
Friday, May 30, 2014


My readers here should know very well that I’m a creationist both by birth (ItalianJ) and for tangible prove for what I’m inclined t
o call my NDE experience (my agreement with Jesus to remain alive.
I want to say today that the last time I saw my dear dad (in Verona, Italy in May 2013) before he died, he told me with his usual confidence (evidently passed on to me) that he’s sure that we all have the soul, for having seen it leave the body every time he witnessed someone dying and that he never was afraid of death for the following reasons:
  • Death is the fairest life-experience we have because it happens to everyone, no matter how wealthy (Rockefeller or Bill Gates), important (any king or queen of every country with monarchy), influential (all the Catholic Popes), intelligent (Albert Einstein) and so on…..
  • Given that he lived as a fervent believer in the Catholic religion, he knew that once the soul lives the body (because too old, sick or broken) the existence of our soul – with all the experiences and learning of our minds – continues in this universe forever, or for eternity.
  • He also said that what happens after we die is a mystery that has intrigued human kind since its very beginning and made the joke that he doesn’t know why it’s been such a mystery for so long since everyone is surely going to know, sooner or laterJ.
For these reasons, he told me that he wasn’t afraid to die at all and was actually looking forward to rejoin the souls of all the people who had died before him and that he had loved or befriended while living.
This talk to me really didn’t seem to be the hopelessness of a very old (and broken) man trying to make out a reason to show that he wasn’t too afraid to die, given that to keep living for him meant only to be in  pain.
As everyone who follows me here knows I’m a true creationist, with plenty of time to find proves (and videos) that with the development of science it’s becoming very clear (objective and measurable) that God truly exists and the whole universe was created because of His will.
I just want to add that as well as our math proved that some other life form should exist somewhere else in this universe, so well it can be proved that any cent spent on looking for another form of existence is totally wasted, we are God’s experiment and nothing like us humans can exist anywhere else in the entire universe, so stop wasting our tax money looking for nothing please, and use that money in trying to resolve human problems that have existed (and murdered people) for too many centuries, like access to potable water everywhere and stop starvation, still too common in this day and age.
In my illogic mind fear of death goes hand in hand with our interest in reproduction, God made us very interested in having sex for the same reason we are terrified of death, in fact we would have never reached the billions souls we are on earth today.
This is the word of the scary brain injured that lost liberty, independence, family and monetary wealth! Thanks Erik! May the Buddhist Karma bring to him its human effects while still alive here! Then God will take care of your soul….. HOWEVER, you (and my sister Anna too) can still find eternal salvation by repairing soon your wrongs, again let’s see…

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