
Wednesday, October 28, 2020



What may I say other than F....k! Here above you just saw the video that I can comfortably say steered my life into a very different direction from its original trajectory....”whaaat, my dear Deepak tells me that I’m God now? And what about the fact that my beloved quantum physics says and can mathematically prove that all we see, touch, smell and taste is just a product of our human consciousness including our entire universe with all of its planets and galaxies....that my Deepak says that’s expanding at the speed of light? (to me and according to a couple of high court judges in addition to few pitiful necropsy’s) this is exciting because if it’s true that IF we are expanding, the Andromeda galaxy won’t collide against our milky way, therefore gifting us of a few more millions of years of a quiet and still evolutionary life. In my (injured) brain this is identical to the time when poor Pope Francis explained that the shroud reins to be holy (for him) just looking at the time (centuries) and the vast number of people(several thousands) who came to pray in front of it (fully convinced that it was the cloth used to wrap the body of  Christ)......and because of these 2 very reasons the shroud remains to be holy, but now it isn’t the time to repeat what I’ve already expressed my other blog (the one in Italian)....that (b.t.w.) has raised quite a strong reaction – especially with my somehow proving that Jesus had never been the “son of God”....he was just a fighter for the independence of his country (Palestine) from the dominion of the Roman empire that in reality used the Jesus rebel to keep the plenty other countries – all part of the empire – quiet enough not to force Rome to spend millions of sesterces and sacrifice hundreds of well-trained gladiators, to keep quiet the countries under its dominion (if you want to go there just use the google translator to know my thesis about the “fake Jesus”) anyway, not only I found that feeling to be like a God (all of them a simple human product.....just like all the religions attached to each one of them...) truly is a narcissistic personality/delusional disorder, but it also makes others look at you with wide-open eyes and even try to stay away from you. The sad part of this story is that for a divinity such as I was born to be, it seems a bit sad to know that this world is populated by losers instead than by divinities such as I was born it to be....I guess that you all might understand me much better if you must go to my 2 posts I had published in the pre-history of December 2019...I’m not sure BUT it really might be possible that Deepak and I might truly delusional.

  1. Why do I always get this weird feeling that I am God?
  2. Treatments for delusional disorder
  3. Today I Realized I Am God
  4. Narcissistic personality disorder
  5. Logically… I must be God
  6. i am god?
  7. God complex
  8. Is it possible that I'm “God” or a special being/deity?
  9. Divine Simplicity




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