
Saturday, April 07, 2018


Allow me to spend few words (with Youtubes and links to consistent websites) to the reality that a brain injury doesn’t mean that the mind is injured too, no matter that the mind is normally placed where the brain is…..between our ears .
My brain being injured is proven by the fact that I haven’t been able to walk since the time of my injury (motor cortex brain part) together with my so called vision/sight “field cut” (occipital lobe).
At the same time my mind wasn’t injured at all is proven by my ability to remain bilingual (Italian and English), as well as still remembering a bit of French, German and Spanish (Spanish mainly for its similarity to Italian and Latin) with social behavioral manners, friendships with people in 3 continents, short and long term memories and the ability not only to give professional advice (= I can count to 3) to former colleagues who are working, but very much too because my mind can still put fears in the minds of people who are in the cross airs of my viewfinder, aside from my (effective but still unproven) capacity to influence other people’s minds to have unpleasantness’s happen to themselves.
I’m truly NOT someone who enjoys in any way (shape or form) the way my brain injury has impacted my life, my family, my work and my wealth BUT I must objectively admit to have learned through it what others can learn at their death and – even if with silent/dampened anger I have to agree with the Ventura priest who defined me as a “blessed” person, for having been able to personally experience what happens at death and had the logic to process the billions of information that such experience had me process and live through.
I’d say that this is the very reason to make/have this blog, meaning that I feel it important and my life principle to share my learnings that I fully consider as being just like “alarm bells” for (my) readers who can fully understand what I’m saying. What I most like is that by creating my blog I advise those who choose not to follow the 10 commandments, to “rectify” their life direction while at the same time give valid and objective reasons to the minds, or “personal Gods” to “take care” of their “mortal sins” before they die.
In my way (as weird as you want) I believe that I fulfill the mandate I received from my own God to explain (as clearly as I can) “what we are” and how to maximize our (very brief) permanence on planet earth.


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