
Friday, May 13, 2016


My readers surely already know how much I love objectivity and physical/mathematical subjects and my (almost diseased) passion for all that the quantum theories are studying and (re)discovering these days, therefore – given the huge amount of time I can dedicate to whatever (the hell) I want, I’ve been looking at some of the researches in quantum physics, mostly because I’m fascinated by the fact that any experiment in this field is affected by the expectation of the one who makes or just looks at it.
I’m therefore dreaming that while I’m suffering all kinds of pains in this universe I’m living in another parallel one too where not only I’ve become the CEO of a company I own, but my family is living with me and I provide wealth and security to all the components of my family (my creation).
Although there are already several researchers who are convinced of the existence of other universes, I remain convinced that there exist 3 that we have certainty they exist.
I’m referring to those well described by my beloved Dante A. who put in his divine comedy, Hell, Purgatory and Heaven, where we go (as decided on our own) as a soul after we die.
As a matter of fact, I can’t begin to describe what I’ve been dreaming at night, on top of what I just said, very often in fact I drive my car around Verona with my best friend, and classmate in such a vivid manner that when I wake up I often say something to my imaginary friend about what we just did……….. talk about having an injured brain....
However given that I was the agnostic who received proof in what I was taught to believe in, there’s no doubt in my mind that my heaven (or parallel universe) is going to be exactly what I’ve been dreaming since months, simply because afterlife is the projection of what’s in our conscience, formed during our living here on earth. With this I invite you to both enjoy my videos and go the the websites below.
  5. d-the-multivers.html
GOOD VIDEOS worth watching;

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