
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The title of this post is in respect to my sista of Ventura who believes that by spending countless hours praying AND going to Mass each and every day (while checking her emails on her laptop, or looking at my blog) is firmly convinced that her soul will go straight to heaven when her body will be left behind.
Let me make a small diversion from what I intend to say with my goddang by simply asking if anyone really believes that our God creator gives a dime J (am I being too nice here?) about what we say or think while living.
My goddang expression does refer to my learning that can only come from my encounter with Jesus while in a long coma.
In fact regardless that I had said that plenty of what I know comes from my "natural superior intelligence ", I cannot believe that what I’m about to say can come directly from my own intelligent mind.
In fact, somehow I know that that the Erik living in Oxnard of German origin (maybe the reincarnation of the Nazi J. Mengele?) is a pretty intelligent man (with a Ph. D. in idiocy)  and has therefore already realized that to condemn me to conservatorship will make his soul spend eternity just like fish on a cutting board being prepared - with a very sharp knife - to be cooked in a very hot pan with flesh burning oil for a meal (how could I imagine that it’s what he likes to do when he prepares a meal for his family?) what mostly impresses me is to know that he believes that by not correcting his mistake in his assessment of me, he thinks that his professionality and credibility wouldn’t be affected negatively.
Hey, this is yet another example of both Iacopo being correct and of the strength (sometimes negative) of our free-will. Who would ever choose eternal damnation over self - esteem?
I can only add that this fool has not only condemned his own soul, but also the ones of my court-appointed conservator, in addition to the ones of his women. (??). I truly cannot say why nor how these thoughts come in my head,  I don’t dream any, nor I’m told by a messenger but given that use my blog just like my "personal diary", here they are, I hope they can help to avoid eternal hell for your soul.

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