
Saturday, August 06, 2016


Friends, family and acquaintances keep telling me to go out of my room/prison at the Villa instead than spending dozens of hours at my PC watching movies, to this I say that while it’s true that I watch plenty movies (look at my 68 movie review posts I’ve posted here)  I do spend countless hours researching the internet for anything new that might be useful to TBI recovery, in fact here is what I had found few weeks ago:

After I filled out the request to participate to their trial, I received a call from a very nice man who informed me that their trial requires for me to have drilled a hole in my skull, which made me smile, given that’s still very visible the place where my skull was cracked open by the surgeons who were working on reducing the blood pressure in my brain that was killing neurons by the truckload.
I was explained of the need to make a hole in my skull is because the stem cells must be injected in my brain directly and I believe that this system to put stem cells directly where they need to go is what makes this trial even more interesting to an ignorant in this field as I am.
In fact I remember reading about injecting stem cells in a vein of the arm, I guess in hope that by entering the normal blood circulation in the body, eventually (cross your fingers, as it’s always done in medicine).
Anyway few days ago I received by FedEx a number of sheets with medical questions about me and my history plus a return FedEx prepaid envelope to return the questionnaire completed, I felt it appropriate to put in a CD containing all the SPECT scans and MRI ever done to my brain since I had the accident (remote history now) when my package was received I received a call from the same man who had initially called to thank me for all I had done that far with the additional request for other med. Documents from the hospital that took care of me right after the accident (Cottage) and from the M.D.’s who took care of me after I was released from the hospital and here is when I had the clear sign that my wife Michele still cares/loves me, in fact I received her email (no email communication of any kind from her in at least 9 years!) telling me that she’s going to take care of putting together this information.
Although I know that some of you will think that my brain shows how badly it’s injures for saying that I want to believe that this is yet another example that Jesus is helping me, I have the strong feeling (as strong as my hope) that I’ll be spending some time in SFO where my wife’s family lives since many years.
The way I see this is that even if it’ll be a waste for me to try this (still) experimental way to “fix” a brain when it’s injured, at least I’ll be in a beautiful city of the States, close to the “American” part of my family  and finally out of my Villa room/prison.
All I ask is for you to cross your fingers for my success in this trial and put the hand without the fingers crossed in your wallet to help me out.
Of course as I listen to what this video explains I cannot stop my mind to fly to the reason that explain why the ((still) forbidden perispinal Enbrel isn't a standard to treat TBI already not only in this country but all over the world too (Venezuela excluded).
An entire new post is coming soon about money and its worthiness while we live AND after death.


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