
Sunday, October 08, 2017


I’m really hoping that my readers have watched the video at the bottom of my last post: “Quantum Theory shows that consciousness moves into another universe after Death” and what I want to say today is that St. Francis of Assisi, me, Iacopo and Mr. Lanza share the same
feeling/approach to death, that since we know for sure that our earthly existence is just like a “blip of time” in the eternal existence of our souls, which makes me ask questions of deep importance to me, because I still have no answer at all for any of them, like i.e. in the beginning of time there were at most few thousands of humans on earth, where have the billions we are today come from, if nobody ever really dies? Than – related to this is the next, or that there must be the way to create new individuals/souls and attached to this why is the Vatican baptizing every newborn if they were already baptized in their previous life, does baptism have an expiration date? BUT the most important of all is the one about giving birth to a “brand new” individual/soul, what are the signs? Can anyone tell if their baby is someone who never ever existed before?? I’m sure that theologians and priests can only smile at these questions, but if you know their answers you are cordially invited to post them here or message me, using the tool on the right.
Anyway I remain shocked by the terror and deep fear we humans have of “sister death” I understand that it used to be needed to have in order to populate our planet, BUT what about now that our natural resources, agricultural skills and cattle management have reached the top of our abilities?
Please don’t say that this is the reason why we have tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes eruptions and other things of that nature…….
This would be so stupid that even a dumb ass like me (unable to produce a neuropsychological assessment 3 times in a row) refuses to consider any of them.
Maybe this is the very reason why St. Francis is a Saint, he had death as sister, but hey, how many saints are we going to have today? I can already count by myself at least a dozen – without considering the plenty quantum physicists around….
Let’s talk a little about the absence of fear of death, because I see that while mine is very primitive that of the others I just named is much deeper, scientific and carries very important differences, so let me try to make this list:
·         Saint Francis was all based on his very profound Catholic religion that gave him absolutely  no doubt that he had a soul for real that after his death would join afterlife where he would meet not only Jesus Christ and his mother, but plenty other people he knew and met while living.
·         Iacopo is convinced that the day everyone will understand that the way we live our lives will cause any war and criminal act disappear overnightand this from an atheist who doesn’t believe in the existence of the soul……..
·         Robert Lanza, much like the quantum physicists base their beliefs in this field in rigorous scientific studies with experimentations
·         Me, dumb ass Carlo imprisoned by conservatorship that bases the personal very solid belief in the idea of having met with Jesus Christ and made an agreement with Him during the 2 months long coma.
Now, I realize that my links aren’t of the usual number, but I do invite you to spend little time watching both the Youtube I put below and that of my previous post both really very well made.
I’m hoping that my readers know of my belief that each of us is his own God, therefore – as my own God – allow me to predict (from my dumb ass point of view) without naming names those who shall best do something to correct their wrongs while living here on Earth (too bad nothing can be done from a coffin) I’m simply going to put the initials of those who best repair their wrong-doings while alive…. you’ll understand who you are, but nobody else!
Here we go:
·         T.Ns.
·         M.Wt.
·         E.Ld.
·         J.Fm.
·        B. 

Only 5 people?? If I can think longer, I may come up with someone else, however please consider this my gift to you…..there’s still time to fix your wrongs before you’ll die (like everyone in the entire world).


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