whatsoever, is going to
approve my conservator’s (AND his attorney) bill and leave him stuck to me just like a leech to my shoulder (or better, to my arshole).
What’s very
sad is that to the list of imbeciles, I must add both my sister in Italy plus
the mother of my two treasures who…bla…bla…bla…bla (sorry folks, my two treasures come here to read me too
and given that she’s their mother…..I can’t!!).
My question
to my disgustingly obese judge would be about the logic to have had to pay (for their true effort
and dedication to saving my money) these two individual (f’…king losers) for having way less money that I
had in 2006, with way more anger, (homicidal)
frustration and stress.
I bet one
million $$$$ that those doctors in neuropsy say that this anger is a typical
and expected outcome of someone with a brain injury, but what if I say that I'm going to cook them
all in a pot with water and beans to eat piece-by-piece with anchovies and
onion sauce? I’ll surely never do this……I’ve gained through my NDE more
than I could have ever asked for or be curious of, therefore in a future post I’ll
detail what happens when we die (including when THEY will die).
- https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/what-happens-to-us-when-we-die.html
- https://weilerpsiblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/11/biocentrism-a-consciousness-centric-view-of-the-universe/
- https://beyondbiocentrism.com/does-the-soul-exist-evidence-says-yes/
- https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-happens-to-brain-when-die-consciousness-death
- https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/880461/Life-after-death-what-happens-when-you-die-sam-parnia-afterlife
- http://discovermagazine.com/2009/may/01-the-biocentric-universe-life-creates-time-space-cosmos
- https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/what-happens-when-we-die/