
Monday, May 27, 2019


Et Latine discere via fuit, quae omnibus lego historias et bella gesserunt Julii Caesaris quae inscripta est semper...De bello gallico, de bello civili, De Bellum Alexandrinum,  De Bellum Africum, De Bellum Hispaniense et De bello Troiano, tum etiam quod de vulgari eloquentia  scripsit Dante Alighieri lego. Julii Caesaris verba, meminisse debemus quod adhuc etiam in omni tributi sub alterius millennii, nam quale est conservativum et legibus non esset praeteritum nunquam deos dici fas non sopra onmia, sin Caesarem putamus factum hodieque videmus imperii Romani tanta auctoritas in hac hodiernae nostrae culturae totius Occidentis.
In facto, Hispanica Gallica, Germanica, Anglica Yugoslav et multa verba Latina quae sunt immediate a Romanorum non omnes agri etiam incipiunt queue in quibus cultura Romana inflenzato non habet, sicut me, ut nisi ad Italiae linguae, et Latina linguarum Europae Latina illis ignotas cum cultura habet ipsum angustus est: et qui dominatur animo mihi est moron.
Ventura est moron qui est stultus in Santa Barbara furatus est plus quam possem pecunia, et qui non meruit officium, quod postulat culturae tasnte sacrificare voluit, et aliis features, principium illud persopnali.

Non possum dicere, quod cum magna fiducia in die postquam ego certe poenis inferni et redde illis ad usus, qui non solum facere quidquam.
SED, ut verum Dei sumus, vos can instar sicco si ante mortem suam fuit cum iniuria et figet illud, vitare te in aeternum certo che est in inferno.
TUM - id quidem, inquam, si latine, spero quod possit intelligere quod tempus duo peccatorum locum in peccatis suis tamen.



Saturday, May 25, 2019

Über meine neuen Gesetze

As promised here's my post about the stupidity of conserv. laws and its judges.

Das Video hier hatte ich mir merken müssen, als ich in der Schule auf meine Deutschkenntnisse getestet wurde. Ich hatte mich davon überzeugt, dass ich wie ein Deutscher klingen könnte, wenn ich dachte, Hitler würde den Nazis eine Rede halten - alle Deutschen seiner Zeit - über den Krieg und die genetische Überlegenheit der deutschen rasse.
Ich wurde von ein paar psycho-clowns gezwungen, vor richtern vor gericht zu stehen, die sehr dumm sind und überhaupt keine intelligenz haben, und weil das gesetz besagt, dass ich nicht direkt mit richtern sprechen kann, haben diese beiden schwachköpfe ihre entscheidung nur über meine getroffen das leben basiert auf dem, was die beiden clowns geschrieben haben, um von mir zu verstehen (überhaupt nichts). Einer der beiden richter ist ein unehrlicher mann, der geld nimmt, um menschen mit behinderungen aller art bestimmte befugnisse zuzuweisen. Der andere ist offensichtlich ein mensch. vielleicht weiblich - die so fett und hässlich ist, dass ich sehr überrascht bin, dass sie noch am leben sein kann. Da sie sehr fett ist, glaube ich, dass sie bereits mehrere herzschläge erlitten haben muss, hat sie wahrscheinlich eine art flüssigkeitspumpe in die brust implantiert, damit ihr blut in dem riesigen körper zirkuliert, den sie vor gericht an den schreibtisch bringen muss. Auch dies ist eine Beleidigung für das Amerikanische justizsystem. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass sie eine solche verantwortung trägt, wenn Sie sie nur ansehen. Arnold hat das getan, aber einer seiner deutschen Assistenten hat mir gesagt, dass Arnold dies getan hat weil er sich eärgert fühlte, dass er gezwungen war, den termin zu vereinbaren, um nicht mehr so ​​belästigt zu werden, wie er war. Mein neuer Schwerpunkt und mein neues Ziel ist der Kampf gegen Gesetze, die kein Rrchter verstehen oder anwenden kann. Dies ist der Grund, warum mein Ziel von nun an sein wird, Richter und Gesetzgeber in diesem Land zu beschimpfen, diese sehr schlechten Gesetze zu haben.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


It’s at least surprising that few days ago I wrote a post about my grandpa in  Venice having saved the lives of hundreds of Jewish people during WWII (THE HOLOCAUST AND MY EXTENDED FAMILY published on 5/4) a documentary/movie with the same title of this post comes out…….aside from saying that it’s really a very well made and acted movie, it truly makes me proud not only because my own grandpa was part of the effort to save Jewish people from the holocaust (certain painful and horrific death) but very much more because – regardless that our fascist dictator (B. Mussolini) had become – and made my country – an allied of the German-Nazi phenomena….to end up being killed with his lover (Claretta Petacci) whose corpses went in a main square in Milano to be hung upside down for the crowds to yell and spit at.

As I had said the Internet is packed full of sites fully dedicated to the Holocaust, I believe because since that horror happened 70 years ago, we – the children of the people who were there at that time – have the big responsibility to keep memories alive to avoid to ever something so inhumane to ever be repeated again.
I have very little to add now, just let me anticipate future posts, the text of a future one will be written all in Latin – the now called “dead language” that for me is still very alive and I’ll be using it to talk about the (my) conservator’s (when I’ll finally explain to all my readers  with good details the reasons why I call them “losers”)  jobs and the next one will be written all in German (yet another of the 6 languages I’m able to speak and/or at least understand that will certainly be about the profound ignorance of conservatorship laws  and complete inability of the judges both here – in Santa Barbara a and in Ventura condemned ). Finally – this time in English I’ll be asking how a Ph. D. in calculus
can fail to resolve an elementary problem. 
As I’ve been saying, please leave me a donation if you can appreciate my research and attempt to clarify with real examples the matters of my posts.

Thursday, May 09, 2019


Today’s post is dedicated to my sista in Ventura (who never showed what I had been begging her to show) simply because – as mentioned several weeks (or months?) ago she used to be “my catholic terrorist caregiver”.
Today however I want to say that – as usual – I’ve been right (correct) in comparing the Vatican to the Roman empire, in terms of structure, wealth and worldwide organization, in addition – while browsing my beloved Youtubes I ended up (a sign?) on a video about Jesus having been fully “created” by the Roman empire, for reasons I’ve explained already (on the line of being always fully correct/right).
In fact all (anything and everything) you find in the internet can be “scientifically true” with real support by true lab. Experiments done by (named) scientists OR the complete opposite …..Supported in the same exact way used to claim that the same thing isn’t true at all……”in fact, look at all my scientific data here….
Well, my sin(?) was to watch a Youtube with somebody claiming with very much self-confidence that the story of Jesus, his crucifixion and coming back to life is totally made up by Roman emperors of that time.
This, obviously sparkled a huge interest in me (I had claimed to having returned back to life from the 2 months long coma because of a deal I had made with Jesus Christ directly) and I started to “dig the internet” to find more about this, so this is just a collection of my findings that isn’t going anywhere near what some people in Italy have been saying (Jesus was a time-traveler who came from the future……not bad) or what the book of dr. Biglino that explains (rather literally) that humanity is a simple experiment on the DNA done by some “extraterrestrial people” (really bad)
So I just put here some of the millions of websites and Youtubes I found making this search with the promise to talk about miracles, the strength of our brain and mind together with the importance to have something to believe in when living, it truly makes a world of difference

17  minutes looooonng

Saturday, May 04, 2019


 As I continuously watch movies with my Prime account, I stumbled today into the movie entitled “swimming in Auschwitz” and while I’m watching it a very big flow of memories started to form in my mind. These memories are so important and personal (closely related to the Lingiardi family) that pressed me to make this post dedicated primarily to my 2 treasures.
In fact my 2 grandfathers both in my father’s and mother’s side had interesting stories about their lives during WWII .
-      Vittorio
My grandfather on my father’s side was a civil engineer and when he joined the army during the war, he was officer already, was sent to Greece with the purpose of building bridges and protective walls, I remember that my father (Vittorio’s son) told me that Vittorio was captured by the German army when the Germans invaded Greece, Vittorio ended up  on one train travelling to Auschwitz (or Dachau?), but before the train’s arrival, he was able to escape and pretty much walked for 2.000 miles - in the middle of WWII - back home (Brescia IT, where I was born).
What my dad and I could never wrap our heads around is the fact that, aside from the fact he walked that long – during the war – never stopping, when he arrived at the front door of his home, his wife (Carolina, or “nonna di Brescia”, we used to call her) opened the door to see her husband as a man who had lost more than half of his body weight (from about 220 pounds down to 90 pounds) she couldn't recognize him and he died less than one week later due to heart attack (= stroke) leaving his wife Carolina, with the 3 children they had generated; my dad’s brother Alfredo (zio - uncle Dino – C.E.O of Alfa Romeo for 25+ years) and sister – Giulia (zia - aunt Giulia, married to Dante whose children are my cousin Paolo – accomplished orthopedist and Antonella, married with another Paolo, the funniest  Ph.D. in mechanical engineering I’ve ever met).

- Renato

My grandfather on my mother’s side was the train-station chief in a small town not too far from Venice – where my mother was born and lived the first 25 years of her life.
This is the grandpa I can remember well, we used to visit him at least twice each month where nonno Renato and nonna Pupi (his wife) lived, in downtown Venice.
Renato used to practice boxing in his youth, therefore he still had in the bedroom the weights to lift for exercise.
“Nonno Renato” used to tell me about his research in the origins of his family (Righetti) and he had found that one of his great-great-great was a “Doge” of Venice, which means king (Doge = king) of Venice and my mother still tells me today – when asked - about her experiences during WWII i.e.
Her dad Renato being the chief of a train station was often going in the fields where the trains filled with Jewish people were transiting toward concentration camps and - using a hammer-like tool he was able to unlock the doors of the train-wagons so that every Jewish individual imprisoned in it was let free to run away.
Nobody can tell how many hundreds of lives he was able to save from certain violent death, but I can say is that he died while sleeping, one afternoon, with a smile on the face……
My mother always tells me of the terror she had when the US bombers were flying over railroads to destroy them with bombs.
She was less than 10 y/o, so every time air bombings were taking place she and her parents with the 2 brothers (Mario and Gino) and 1 sister (Francesca) would run in the middle of the nearby fields, since my mother was very young, she used to look at the flying bombers that would start to release bombs well before being over their targets – to account for speed and gravity, resulting in my mother being terrified to scream at the top of her lungs because she imagined the bombs falling over her head. Given that the holocaust bestiality took place more than 70 years ago, less and less people remain alive as days go by, I strongly believe that we, the people who still remember those days - maybe from their parents like me - must keep the knowledge of what we people can do, that no other animal on earth does, and this is the very reasons why this post is dedicated to my two treasures who are the very reason for my living is just like I'm in Auschwitz.... The internet is packed full of videos, pictures and written reports, mainly I believe to keep the memories of those times and of the people. 
I.e. when I was working at W,L.Gore & Assoc.  since the European headquarters are in Munich, and I was working at Gore Italy, I was based in Verona, so from there to Munich it was a simple drive of 2 hours (at 200 mph normal in IT but slow in Germany - DE ) to be at the EU headquarters where more than 50% of the employees there (my colleagues) were either the children or the nephews of Nazi's, including Thorger.....the EU business leader....I could easily say that he's the descendant of some high ranking SS .....but I never asked 😉
