
Wednesday, July 08, 2015


I had written this post in September 2011 and since I had deleted from here AND my eternal love Michele is a total Darwinist I post it again in hope that by reading it she may decide to follow the smart reasoning of a true scientists named Pascal Wager who many years ago stated that since the reality of God cannot be proven it's safer to believe that God exists rather than ignore this idea. So here you go Michele, look at the sites I linked below, it's going to be good for our children too since they are growing up in the idea that we descend from African monkeys.
I grew up in Italy, the country of the Vatican and growing up I received all the Holy Sacraments so when I got out of the coma I said that I had spoken with Jesus Christ who asked me if I wanted to return living on Earth or cross the death river, I was told that I replied that I had 2 children who I loved so very much that I wanted to continue living, that’s when Jesus warned me that coming back to Earth would have been very painful but I thought that nothing can’t be managed by some Tylenol. I also thought that I must have committed a bad sin and all I could imagine is that I had cheated on my wife, but after having asked to very many women who used to work with me I realized that cheating wasn’t a sin I ever committed, and I later learned that my accident isn’t a godly punishment for something I had done or thought. Since I grew up with the teachings of a protective and caring God I started to think that since my accident wasn’t a punishment for any sin I may have committed, I rejected the idea of a loving and caring God and became an atheist and started a research about religions and faiths. That’s when I discovered Pascal Wager who said something very logical and full of sense, which represents now my faith and belief
 1. One does not know whether God exists.
 2. Not believing in God is bad for one's eternal soul if God does exist.
 3. Believing in God is of no consequence if God does not exist.
 4. Therefore it is in one's interest to believe in God."


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