
Tuesday, December 15, 2015


This post today is dedicated to my treasures who – I’m sure –cannot hear from their mother, or that the scientist Lavoisier  stated few decades ago what Christians believed to be true for just 2 thousands years, or that  - as in the title – since nothing can be both created and destroyed, all just transforms into something else.
What surprises me the most is that bi-millenarian idea is now being studied by the most advanced science with its scientist in the quantum physics field.
Maybe –as Erik had the courage to assess or me – I’m brain injured, but if this is the case, then also many serious researchers in this field have their brain injured too, in fact – as a catholic follower myself – since all we do, dream and think is the product of micro electric powers produced by our brain that once we die leaves the body to transform into another entity and continues to exists somewhere else (?) therefore giving to mankind true immortality, what fascinates and makes me curious too is that such electricity contains all of our learnings and experiences, that once freed by the noise formed by our living, with all the functions of the body, seeing, reading and watching (maybe TV) is free and projects into this new status/environment all I just described.
In a way I feel to be blessed (as Fr. Betto stated once) that my NDE taught me what mankind has been trying to know since the beginning of time AND that Jesus Christ tried to teach by example. In this I actually must congratulate my friend Iacopo who – even if atheist – has been saying that IF we knew that our behavior and actions while living have a real consequence in our future life, nobody would ever even think to hurt anyone else, which to me seems to be like a carbon copy of the Christian teachings every Catholic is taught.
Let’s forget about the fact that – as I’ve been saying already plenty times – the issue is about semantics, I can only say that I truly like that through quantum studies, it's  now possible to scientifically prove what any Christian has put faith in for about 2K years.

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