
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

HOW ABOUT (biblical) EVE?

Not too long ago I posted here that what I say isn’t coming from Jesus talking to me – either through angels or through dreams I have while sleeping – however today I want to explain to my readers that I’ve recently become convinced that what I know of the Catholic religion must be coming either directly from Jesus or from my connection to the afterlife.
In fact I was one who used to question the reason why between Adam and Eve (50/50) it was the woman (Eve) who chose to commit the “original sin” I must sadly and embarrassingly admit that this idea used to give me pretty bad (or nasty) thoughts about the role of women in both human kind and society, aside from giving explanations about women’s roles in my life.
However (YET again) an angel came to me to explain that it had been the woman Eve who disregarded God’s order not to take the apple from the forbidden tree, simply because men were much more chauvinist when the holy bible was written than we are today.
Talk about my catechism teacher (a simple priest) telling to me and my class that the Bible had been written directly from God’s words, who pretty much “dictated” every word in it.
Now that I’m aware of this, I can just smile at my ingenuity in being strongly convinced of God-self talking to men who had committed to write His book.
This concept actually truly goes hand-in-hand with my being fully convinced that God is very simply us men and on this you can read the dozens of posts I published here already.
Not only we:
·         wrote the Bible
·         can make miracles
·         created our entire universe (and parallel ones)
·         all we see and believe it to exist is the product of our mind
·         time is irrelevant (i.e. according to Einstein, past, present and future all exist together at the same time)
I’m starting to begin to think that it’s possible that my Queen might have been correct in refusing the idea that some God created all we see, touch, measure, taste and study, in fact what if we – human kind – are the simple result of totally random mutation that happened over a time of millions of years? And what if Jesus Christ was nothing more than someone who was born – by complete accident – with the ability to use his brain above 90%? If I follow Darwin’s theory, I may conclude that in few more centuries we’ll all be able to do everything that Jesus did 2K years ago in Palestine.
Anyway, please enjoy my Youtubes and links to consistent websites posted with my writing here and do not forget to reward me for this post with all of its “gadgets

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