
Saturday, April 02, 2016


Today I’m going to explain what I mean when I say that the true sin is to hurt someone else and that the 10 commandments are truly what our God creator intended for us humans to have, understand and respect.
Besides, the fact that the entire bible was “recently found” written on scrolls near the Red Sea (written several thousands of years before the one that kept being copied by monks for hundreds of years and that’s the best seller we have now)
1.        I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2.       Since I’ve become convinced that our God creator is the gravity, I find it stupid to think that anyone can say that God doesn’t exist, from the pen falling on the floor from the desk where you put it, to Newton's apple, many are the examples that I can give for this.
2.     You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain = from the pope down to the local priest maybe they should think at different ways to use the word God differently (do you really think that you disobey this commandament by saying goddamn?).
3.     Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. Not necessarily the Sunday, it can be any other day of the week and it doesn’t mean to attend Mass, i.e. my treasures “keep holy” each and every day they come to see me.
4.     Honor your father and your mother who doesn’t?
5.     You shall not kill = hurt someone else
6.     You shall not commit adultery = hurt someone else
7.     You shall not steal= hurt someone else
8.     You shall not bear false witness= hurt someone else
9.     You shall not covet your neighbor's wife = hurt someone else
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods = hurt someone else
Here you have the explanation of a brain injured man who believes to have met with Jesus via a N.D.E. induced coma.


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