
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Given the amount of free time I now have (by the truckload J) I have been researching, studying and learning (dahhhh, impossible for me according to Erik) about my NDE, meeting and agreement with Jesus/God/ (myself?) and the very new Quantum theories, that they are truly very mathematical and for this reason give me fun and happy entertainment learning about them.
This is the reason why I "stumbled" upon the concept of Ui, or Universal intelligence and for my readers who may want to know more about it, I put in my post, Youtube videos and few links to websites on this subject.
Because of my learning about this, I may have figured out the reason why I was always superior to others in logic and practical intelligence, which is the reason why very few people ever felt comfortable dealing with me about any topic (or anything) and I was a very successful, reliable and results driven/focused business manager, no matter what or where in the world I/it was.
Based on what I could read and learn about this Ui, I think that my own brain and intelligence have been - since my birth - able to easily connect with this type of intelligence, that is not too different from what I describe when I say that the human brain is an antenna receiver to be in touch with God the creator and that by focusing it (often when praying), can make true miracles take place. To conclude I can only say that I wish that my injured brain could make the miracle to "fix itself" and this is the reason why I post here just one (main) Youtube video while I simply post links to the other on this same topic, to invite you to watch some and tell me if in any of them I could figure out how to make the miracle to repair my brain motor cortex (all that was injured).


More Youtube videos for you to help me:

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