
Saturday, August 04, 2018


This is the way I see my life now: we started sailing together with both our lives intertwined with each other, then my accident put our sailing boat a simple degree off course, we went long enough- years, during which while in the beginning you were repairing the boat with me and were working very hard doing the very difficult and challenging repair (some say “impossible”), but sadly you gave it all up and decided to leave me at the repair dock to jump on a rotten catamaran named B.  - and now we are both in the wrong place, somewhat far from each other.
 You don’t seem to understand that our lives on this beautiful boat might be forever lost and all it would take is for you to get on my boat again and see any and all troubles disappear like any storm with strong winds always does.
 I want to be on smooth sailing again with you - only - on my boat of life. The sad (surely for me) fact is that you (and your soul) got wounded badly and cannot feel safe with me at the helm again because – given your fragility – you want to listen to those who only have to gain from me not commanding our boat and I’ve gotten out of tricks to go around these dangerous rocks just below the water surface, they can’t really be seen well but they are more than very dangerous if not deadly, all they want is to steal money that belongs to us both only and that our two treasures will surely inherit.
It’s of very little consolation that I  know very well and experienced in person where these thieves will go after their death, because without faith and understanding that it’s very wrong to hurt anybody else in life, afterlife will be spent in your personal hell forever.
I have to say that I find it incredible that the science of today (quantum) is able to re-discover measure and test what mankind knew already since at least 5.000 years and has left memories with monuments and writings (even inside caves on rocks) to testify this clear knowledge that’s been forgotten for several centuries while we were developing modern science, travel and worldwide communication tools.


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