
Saturday, October 06, 2018

SAINT GIANFRANCO’S MAXIMS 2 what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Well, this is my dad’s other (second one) maxim, that making my usual internet research I learned was first coined by Nietzsche, a famous German philosopher who influenced very, very much the modern intellectual history, I find it somewhat interesting that he died in  1900 at my exact age now (55) in addition I love that one of his books is one written directly for my Ventura sista, that I bet real money she never read neither she ever will, its title in fact is “the death of God” I find it that he frequented an homosexual brothel in §Vienna and was “proud” for having contracted syphilis, he influenced a bunch of other philosophers, among them, in fact Freud….a master for some of the losers I know, he  defined in his works what he named the Apollonian and Dionysian schools of thinking.
Anyway, if I follow this other maxim that my dad said very, very often, I cannot really define what I’ve become as a person and the huge change in personality and inner strength I mean, I used to be famous for my strength and determination but my accident totally transformed me…..I believe very much because I entered the so called “Afterlife” to which I feel to be still very connected in some way, in fact it happens almost every night to have what I’d be calling “crazy dreams” that while often put me in a car with some of my high school mates - often the craziest ones – I dream with the same frequency about some of the losers who participate in ruining my life (you know who you are), I dream in fact not only what’s about to happen to them – already truly verified – but, I thought it was because I had kept some type of contact with Jesus Christ (whom I had said  to have met during my 2 months long coma). My unique difficulty is that – as my dad use to say, I’ve been the “Carlo yesterdaypretty much since birth, therefore what I think it’s about to happen, it can really happen 20 years from when I predict it and say it.
However the fact that I have no memory whatsoever to ever have met with Jesus, neither to have made any agreement with him, made me put “in a drawer” the entire idea.
HOWEVER, what’s very true is that I recall exactly the terms of this agreement that – for the most part – is turning out to be true.
To end this post about how correct my dad always was, I invite you, my reader to enjoy both the videos AND the websites I linked below.

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