
Friday, May 06, 2016


Lucy is a movie I own and that I’ve watched already about a dozen of times, primarily because it addresses in a semi-scientific way the about infinite capacities of the organ we all have between our ears, Morgan Freeman is the actor I most like in this types of movies, he’s the narrator in plenty scientific documentaries that I can watch in my Amazon Prime selection that are all of very interesting nature, from ancient history to astronomy, ancient cultures and so on.
This is truly a movie that gives a cinematographic representation of both how little we know AND use our brain (some say 10%), it isn’t therefore at all surprising that our current president has dedicated such a large amount of our tax-dollars to the brain mapping, with the goal to at least understand how it’s made.
The really hot Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) is the main character, who is “used “to transport a very advanced drug (some chemical generated by pregnant women to ensure a good fetus development) in a very unorthodox way (plastic bag inserted under the skin at the level of the stomach) to EU and while doing the trip her bag gets ruptured and such chemical is released in the entire body making her brain able to use 100% of its capacities.
This gave me the (obvious) idea to research the ability of the injured brain to heal by itself and looking at what I found (links below) gives me certainty that – since my body has proven to be able to heal by itself earlier than my teenage period – I can say that maybe because my injury is just in the motor cortex area and therefore I have hemiparesis on my left body side, the unique reason why I’m still unable to walk is simply because the muscles of my left leg have atrophied because of the 10 plus years I’ve spent sitting on wheelchairs, same goes for the left arm, no muscles anymore and nerve tension that keeps my left hand permanently closed tight, to the point that I can wash it – with help - only when I shower (once a week). All of this regardless that I had a very gentle caregiver while I was living in Ventura who helped me with dozens of HBOT sessions, both in rigid and soft/portable chambers done at standard and very high ATA pressure.
It seems obvious to me that in this day and age the guess-science (medicine) hasn’t yet figured out how to take care of symptoms that are very common for stroke victims (way more common than TBI, i.e. cold vs. kidney stones) This is why I’m pretty much sure that me being under conservatorship (jailed) is only due to both a law that calling it unfair and stupid is to give it a compliment and to judges who rather than ask few question to the victim of a psychological assessment totally base their decisions according to the law which make them stupid too.
On this I want to add that our creator (gravity) already has shown to the judge I saw last, simply because she’s a woman whose circumference is way longer than her height, I guess that she hasn’t had any children and IF she’s still married her husband very probably must be of the same tonnage. In other words, thinking of Leonardo’s Vitruvian man she could only fit in a rectangle and in fact her final and legal decision about my destiny can only be the product of a frustrated brain polluted with billions of fat cells.

worth watching

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