
Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I was born and raised in Italy – therefore I’m a Catholic by default – maybe because my brain got injured, I’ve become a great supporter (and researcher) of all that quantum sciences are talking about (researching and discovering) in these days. Since my days are entirely spent at my desk using my PC and watching an infinite number of movies, I’ve become a great fan of all the movies (and documentaries) in which Morgan Freeman takes part.
Lucy is a very recent one that addresses the immense capabilities and powers of the human brain.
I love it when Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) is in a chase with the car of a French inspector who is investigating her, and who is pretty tense with her driving (especially when she tells him that she has no driver’s license and never drove before in her life) tells him that “we never really die”, so he has nothing to worry about (Oh yeah!).

Now, since this is coming from someone who can utilize 100% of her brain, the spectators (we) are supposed to simply take this for good.
We shall make the same “supposition” for all quantum sciences are telling us - since several months already – regardless of the fact that every religion of the world – current and ancient (i.e. think to the Egyptians and of their trip by boat to the god Ra – the sun) – has been teaching to all of its believers that there’s another life after the one here on earth, ends.
Being a faithful Catholic myself AND having met with Jesus Christ while in a coma myself, I have a big smile when I read of the “latest discovery” done by the quantum physics that isn’t at all different from what Jesus said 2.000 years ago and billions of people have believed for the same amount of time.
I’m not even considering the (plenty) other religions that counted believers by the millions now and in the past.
Therefore I don’t think to say something weird or untrue when I say that human kind has known since ever that our life e doesn’t end with our (earthly) death.

The links I put here below are a careful selection among the millions of websites that can be found in the internet and the video below talks about Plato, who has been one of my preferred authors in philosophy when I was a teenager in high school.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


 Maybe this is the reason why everytime I see for a test one neuropsy. I smell shit…… must be my own injured brain that farts a smelly one and activates my olfactory sensors with that putrid stench that turns me in the dumb ass who cannot pass their tests (that even that hot cheek of my judge has passed dozens of times) what can I say?...........maybe I can tell to my next one (sorry folks, I’m not done yet!) to wear perfume by the gallon, that way my nostrils will be confounded by the perfume and stop shoveling shit in my nose.
Anyway, weirdly enough the brain farting isn’t so rare and in fact I – as always – put here few links and a couple of Youtubes and I anticipate too that tomorrow I’ll tell you of my bro Pat and his BL dogs……..stay tuned, it’ll be great!


Friday, June 16, 2017


Let me rephrase this post title, in the sense that what I mean to describe is that a couple of professional losers have been allowed by both the neuropsy. mafia and the mix of discomfort + ignorance of a couple of judges – who I can bet with any of my readers never took this assessment AND have an IQ “six feet under”, not only to pretty much imprison me, but in addition to allow to “legally steal” very (too) much money from me and from my family (now just my two treasures because my wife wants to be on her own).
I wrote here before that I’m an enthusiastic supporter of the NASGA that mainly treats cases of very old (unlike me) and abandoned (like me) people who for the most part are incredibly wealthy and end up getting robbed so much and so visibly that their cases end up in the local newspapers.
Maybe this is the reason why my situation doesn’t seem to get any better, no matter the quality of the individuals who have been supporting me each time I need an explanation or when I have some suggestion or an idea.
It’s very sad that it matters not the fact that I know in exact detail what eternal existence my (losers) conservators are facing, as my very good friend Iacopo often says “if people knew what their afterlife is going to be, every war, murder, rape, theft down to simply lying about where you went for lunch, all would just stop overnight and our entire world would become like heaven.
Talk about Iacopo being atheist, the more I read his hypotheses, the better I understand the Catholic teachings and principles.
What’s surely undeniable is that my solitude, lightened by a dream-like internet connection and a super-desktop regularly serviced by a God in this field have turned me into an almost theologian with knowledge in fields that since the beginning of time have made everyone curious and interested, I’m learning too that to know in advance what one will experience or face after death never helps neither the holder of the knowledge, nor the subject of the prediction……..looks like Iacopo and I have more to talk about because from what I just said there doesn’t seem that there might be an overnight move into earthly heaven.


Thursday, June 15, 2017


OK, today I want to spread few words of advice to my readers, who by this point should know and trust that I’ve become both a quantum sciences and afterlife expert, my advice is about making sure not to die with any regrets about either doing or not doing to somebody else, regrets mean in my (injured) mind simply feeling guilty for something, again done or not to others because you were lazy or to consciously wanting to hurt another person.
This is actually pretty simple to explain strictly following the quantum explanations, in fact the so called “universal intelligence” and the revision of your life after you die aren’t even required because you know already your guilt and for it you can only regret having done or NOT done something to/for others while living here (or before you die).
I can think of a couple of women who are already regretting something about having done or not done in my support or good for the poor disabled me.
Actually the other morning I woke up with the distinct idea that one of my big regrets (among very few, surely not hundreds) is not having married the woman who was my “official girlfriend” for about 10 years who, everyone (family, relatives and friends) was sure I was going to surely marry.
However when I came back from my master in Berkeley I organized the trip to Italy for my California Queen, who never returned to CA and whom I married.
This was really very weird because I hadn’t thought at that woman in decades, but the simple fact that I dreamt of her gave me the chills that it might be the regret I’ll have to pay for after I’ll die.
Of course – as I always say here – I’m still in time to erase my mistake, as long as I’m living IF I can be forgiven by her, the only issue with this is that my mother told me that she had recently met her in Verona downtown and learned that she too is divorced, has a son about the age of mine, she teaches at the Verona university but would love to come here to live in the USA.

The idea that I might be able to avoid damnation after I’ll be dead by making her a “mother figure” for my two treasures gives me the chills (to say the least) and I’w trying real hard not to think of this.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Today I was talking with a good attorney and I caught myself saying that in this beginning of the second millennium we are looking at our brain just like Obama indicated while he was our president, he started the B.R.A.I.N. mapping project so that we’ll at least know how it’s made.
But let me tell you that its billions of neurons with its trillions of connections in constant fluctuation because of its plasticity, this is really going to be a real worldwide accomplishment.
In fact, we have no idea about where our mind and the consciousness may be, they aren’t a physical entity in fact and let’s forget about the fact that these new developing studies and research matters, named quantum (physics and mathematics) have people who have blindfolded themselves from the capabilities of our brain, why be surprised to see that the outcome of any experiment is influenced by the observer's expectations?
And – obviously – why is it that only today science can prove measure and reproduce what the son of a wood carpenter (Joseph) gave to humanity as personal example what life and afterlife are all about?
These quantum researches tremendously remind me of my friend Iacopo, who while trying to demonstrate via the helpful references of famous writers of the past, pretty much writes again the foundations of the Catholic religion…….however he confirms the reality of Jesus, while at the same time proves the impossibility for a God to both be real and exists.
The links I put below and the Youtubes don’t add much to what I’ve been saying for years, or that any and all the neuropsychologists are just foolish people who decide to build self-reliance and confidence based on years spent studying matters about nobody in this entire world knows shit about.
I’m pretty sure (for quantum reasons) that my “near-death” got my intelligence to become freer (or unlimited) which explains my angry rejection of the fact that by looking at pictures of cats or stones followed by making simple arithmetic calculations, any of these self-confident doctors can assess me to be incapable to take care of myself and of my earned money (not stolen like the conservators all do).
Something else I’m pretty sure about is that once these “doctors” will die, they’ll face an eternity of regret to be discounted in their own personal ways…….
All I can say is that – as long as they live – there’s always time to correct any mistake (=hurt someone else) done while living here on earth and your pride or excessive self-confidence shouldn’t play any role in what shall be done in exchange of an eternity in your own hell.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017



The Youtubes I put here are a real sign of how much my brain is injured......NOT what those imbeciles (dumb asses) wrote in their assessments about the maker/owner of this blog who collects only compliments about both the content of individual posts and about posts by label.
Anyway I've been spending hours by the dozens watching hypnotized this black and very fat man (another dumb ass like the others) I therefore feel like it appropriate for me to apologize to my readers for posting these borderline videos that I can't stop watching and that I had put here when I had posted about my new "Youtube addiction" few days ago (on 6/2).
As I already kind of attempted to say above, this post is (R)restricted to minors, as a general rating, as far as me and my family I'd give to this post a simple (PG) or Parental Guidance, so I'm going to post here just three with their name/main topic on top.
In general just know that the black man (Mr. Pregnant) is making prank calls.




OK, if you are still sitting and you haven't spilled anything on yourself, I admire you, I suggest to drink a glass full of warm milk, so hopefully you can sleep well.
P.S. this afternoon I went to my dentist and as I started to think to this guy and to the male tampons video, the dentist told me that if I wasn't going to keep the mouth open he was going to use a metal jack to hold it wide open
(I told him that it could do this by stuffing my mouth with tampons).

Monday, June 12, 2017


Let me start with this simple statement – directed to my neurologists and to my neuropsychologists especially: Nothing in neuroscience is absolute because the brain is still a black box.
Brain damage is something that most people hope to never deal with, and is a terrifying thought for most. Brain damage is also something that most people think nothing can be done about, and may even think that the damage is completely unmanageable. This is where nootropics come into play, as they are supplements that are not only capable of lessening the severity of brain damage, but they can even help keep brain damage from becoming out of control.
It is important to comprehend that there are different types and severity of brain damage and not all are treatable. In some instances, a person can fully recover from brain damage and in other cases, they cannot. In order for doctors to analyze on whether a patient will recover from brain damage or not, you have to consider the following factors:
  • The severity of the head injury
  • The duration of the injury
  • The area of the injury

There are hundreds of cognitive enhancing pills (so called smart pills) on the markets that simply do NOT work! With each of them claiming they are the best, how can you find the cognitive enhancers that are both safe and effective?
The primary function of nootropics is to improve and enhance the cognitive function. People diagnosed with brain damage can take a medication, but it will not reverse the damage caused by the injury. However, it will increase the functions of the remaining neurons still present in the brain.
People who have damaged the part of their brain responsible for the cognitive function may see improvement in their ability to recall and learn things. Even though nootropics may not be restoring the lost neurons, they may be benefiting the existing ones (still intact/alive/udead).
For example, the nootropic Piracetam (prescribed for me by the truckload from the eternally damned, my first fucking physiatrist Dr. B.) increases communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which helps protect the brain from becoming oxygen-deprived. This causes the user who  takes this nootropic to become more alert, and have a reduced reaction time.
The main reason why I like to use Piracetam – among the many other racetams in the market today – is that it supports (increases some say) the neuroplasticity of the brain, therefore helping its self-repair(all you can hope for still today).
In conclusion I can say that in general, supplementing with nootropics is smart and offers many preventive benefits for brain health. However, considering the direction of neurologic research, I’m sure to see more nootropics being suggested by MD’s and used by brain injured patients. In fact let’s say that I’ve been “playing” with these supplements for several months at this point and I’m sure to have “overdeveloped” several areas in my brain (overdeveloped already) that I’m sure they weren’t as powerful as they are now.
I’ve understood too how powerful it can be by putting an uncomfortable idea in the mind of someone unsure of him/herself, because it’s by using – without knowing or being unaware – our mind and consciousness (always connected to each other), that we can do/have it happen, what we call a  “miracle” (something that science can’t explain and  that it cannot be measured nor repeated)


The effects that are widely reported by nootropic users can be cumulative. If you consistently use nootropics every day, you will start to rewire your brain to be more plastic and produce more neurotransmitters on an ongoing basis.
The more you challenge and ask of your brain, the faster its capacities will grow. In this way you can think to the brain like a muscle that needs constant exercise. Following an exercise regimen, you can further enhance the long-term benefits and positive effects of most nootropics in the market today.

One of the biggest benefits of using Piracetam is that it can increase neuroplasticity (yeeeeaaaahhhh). 


Sunday, June 11, 2017


I must have watched this movie 4 times already; it’s the story of a football player “super-athlete loved by tens of thousands of people (no more than few dozens for me) who narrates a story very similar to mine, the story of a man who falls from the stars into a nasty swamp, in fact he gets affected by ALS (some disease to the muscles in the body, very similar to what Richard Hawking has been living with, for decades that usually gives a life expectancy of 2 or 3 years at most.
Aside from this being a real movie, you can hear Gleason say few times during the movie that he’s making a video blog for his son, since Gleason thinks that by the time his son will be a teenager his dad will be passed away already.
What truly got stuck in my heart is when Gleason says in this Youtube above:  “My future is bigger than my past”  that’s a concept that I’ve been working to make it exactly mine and that clearly shows that my hardheadedness and tenacity (possibly irrational) isn’t mine only.
I love very much too the new relationship that his wife adapts to and Gleason’s love for his son, that I fully understand because it’s the same as mine for both of my treasures. The movie gets to a point – towards its end – where it’s very clear to see how much love from others  Gleason is surrounded by and how much of it is shared with his wife (whose name is Michel, interestingly),
Something else that I found very correct and deep in this movie, is when Gleason says that through his video blog he wants to teach to his son that life here on earth is very fragile and temporary, therefore we should never dream that what we have now can last for as long as we want, everything can disappear in the fraction of a second and all we’ve ever cared and worked for can seem to be a big waste of both time and energies.
This is actually very similar to something else I’ve been reading lately that comes from a pure atheist who’s convinced that living a life is completely useless, painful and a big waste……..
What’s ridiculous is that Gleason complains at a certain point of this movie that he’s so disabled that he crapped in his pants and talks about how horrible his life has become now that he can’t rush to the toilet anymore… fact, it takes 4 strong young man to take him out of his electric wheelchair to sit him on the toilet and this time he didn’t have the time to say a word…..he let go of all of his crap in the pants, the ridiculous part of this is that  - while watching this movie -I decided to go out to buy some mineral water in my electric chair (my Ferrari) before I left I thought that it may have been safer to pee before leaving my room, but I thought too that my being out wouldn’t be for any longer than 10 minutes and I just left without the bathroom stop…… well when I got back, no matter how fast I did the exchange of wheelchairs, I ended up peeing in my pants and had to call for assistance to replace both boxers ad shorts, all I could think was that I was lucky that it was just pee…….if it was like in the movie, oh my!!
Anyway, this movie is highly recommended and……rather than watch it with your good friends with a barrel of beer I suggest it’s best to watch it alone, to have the time to watch again few parts of it.


Sunday, June 04, 2017


While I was writing the post on the fact that what doesn’t kill, makes stronger I started to think to my dearest son who seems to have some issues with his life, but since I have facts that prove that he’s very strong in his mind (because a 100% Lingiardi breed) I looked in the internet (where everything and its opposite can be found at the same time) for the strength of mind that he surely has, at least as much as I do, ignorant people few times  called me “bonehead” ‘cause nobody took the time to explain the difference between an idiot who keeps doing (or asking) the same identical thing and those (like my son and I) who are very determined in having – or making it happen - what they decide they want, that’s being just strong minded.
Maybe I used too many words to expose that there’s a difference among: 1 idiot, 2 bonehead and 3 strong minded (3 being what you want to be), therefore – aside from my usual Youtube (not as funny as those of the other day) – few links to websites that clearly explain to them what being strong-minded me and how to see if you are, with simple tests.
My main reason to write this post is to have my dear son stop doubting the way he acts sometimes, put his chest out and keep his head high, as I know he already has several people looking up to him for approval and peace of mind about what they do or say.
The way I see him is not only that he’s a pure Lingiardi, but that he’s fluent in Italian too and very inclined towards mathematical and scientific matters, just like his father is and grandfather (nonno) was.
I therefore have no doubt, that regardless if his life at relative young age is bringing some challenges, his own blood and my example (his only father) are going to surely help him to overcome all the crap that life throws at him and on this I have plenty stories about my dad (his nonno) that describe how tough of a life my father had before he turned to be 25, his being a true bonehead on top of WWII truly didn’t help his growing up to adulthood, if I then add that my dad too lost his father because of the war, I can’t say that my son’s youth is very much different from that of my dad/your nonno.

Friday, June 02, 2017


I’m sure that my readers have noticed that I very often put Youtube videos with the topic of my post, well the same I’ve been doing for my blog in Italian.

Since I – obviously – spend hours watching Youtubes to find the right ones to put in my post, I’ve become literally addicted to videos very often made public (in Youtube) by people I’d call demented (to be nice),I began with this guy here below in Italian, who mostly talks about his sexual frustrations (he says that not even our lady of Fatima would fuck with him…..) in example he explains in this one how to discover when women shit-fart or burp really loudly. 

It goes without me saying it, that you can go to Youtube yourselves and find videos from this guy by the hundreds, which explains the reason why I say that I’m now addicted to Youtube, in fact whenever I feel lonely or down for any other reason it’s plenty sufficient for me to watch few of these truly demented Youtubes


Thursday, June 01, 2017


Like I really needed to get any stronger at all, Father Betto in Ventura tried to explain to me that my accident with the loss of ALL I ever loved cared and worked in my 42 years (that far) of life is a challenge given by God to people He “elects” to be challenged in life (am I like Moses or Isaac??) BUT since only people who are going to win the challenge can be “elected” for it,  I shouldn’t be too worried because, no matter the time and the pain I’ll have to put into this challenge, eventually I’ll be the ultimate winner.
The ONLY thought this puts in my mind is similar to what I had said first about the fact that God is us and what I explained several months ago about the Italian political minister Aldo Moro, whose God (personal) had him kidnapped by the communist terrorists, then tortured and killed, leaving his family behind.
What the heck!! Wait a moment…… can my own God – always loving and careful, helping me to win everything I ever decided it to be important – give me a challenge where not only I lost my family (my creation) and because of this destroying the self-confidence that my son had (from me) since he was born?
OK, I expressed here already that I know very well the reason of my accident (my own inability to wait and the furious hate from my former employer for having lost me, when I was his “perfect replacement” of his retiring commander of his US subsidiary – he’s still looking for “the right one” today….) BUT W.T.F. did I (as my God) decide to make such a horrible mess?? And why would I ever want to involve those who I love most in my life (more than my work and any of my sports)?
This makes absolutely no sense, nor there isn’t any logic of any kind……..maybeee those who say that I’m a victim of TBI without the ability to count to three are right……
As you all know the concept of time after we die is completely different, in fact it can’t be measured (the eternal NOW) but I’ve got to say that after battling for more than 10 years with indescribable pain and sorrow, I’m really starting to doubt that maybeee this one isn’t the battle I’m going to win, so even my getting stronger makes me want to ask, stronger of what, or whom? Wasn’t it enough how strong I was (or I used to be) already? What difference can it ever make to me (or anyone else) if I’m not scared of death now that I know exactly what it is and what comes after it? Like I was scared of my own death even before my accident……
What am I gaining from this battle, or challenge? All I can think is to say.......... loud and clear is…..God-damn!!!
But let’s think a bit….Isaac’s God wanted to have much more self-confidence and power over his instincts, so he had himself condemn to death his own son………then Moses had to put order on that part of the world – still in great turmoil – that’s why our creator (Jehovah) put it completely underwater…….now we are all shocked to have found the ark – how can it be that the Bible has objective proof of one of the stories in it?? (see my post published on 7/19/15 about the Dead Sea scrolls).
What would I (and those who love me) gain from this challenge, if I was to win (aside from personal freedom, like I always had)?
I’m hoping that nobody thinks that I’d possibly be interested in money; I was told once that my victory would add to my mountain (for me like mount Everest already) of self-confidence, and then – after my begging for a better explanation - I was told that through this blog I can teach it all my readers ( you seem to be plenty) and given that everyone shall leave something good for the future of mankind and of planet earth, I guess you can say that through my blog here I’m leaving something important, therefore you are all invited to “spread my blog”to all you know (and don’t ).
