
Monday, September 14, 2020


I’m hoping that my readers here do know of my passion for quantum physics....I’ve actually “baptized” Deepak Chopra the new Jesus of this new millennium and my baptizing him again with such an important and historical name (wait for my upcoming post on Jesus.....the warrior). What Jesus-Deepak says in this video – that’s fully changed my understanding of our lives (who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we on this planet? What’s my main living purpose? Why do we measure time, when we well know that past, present and future all exist at the same tie? as Einstein had tried to explain one century ago) Well dear Deepak, I’m very sorry to tell you that we knew already at least 700 years ago that we are can be clearly both seen and listened to in my second Youtube I post here.

What I actually find it to be almost hilarious is that Dante A. himself had said that his comedy was just the collection of the stories that beggars in the XII (12th) century were telling to each other........BOY, if I think that the entire Catholic religion has fully embraced what Dante talks about in his comedy AND where the content of the comedy comes from....I truly feel the urge to publish here the reasons why we now have 3 Popes (God’s voice on earth) who resign + the shroud that’s a fake done by another of the geniuses we’ve had in Italy (ex/including me J)  since the beginning of time – at least -  and I think of Pythagoras, who with his partner  Eratosthenes who were able to exactly measure the circumference of our planet, using 2 sticks of wood in the ground in 2 different places that had a very precise distance one from the other, therefore projecting their shades on the ground.....basically by measuring the distance btw. the 2 sticks and the different length or angles of the shades were projection on the ground were able to come up with a measurement that it took almost 18 centuries + the development of space flight + the concoction of satellites to get to the same number.....this is very strictly connected to an upcoming post I’m about to prepare regarding Jesus Christ and what he truly did + the how he became the son of God..... (of course it will all depend by the generosity of your donations......J) Anyway watch the Youtubes here and – if you care at all – simply leave a comment.


  1. The-human-as-the-image-of-God 
  2. Common Questions How could humans have evolved and still be in the “Image of God”?
  3. why God (very probably) exists
  4. Why we made God in our own image
  5. The human universe: Could we become gods?
  6. Decline of Christianity in various countries



Friday, September 11, 2020

About the Ten Commandments

Today I woke up with the idea to give my best explanation to prove that we, humans truly are still the chimpanzee we descend from AND that each and every god we’ve ever had......with their own religions attached to them, are simply “constructions made all and only with our minds, intelligence, experience, or education.....including country of origin, language and geographical location on the earth.

Aside from the fact that I had posted already about these commandments in the prehistoric 2016 (April 2nd)

Mauro Biglino book on the bible



What had me think of this is the fact that in the past few days I spent of my (totally useless) time, reading the book wrote by Mauro Biglino entitled “the book that will forever change your ideas about the bible” where – just like humans have been trying to do since we started to think/exist – he makes the attempt to explain:

·       where do I come from

·       who am I

·       why do I live

·       what’s my mission in living

·       why am I on this planet named planet earth....some said that it’s derived from both English and German words.... 'eor (th)e/ertha' and 'erde', respectively, which mean ground. But, the handle's creator is unknown. One interesting fact about its name: Earth is the only planet that wasn't named after a Greek or Roman god or goddess. Fundamentally however we (the true gods) wrote these 10 commandments to express a very basic concept, that simply is do not hurt (in any way) others....i.e. other people like me, but let me go through each commandments one by one to make my approach and understanding easier and clearer, when you read:

1.    You shall have no other Gods but me.

I AM GOD........for my own sake,

2.  You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.

Are you some type of Hitler dad to your kids? AND if anyone else doesn’t respect or recognize me a god......I’ll send you to hell on earth!

3.  You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

go to look at one of my past posts about “Aldo Moro” the guy who had the Italian government make a new law that makes it illegal and punishable by law with money anyone who uses the Lord’s name (Dio in Italian) stuff like dio porco – god is a pig....Dio cane – God is a dog, but here the variations about the way we Italians can commit the sin of blasphemy are billions, at least....given that after having referred to the Lord as anything dirty, smelly, or even insulting.....we start with his mother (Madonna puttana = Mary... is a whore) and any other saints ever named in the new testament......Basically you can do anything for ANY reason soon as it becomes something you have to think about it........that’s when any Italian born in Italy will start to “bestemmiare” = saying blasphemies, pretty much every breath you take.....or every fart you make........J

4.  You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.

Well, godamned may I have at least one day of the f.....king week to play with my own “procreation instrument?” J J J

5.  Respect your father and mother. Yes, fuck! Who created us, we all you know the HOW J J J? But what may be the reason for doing it, simply to have a “hell of a time” JJ?

6.  You must not kill. Kinda obvious....

7.  You must not commit adultery. Well, I hope I don’t need to say the WHO broke the 7th commandment.......

8.  You must not steal. I wonder why I immediately think of 2 names -----an M. with a J.shall be certain that hell will be where they’ll end their trip on earth AND will learn how valuable money can be once you are in a coffin 6 feet under, however – as Jesus taught to us all, as long as you are alive, you can always repair your sins, just make things right for the victims you tortured while living.....NOTHING can ever be done from t6 feet underground!

9.  You must not give false evidence against your neighbor.  That’s exactly what the 2 beggars M. + J.  Just did in a superior court of the USA.

10.     You must not be envious of your neighbor's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor. TAH, DAAAAHHHH



  1. Thou shalt not commit adultery 
  2. Seven deadly sins



Wednesday, September 09, 2020



Kinda sadly – after having searched for it in the Italian plus American Youtubes, I can only guess that maybe some general of the Vatican Empire must have made the YouTube I saw after the day while I was looking for the “right You tube video” to post in my blog in Italian, in fact that’s when I saw Pope Francesco in front of the shroud stating that the Shroud remains to be holy for him “ given that for many centuries and so many people came to prayed for it in the complete belief that it’s truly the cloth where Jesus was wrapped after his death on the cross....” I immediately thought in my injured head that this pope must know quantum physics and this explains – I believe -  the reason why he pretty much got kicked out of his papacy, but then I immediately thought....wait a minute if the “voce of god on earth says something like this, what’s the difference  between the shroud and Jesus itself? My god if it takes few centuries and few thousands of people to make the shroud to remain to be holy.....what would be the difference if for 2.000 years billions’ of people who prayed believing that Jesus himself was truly the “son of god”.

This immediately put together what I thought it was part of my being for only 2 months in a coma what I decided for it to be a full dream produced by being in a coma, in fact all I can very clearly remember isn’t Jesus for fact I can remember is some kind of an eagle looking bird flying behind me irradiating me/my soul (not my consciousness that the quantum physicists prefer to call it instead....our mind IS our soul....please don’t confuse one with the other anymore!!) with the purest and immense LOVE.

In reality Jesus Christ had plenty other names....somebody counted them all to say that Jesus had 12 different names above and beyond the other main one....Yeshua” like i.e.

1.    Lord

2.  Master

3.  Logos

4.  Son of God

5.  Son of man

6.  Son of David

7.  Lamb of God

8.  Second Adam

9.  Light of the World

10.   King of the Jews

11. Rabboni and Rabbi

12. Jesus Nazarene

Then There are other names or references in the New Testament like “I am” or “I’m the bread” or eklelegmenos or other words, depending on the disciple who wrote part of the New Testament, you can easily find different other names that can have roots in the Greek, Latin or Hebrew, depending on who wrote it.

Anyway, now that the entire world knows that he “holy shroud” is nothing more than a photographic experiment done by Leonardo D.V. I cannot say how many hundreds of years before photography was even invented and commercially used by whoever had sufficient money to buy a camera....

The one who everyone belied him to be the “son of god” was in reality no more than one of the dozens of people who fought for the independence of Palestine, that was “awarded “its independence right only after the end of WWII or in 1948.....well you can say that the martyrdom & crucifixion of Nazarene (only because born in Nazareth) was the standard system used by the Roman Empire to punish any independentists who in that time, in particular this one when this Nazareth guy and his band of 12 outlaws, later named “disciples” was truly creating havoc pretty much wherever the power of their dominator – the Roman Empire was bringing its dominion – power ship – if you just think of the assault to the markets and to the gold and argent he did with his “band of disciples”, you may form the idea of the kind of outlaw this Jesus was, after, just think about the immense power and influence from the Roman Empire has even today...just count the number of museums around the world and the know that each and everyone of them contains at least 10% dedicated to the ancient romans with their 2.000 years people never thought to give the power of vote in any type of elections to women, the roman empire had done this already, the pleasure for music, well prepared and cooked meals, the appreciation of marble used in building that’s used pretty much all over the world.....I can’t remember which government building used the marble extracted from Carrara, in Italy used mainly to give the impression of an institutional type of building (maybe a bank in Chicago?).

Nevertheless – just like Pope Francesco explained (maybe too well) it’s been ONLY thanks to us people that the semi-criminal guy born in Nazareth has become the “son of god who could even make miracles.....

n fact it’s been just since 1943 Palestine is an independent State.

BUT let me take a step behind, or whoever came up with the “story of Jesus and all of miracles he made?  Well just think to the last emperor of Rome – Constantine I – who organized the Nicea council that had as to address the entire body of believers. It was convened by this emperor to resolve the controversy of Arianism.  We can say that basically Jesus became who’s been in the last 2.000 years the son of god primarily because with his (totally made up) story, very much money could be saved telling the story of Jesus by the Roman Empire, nothing more.....nothing less.

B.T.W. it was clear by that time that “exporting” to other dominions (countries) what this Jesus guy was going around “preaching”, it was saving billions of sesterces  when the Vatican (Empire) was formed as the carbon copy of the Roman one.....the real and only emperor of such empire are, the Popes who command it and through charitable trips (using the Vatican’s private jet) around the world, simply to bring God’s word AND collect the millions of local currency collected by the various dioceses (dominions) around the world....No wonder the Vatican’s banks are the most solid and fruitful of the world.....the only HUGE obstacle is that ONLY the residents of the Vatican Empire can use Italy there was some scandal that involved Roberto Calvi who decided to put his money in one of the Vatican’s banks, I remember this well because it had happened in the 70ies or when I was a teenager with the involvement of this Calvi, who happened to be a fairly famous banker himself.....but you can look at this story in one of the links here at the bottom.

Anyway, all I’m trying to say here is that between all the popes (voice of God here  on earth) who simply resigned... (What? Does God have bronchitis now?), the Shroud that’s just an experiment that Leonardo D. V. did about 500 years ago and Jesus who turns out fully made up by Constantine I at the Nicaea council, I believe that those who are saying that the Vatican Empire will be completely gone by the year 2030 are fairly optimistic, the way I see it this empire that drove people to be murdered by the thousands with the crusades and/or murdered dozens of heretics – who were burnt alive to proclaim they were Saints few months later– I don’t think that the Vatican Empire is going to be still around much more than 10/15 years.

  1.  Did historical Jesus really exist?
  2. Brothers of Jesus
  3. What Archaeology Is Telling Us About the Real Jesus
  4. Leonardo Da Vinci and the Shroud of Turin
  5. Was Turin Shroud faked by Leonardo da Vinci?
  6. Christ myth theory

And now the one that totally changed my mind