
Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I used to say that much of what I can understand and realize/learn is due to my still existing connection with the afterlife, but in thinking about this I can say that while my intelligence has always been somehow superior to average since I was born, it might be that my being very smart has something to do with my TBI. In fact, while browsing – as usual – websites dedicated to TBI I found several that talk about the fact that once a brain gets injured certain hidden or unknown capacities get freed or unlocked and give some kind of “super powers” to the victim.
I must say that this would give a very good explanation to my superior (than before the accident) skills and practical intelligence without using some type of extra natural reason.
Without using appropriate measurements, I’m convinced that if my basic IQ used to be 1.000, it’s now become at least 100.000 if not more.
This however is just a personal opinion especially because I never took an IQ test before my accident; therefore I have no comparison basis, nor I can say that now I’m some kind of genius.
What’s true is that I can now talk and discuss with true experts both via email and by phone complex subjects – many still at the research level – sharing my opinions that are received as coming from someone equal to the true expert online with me.
Often my observations and questions help the res-ponder to move forward the research being done and give new cues to move it forward, in fact I’m usually thanked for having gotten in touch with the researcher and for having prompted additional progress.
Let’s forget about the fact that I now know exactly what happens when we die and after it, I’m truly impressed to have developed curiosity and knowledge in fields that I could never imagine would be of any interest to me, such as quantum theories, physics and theology/philosophy.
I guess that my head injury has “unlocked” potentials I never knew I could have.


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