
Monday, July 06, 2015


As I said here earlier I'm not religious and much less a theologian, so while I'm hoping that someone with vast knowledge of Christianity (Beth?) who comes here may want to give answers to these questions to me, I list them - as always - in no order of importance, just as they come to my (broken) mind, as I always do I post links in relation to my questions.
Jesus (our creator made into man) said that revenge is wrong, so I ask:
  • why the earthquake that took down Jerusalem completely and has just the external protection walls still standing today that have become the "western wailing wall" for the Jews since that time?
  • when the Jews were escaping from Egypt to become free from slavery, the Red see opened up to let them go across it, they were run after by Egyptian soldiers who all died because the Red sea closed back again, weren't they fathers or children of somebody and didn't their deaths caused pain to thousands of Egyptian people (family and friends)?
  • Why the holocaust and the fact that Palestine - as a country - hasn't had a day of peace since the death of Jesus?
  • Is the fact that Jews are notoriously wealthy the sign of their connection to Satan?
These are to me clear signs of the revenge that Jesus/our creator stated it's wrong to do and that will be punished as a "mortal sin" therefore commit our soul to eternal damnation, but this makes me want to ask if Jesus has a "special pass/authorization" regarding revenge, or it's just because we have reports about His saying from Palestinian fishermen and shepherds of 2K years ago (not very accurately translated).
Am I too brain injured to even have these questions? If I truly am, please just let me know.

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