
Sunday, August 26, 2018

The NOW’s???

In my – seemingly never-ending – interest and study of the quantum physics, I was initially at least perplexed by the concept that after death, time isn’t measured anymore, because there aren’t says and nights, nor seasons, neither years ......afterlife is all about a series of “now’s” which troubled me very much because I couldn’t understand what it really meant.
Then – of course – my “mental friend” dr. Lanza came to my help with his Biocentrism and I can now understand pretty well what’s considered today the ”series of now’s”.
Few days ago (August 10th) I had posted here already about Lanza and of my strong belief that – by looking at his last name – he most possibly could be one Italian just like I am, however after I learned that he’s a prestigious scientist born and living in Boston, MA and I did read his “Biocentrism” book I have to confirm that not only he’s a “pure-blood” American, but that through his book I was finally able to understand not only what death really is, but my question about the now’s is explained too.
Once again what I found at least fascinating is that – once again – the quasi "extraterrestrial genius" of A. Einstein had figured this all out before even his own death……. And on this I promise that sooner than later I’ll be writing a post about the hypocrisy of the catholics….as I just published in my Italian blog, what I’ll do, will be to dedicate it to my Ventura sista……her life is hypocritical too, like the Pope’s and of his imperium! (the Vatican).
I put here few links about Lanza’s Biocentrism and about his somehow revolutionary explanation of death that truly explains my reason for me to say that humans fear of death – especially today with the quantum theories and what biocentrism says - becomes ridiculous, same as our understanding of TIME!
Please now enjoy the Youtube videos and the websites I linked below.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018


I tried already to talk about consciousness here on 5/20/2017, 6/18/2018, 1/19/2016, 3/20/2016, 3/19/2017, 4/6/2017, 1/16/2017, 1/5/2017, 8/152017, 3/102017, 5/13/2018, 2/3/2018, 12/3/2016……..WOW, WOW, WOW
BUT given that – as of today – even the most advanced and sophisticated scientist, philosophers and religious people are talking about it and I cannot say that time is a scarce commodity for me, I decided to give it yet another try(Especially following a recent interview I saw where someone pretty famous declared that nobody has any clue today of what consciousness is, neither where it may be in our body).
In fact in the beginning consciousness was defined as the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. ... Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is.
As per Wikipedia the human consciousness is defined as: "Consciousness is the quality or state of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. However consciousness refers to our awareness of our own mental processes, such as our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. It is possible that we are the only beings on this planet that have this type of self-awareness or level of consciousness and the ability to introspect, or look inward to examine these processes. Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Each of these 3 levels corresponds and overlaps with Freud's ideas of the id, ego, and superego. Bodies are made of energy (as you all know very well , by now.....). ... So consciousness is non-located, it is non-physical, BUT energy is located and physical. Those are fundamental distinctions between consciousness and energy. Energy is something that moves through space, consciousness doesn't exist in space.  The totality of our consciousness is comprised of 3 levels: the subconscious, the conscious, and the superconscious. Each level of consciousness represents a different degree of intensity of awareness…The occipital lobe controls visual sensation ( I know this WELL!!!) and in processing, and the temporal lobe is associated with hearing, speech, memory and emotion. Buried in the cerebrum is the limbic system, the “emotional brain.” It contains the amygdala and the hippocampus, as well as parts of the thalamus and the hypothalamus.
The "soul or spirit" is that part of us that enables us to be aware of ourselves. It is the essence of life that's eternal and its substance lies outside the physical parameters of the Universe. Moreover, when in place in any physical body, it connects directly to and is our consciousness. People in a coma (just like I was) are completely unresponsive. They do not move, do not react to light or sound and cannot feel pain (AT LEAST!!). Their eyes are closed. ... If the person has a very severe brain injury though, they may move from coma into a vegetative or minimally conscious state (NOT ME… I’m still here busting everyone’s balls, just like nothing ever happened! In fact I’m totally normal and can get back to work now!!!). The dual terms conscious and unconscious imply that consciousness is either on or off. But the transition from wake to sleep is rarely like with the lights (on/off). More often there's a gradual reduction in consciousness with fuzzy, halfway states inbetween. What I need my readers to know, however is that my 2 (fucking) months in a coma allowed my acquisition of what Iacopo calls the cumulative intelligence while others simply name it universal just because it’s way superior than the usual one.
Therefore it’s become pretty clear to me that I said to have seen Jesus Christ just given my Catholic upbringing, BUT if I was a Buddhist…..I would have said to have made my agreement to survive directly with Buddha, and so on……
What’s true – and now proven with scientific experiments (measurable and reproducible) is that once you rejoin the universal consciousness your brain lets go of all its mandatory tasks (to keep you alive) and its intelligence becomes free from any other task, therefore it becomes very easy to focus on your past life (since centuries it’s been said that when you die, you see your entire life scrolling in your eyes or mind, like in a documentary) that’s when you can pin-point each and every time you hurt (NOT by killing someone with a baseball bat, just with words, actions or monetarily….) someone else and therefore YOU/yourself decide the penance/punishment  that's going to be the opposite of what you consider (or have experienced) as painful/disgusting/horrible and/or very bad.
So, here you go, now I spelled as best as I can why I’ve been warning some of my email-pals, what – to me – are true gifts from someone who never dreamt to have any knowledge of this type.  Remember that to avoid your own eternal hell is fairly simple while still alive…’s a bit more complex when you are 6 feet under......😊


Sunday, August 12, 2018


Since “it just so happens” that I’ve been spending my 14 hours long days in the internet, yesterday – while in my dearest Youtube, I watched this video …..

Which convinced me that my plan, that used to be this exactly to the lover (or fucker B. Ross M.D. in Santa Barbara)

Wasn’t truly worth taking any space in my injured head and my reason for this will be clearly explained in my next post about Jesus and his liberation, Christian’s hypocrisy and my friend Iacopo (all strictly related to each other).
When I went to look for this law (not applied in every State BUT here in CA for sure, I read this:
Generally, for short-term marriages, (less than ten years = 20 for me and M.) permanent alimony lasts no longer than half the length of the marriage, with “marriage” defined as the time between the date of marriage and the date of separation. So, if your marriage lasted eight years (20), you may expect to pay or receive alimony for four years (10).
Well, B. what can I say? You best start counting your money that is going to – sooner than later – disappear  Just like that of my neuropsy. docs who are all going to restitute to me millions on millions.


Saturday, August 11, 2018


Let me preface this post with the notion that mind = consciousness.
Once again, quantum physics has explained to me the reason why I’m not the man I used to be, regardless the fact that my brain got injured. My union with my eternal love, mother of my two treasures M. was giving to my mind and consciousness the very strong power to modify situations, people and events mainly to our advantage, I could write an entire new blog with the real examples of the situations (and people) that the union of our minds changed to our advantage.
Using a quantum physics term, both our minds were entangled in the sense that – no matter the situation and the people involved the entanglement of our minds, being in agreement with our lives goals, we together had been able to change situations and people to our advantage.
This is certainly what I feel is the biggest loss from my accident/injury, I mean not only I lost a great, reliable friend, lover, mother of my treasures and trustworthy woman at my side who was intelligent too, BUT since the entanglement of our minds ceased to exist because severed by a B. who still remains a piece of garbage – no matter that he’s now become a father – I think it to be impossible to ever be entangled again, therefore there exists nothing I can do – on my own – to return to be again the very powerful and successful man I was, while still married.....


Friday, August 10, 2018


I know that you – my readers – know of my passion for quantum science and that Jesus was the first man (Darwinian incident) who explained – in first person – most of what quantum physics is now proving it to be true and measurable /possible to be tested.
Well, can you please remember my post where I stated that God is us humans? Well, take your time to watch these Youtubes with Dr. Lanza’s presentations about science and the (true) revolution that quantum science is bringing now to the public (us).
I like the example that Dr. Lanza makes when he says that these quantum discoveries, discoveries and experiments are just like when it took Columbus to prove that the earth is round (no matter that everybody was convinced that the ocean would end beyond the Canary Islands) I said it earlier that in the beginning I had thought that this Lanza was Italian, given his last name, but now that I know that he’s a true US citizen who lives in Boston, was involved in stem cells research and has been involved so much in quantum science that he recently published the book named like his theory “Biocentrism” to explain it, I promise that in one of my future posts here I’ll address this new theory – obviously after I’ll be done reading it and done little research on it.
So, now you must take a couple of hours of quiet time to watch the above mentioned Youtube presentations (to the end) - given by Dr. Lanza – because they all do confirm what this poor brain injured (me) assessed more than once, by very intelligent and prepared doctors in the brain field (HA!!) as incapable to save money, therefore “controlled by ignorant conservators who have already simply and directly stolen from my wallet $100K (and more to come, thanks to an obnoxious judge), and draw your own conclusions (just click on the links, the videos are too long).

I want to end this post by simply stating that my brain and that of the mother of my treasures used to be fully entangled, therefore whatever and whenever I had a thought – both in positive and negative – our brains, consciousness’s and mind were able to make it happen all we were both thinking it to be objectively right and about this, I can give so many examples that it would take an entire blog to do it and this explains too my temporary impotence vs. both the thieves, the doctors and whoever else has taken advantage of the interruption of our entanglement that’s been costing dearly to both our two treasures only.


Saturday, August 04, 2018


This is the way I see my life now: we started sailing together with both our lives intertwined with each other, then my accident put our sailing boat a simple degree off course, we went long enough- years, during which while in the beginning you were repairing the boat with me and were working very hard doing the very difficult and challenging repair (some say “impossible”), but sadly you gave it all up and decided to leave me at the repair dock to jump on a rotten catamaran named B.  - and now we are both in the wrong place, somewhat far from each other.
 You don’t seem to understand that our lives on this beautiful boat might be forever lost and all it would take is for you to get on my boat again and see any and all troubles disappear like any storm with strong winds always does.
 I want to be on smooth sailing again with you - only - on my boat of life. The sad (surely for me) fact is that you (and your soul) got wounded badly and cannot feel safe with me at the helm again because – given your fragility – you want to listen to those who only have to gain from me not commanding our boat and I’ve gotten out of tricks to go around these dangerous rocks just below the water surface, they can’t really be seen well but they are more than very dangerous if not deadly, all they want is to steal money that belongs to us both only and that our two treasures will surely inherit.
It’s of very little consolation that I  know very well and experienced in person where these thieves will go after their death, because without faith and understanding that it’s very wrong to hurt anybody else in life, afterlife will be spent in your personal hell forever.
I have to say that I find it incredible that the science of today (quantum) is able to re-discover measure and test what mankind knew already since at least 5.000 years and has left memories with monuments and writings (even inside caves on rocks) to testify this clear knowledge that’s been forgotten for several centuries while we were developing modern science, travel and worldwide communication tools.


Friday, August 03, 2018


Regardless of the fact that my brain got injured (13 years ago) my mind – as I’ve stated here before – is still intact and…..boy is it spinning now! This very new and exceptional idea that our mind and our consciousness create ALL our reality, the cars we drive, the beds we sleep on, the TV we watch, the chairs you are sitting on and the PC screen you are looking at now to read my blog PLUS the entire universe……where our galaxy, all its planets, the sun and planet earth are the product of our collective (universal) consciousness, make my mind spins (at least).
As I had said in my last post about the author of the book named BIOCENTRISM, R. Lanza, in my mind was certainly an Italian immigrant just like me, with the HUGE difference that he’s been described as the most influential scientist in the world…..
Since that time is never scarce for me, I decided to satisfy my interest for his book on Biocentrism and what I understood from reading several websites on this subject is that the twentieth century was certainly the century of physics. The discoveries on the atom, its particles and the architecture of the cosmos have produced our conception of the universe and all the technology that shapes our everyday life. BUT physics hasn’t been, and still is not, able to respond to the very ancient questions of mankind and therefore is looking for a theory of everything that hasn’t been achieved yet. What was there before the Big Bang? Was there even a before? Why does the universe seem to be perfectly tailored to man? And if we close our eyes, does the universe still exist? Are space and time still there? What happens after death? Biocentrism welcomes these questions from an unprecedented perspective that includes biology and tries to answer to these questions: what we perceive as reality is nothing else than the product of our consciousness, including scientific discoveries. Only when the material becomes conscious of itself and begins to observe the existing, the entire universe changes its nature from the state of probability - as defined by quantum theory - to that of mysterious presence: starting from the photon, from the petal of a rose, from the wind, to get to the most distant nebulae. Robert Lanza develops an original scientific idea that asks the ultimate question: what is the universe?
