
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Gianfranco is my dad's name and also in Italy is difficult to correctly pronounce and isn't at all a common name. I do have a story about him that I want to tell here anyway, for its importance and truth - that to me explain very well the reason why I'm so smart, logical and brilliant overall.
In May of last year I went to Verona, Italy to visit my family of origin, it was 3 months before my dad passed away (died) and we had a talk while in his home-office that showed to me how brilliant and ahead of his times my dad always used to be.
In fact he told me that he was absolutely sure that the soul is real for having witnessed it leaving the body of the (many) people he had seen while they died (he was a partisan during WWII and most of his relatives - brother, sister and parents had "passed over" years before) and this "leaving the body" meant to him that the soul is going somewhere else.
Since my dad had always been a faithful Catholic he felt it to be sure that where the soul goes is either in heaven or hell, depending on what was done while living.
He also told me that he was proud to have been my dad, to which I could only say that I was very proud to be his son and explained to me that he wasn't scared to die at all, he was actually curios to see "what's next".
I'm absolutely sure that my dad is now in heaven just as I'm sure that he's working on having Jesus be present in my support on 5/5 to ensure that my treasures won't receive "the shorter hand of the rope".
I don't even know how many times I said here that what we believe with our mind always becomes true and anybody who has ever known or met me surely knows what a strong mind I have, therefore I must advise those who hurt me and my family that - even if difficult - you are always in time (as long as you live) to rectify all the wrongs you've been doing to me AND to my family.
Now not only I pray Jesus to help me, but also my dad, Saint Gianfranco.


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