
Wednesday, January 24, 2018


As much as we know NOTHING about the (organ) brain, I’m confident in saying that in this year 2017 we know – if possible - EVEN LESS - of our mind….
I love it when I think of the people (mainly atheists) who simply refuse to believe that each of us people have the soul, read what Descartes (believed in the existence of the soul) said of the mind:
He identified mind with the consciousness and self-awareness of itself, with an ability to distinguish itself from the brain, but still called the brain the seat of intelligence. ... In yogic (or neuropathic) science, the brain is simply a physical manifestation of the mind itself.
The meaning of consciousness actually was a challenge for me to clearly have its meaning in my head (or, in my mind ) in fact whenever I went to the “google translate” from English to Italian, all I saw is that consciousness is “coscenza” in Italian, but after some researching I was able to find the exact translated word with the most accurate and similar meaning of consciousness or the Italian “consapevolezza” that isn’t anything special or rarely used word/term, it’s often used – in fact – when having a discussion about something happened already……”sono consapevole di come ti senti”  or I know how you feel .
In (more) other word, the brain is part of the visible, tangible world of the body. Your mind is part of the invisible, transcendent world of thought, feeling, attitude, belief and imagination. The brain is the physical organ most associated with mind and consciousness, but the mind is not confined to the brain.
OK, now I’ve said more than enough, take little time to browse my linked websites to learn very much more on this topic, but DO KNOW that given that my mind never was injured AND that my natural intelligence increased due to my NDE, ANY and ALL my assessments can be flushed down the crapper, simply because they make NO sense whatsoever, I’ve posted here already very much on this subject, therefore I invite the curious ones to put the word assessment or neuropsych…. (ological, ologist, ology) to see the number of posts that contain one of these words (great search tool).

Well, take care now and expect soon posts about consciousness, Jesus and God, divine comedy and my sick passion for the Latin language.


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