
Wednesday, October 25, 2017


OK, this must be the third or fourth post on the same subject, but it's very hard for me to let it go, it's being talked about more often than not in addition I feel that I shall dedicate this post to both Michele and Iacopo, the first one because she believes that death is the end of it all and therefore this is what’s going to be for her, the second because he believes that he’s going to be born again without any memory whatsoever to ever have lived a life before, curiously however Iacopo never told me anything about the time between death and rebirth, I mean is this an instantaneous process that takes place in the complete vacuum of everything or is there some type of awareness in this process? (please comment here below Iacopo ).
What I find it to be beyond interesting (already wrote it here) is not only that most of the quantum scientific/physics discoveries do carbon copy all that the catholic have known and believed in for about 2K years and give the scientific (measurable and repeatable) evidence of what most religions on earth have been promising for at least a couple thousand years, but are now – with my great surprise – realizing to have named few of the entities – or processes and discoveries – with names that sound too scientific, therefore confusing people who are interested in this work.
What I refer to is the word consciousness that translated in my mother language is “coscienza” that’s very much used by Catholics when they want to refer to what may happen to it when you commit a sin, or do something wrong.
Now it turns out (look at my well chosen links) that the word and meaning of consciousness is equivalent to the word we Catholics call soul, with the only difference that the first one is located in the brain, while the soul isn’t really in any specific part of our body, it’s simply all the electrical charges used in/by the body (not by the brain only) while living.
Now, it’s kind of silly to make this distinction because we already know that all the electrical charges we use to live (moving, eating, studying etc... etc.… etc...) are generated and come from the brain, however when the micro-charges that form the soul keep the distribution of the body they are separating from while consciousness isn’t really visible to the human eye.

And this is precisely why the two different descriptions aren’t at all different, in other words these 2 names are perfectly interchangeable and many experts in this field know this and explain it in videos like the 2 Youtubes I put here.


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