
Sunday, June 04, 2017


While I was writing the post on the fact that what doesn’t kill, makes stronger I started to think to my dearest son who seems to have some issues with his life, but since I have facts that prove that he’s very strong in his mind (because a 100% Lingiardi breed) I looked in the internet (where everything and its opposite can be found at the same time) for the strength of mind that he surely has, at least as much as I do, ignorant people few times  called me “bonehead” ‘cause nobody took the time to explain the difference between an idiot who keeps doing (or asking) the same identical thing and those (like my son and I) who are very determined in having – or making it happen - what they decide they want, that’s being just strong minded.
Maybe I used too many words to expose that there’s a difference among: 1 idiot, 2 bonehead and 3 strong minded (3 being what you want to be), therefore – aside from my usual Youtube (not as funny as those of the other day) – few links to websites that clearly explain to them what being strong-minded me and how to see if you are, with simple tests.
My main reason to write this post is to have my dear son stop doubting the way he acts sometimes, put his chest out and keep his head high, as I know he already has several people looking up to him for approval and peace of mind about what they do or say.
The way I see him is not only that he’s a pure Lingiardi, but that he’s fluent in Italian too and very inclined towards mathematical and scientific matters, just like his father is and grandfather (nonno) was.
I therefore have no doubt, that regardless if his life at relative young age is bringing some challenges, his own blood and my example (his only father) are going to surely help him to overcome all the crap that life throws at him and on this I have plenty stories about my dad (his nonno) that describe how tough of a life my father had before he turned to be 25, his being a true bonehead on top of WWII truly didn’t help his growing up to adulthood, if I then add that my dad too lost his father because of the war, I can’t say that my son’s youth is very much different from that of my dad/your nonno.

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