
Monday, October 01, 2018


I know very well that at least 4 of my readers are “fervent” Catholic believers, just like my Ventura sista (AND of at least 2 Catholic pastors/priests), I also believe that the time has come for me to ask the following questions:
·         Given that the Holy Bible was written by people I had called here in a previous post “troglodytes” – as clearly proved with the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls written 2.200 years ago. Can any of you explain why you believe that what’s written in the Bible is the direct word from God?
·         Why is it that the Catholic religion (and the Vatican Empire) has fully embraced the idea of our soul’s afterlife existence/trip from the Divine Comedy, as written by Dante Alighieri, who declared that he wanted to “simply put on paper” what bums on the streets (in Tuscany in the XIII century) were telling to each other as “real reports” that were narrated “by their already dead friends”??
·         Why you all keep saying that Jesus Christ was our God creator who made himself into a man, when Jesus was saying that he was “the son of God” just like every single Jewish individual has been saying the exact same thing for at least 2.500 years? What’s so special?
·         Jesus taught the beautiful prayer (that I recite in silence every night before I fall asleep since I was 5 y/o), “the Lord’s prayer that contains a very troubling part for me, that’s where it says “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us”.
Truth is that I really find it impossible to forgive the man who by living and sleepingfor way too long - with my Queen, made me ferocious.
·         Lastly, people keep wondering about Mary Magdalene who supposedly escaped to somewhere in France, pregnant with Jesus’s son….. I mean for sure Jesus had sex with many very willing women who had their kids too, but who’s to say that if Jesus ever had a baby that would be the Jesus #2? If that was really the case, we’d have already an army of Einstein’s, we’ve been keeping his brain since shortly after his death, so why hasn’t anybody “replicated” any more of that genius (from another planet) and we haven’t an army of Einstein working for our government? DNA extraction isn’t something we just learned; I find it extremely difficult to believe that nobody ever thought about doing it.


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