
Wednesday, April 26, 2017


It just so happens that I had to bear several evaluations from different clowns in this field (with Ph. D. even), starting from the few days after my coming out of my two months long in a coma to several years after. I had to see that these clowns who must all be part of some kind of mafia organization since nobody ever wants to say or put in writing anything at all contrary to what already assessed by someone who had assessed me earlier, especially if one with experience and therefore of some kind of importance (???) what’s beyond ridiculous and surely very sad is that the poor judges who make decisions about the ones being assessed,
One. They have no idea nor any experience to understand what a neuropsychological assessment is
Two. Their IQ/level of intelligence is way below the muddy ground they live on.
Three. I doubt they've ever done themselves this kind of assessment, if so I'd love to see their final score!!!
Therefore anything they do, say and decide is truly borderline criminal, BUT being that these real losers have the honorable title of superior court judges, nobody ever feels right to say a word to contradict the crap that they spew out of their mouths.
I truly wish that this mafia could have worked for the assessments made to me by a fairly renowned neuropsychologist who interviewed me few weeks after my “awakening” or that the one done by a fairly unknown clown of this tipe in the middle of the California's wild lands, who both – in fact - never mentioned the word “conservator”, in addition I had a fairly long evaluation (sadly not an assessment) from a highly respected UCLA psychologist who did put in writing that he doesn’t see the need for me to be imprisoned under the huge powers (too many) of a legal thief/conservator.
Again I can say that it’s very clear the lack of minimal intelligence of these high court judges, simply because they listen only to the mafia belonging clowns.
 They’ve all decided it’s best for me to be imprisoned like I’m a serial killer in “at home arrest”
The fact that sadly I know damn well the way they are all going to spend their eternities after they'll die, but this really doesn’t help my mood to improve of a micron, because every cent these judges authorize to be paid to these conservators-losers for doing less than nothing to help me, is one cent less that my children/treasures will inherit from me, when in several more decades I’ll pass over.
What helps me feel somewhat better however is to know precisely what kind of effects the high court judges, the conservators and their ignorant attorneys’ will experience soon, but not on themselves, rather to whomever they love or feel to be close to.
In fact I can tell that – after having had a lengthy email conversation with a former attorney very close to Jesus – I now understand that our father God truly is like a father to us, simply because fathers do feel a love infinitely large for their children (us) BUT what may any father do when his child behaves criminally, steals cars and other valuables or – worse – uses drugs? Well, any father who really loves his child will try to disapprove in any visible way he can or lightly punish the child, but no way a real dad will ever give a real hard time to his own child (I’m both guessing and  hoping) the same is for our creator, otherwise can anyone explain the reason why when Jesus died on the cross an earthquake destroyed the town of Jerusalem where even today the Jews go  as pilgrims to the wall of tears and what about that war that's about never-ending in that area? Not to even mention the atrocities that Jews had to live through in more recent history? This last personal concept is very much questioned by both theologians and people of faith but since is based on true facts I’m still waiting for someone who can convince me that I’m wrong.
Staying in the "facts" area I want to guess that we can see very well see that the Santa Barbara high court judge has punished herself already, she wouldn’t be as ugly as she is, I bet that nobody can guess how she wipes her a..   when she’s done with her extra-large toilet seat, same for the Ventura judge, does anyone cares to tell me how crappy his family life is because of his own doing?
As for my first conservator she’s a woman who chose to be a sex-object for a man who not only will never marry her but there’s the fact that she’ll never give birth to any child, her business (yes being a conservator is a business for her!) will very soon go into a scary bankruptcy, she’ll be losing all of her “friends” (friends only for their own financial advantage) and will be forced to move into a shack.
As for my current conservator, he has daughters who will be eliminated with a lungs infection that although it will be quickly taken care of with strong antibiotics, this will dangerously weaken their overall immune system bringing them to a quick death.
Let me stop here and say nothing at all, about the attorneys who support the conservators but paid by the conservatee’s what our father Jesus will do to their beloved ones is something I don’t want to guess at all………. Too sad and upsetting……..our Holy Father’s powers are immense HOWEVER please remember that all I just described isn’t something the God will do directly to us, his children, as I’ve been saying here more than once. 
It’ll be our own brains that have immense powers and once it'll be realized the injustices that our free will and sick logic have done will make all this bad happen to those we love and care for, just like it happened to the Minister in Italy named Aldo Moro(go look at my post about that minister and never forget that all the links below are carefully chosen after hours  of search). P.S. what I just described here comes from dreams I've been having, that I decided to consider to be  true predictions of what's about to happen, simply because I've seen my dreams becoming true several times since my coma, therefore if you want to, feel free to consider what I just wrote here the unbalanced expressions of a poor brain-injured man, if you instead choose to take action based on my predictions, you can protect your loved ones and secure to yourself an afterlife of peace and prosperity.


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